The Early Show : WJZ : September 28, 2010 7:00am-9:00am EDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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wicked weather. scorching heat bakes southern california, as temperatures rise to a record-breaking 113 degrees. while in the midwest, floodwaters continue to keep residents from their homes. replacing rahm. with just five weeks before election day, the white house chief of staff is expected to leave his post. as president obama hits the campaign trail to fire up his base. we'll talk with the head much the democratic party about what this could mean in november. and a family fight. an indiana couple could be forced to give up the son they've been caring for for three years as they head to court today to battle for the little boy they love. we'll talk with them in an exclusive interview "early" this tuesday morning, september 2th, 2010. captioning funded by cbs

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much of the country waking up to extreme weather, including us here in new york city. good morning, everyone. i'm maggie rodriguez. >> and we got soaked around here yesterday. good morning, everyone i'm harry smith. of course in the midwest there's still a lot of cleanup and a lot of water piled up all over the place there. and the big story, then turns out to be in southern california. california, a record-breaking heat wave making l.a. feel more like death valley. in downtown los angeles yesterday, thermometers topped out at 113 degrees, an all-time high. more than 30,000 customers lost power. and the l.a. department of water and power says it recorded its highest-ever demand for electricity. "early" show national correspondent hattie kauffman reports. >> reporter: talk about scorching. los angeles topped out at 113

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degrees, the hottest day in l.a. history. it edged out the previous record set in 1990 by one degree. >> i'm going to melt. >> quite frankly, you can feel your skin searing in the heat of it. >> reporter: normally cool air blows in offshore but a high pressure system trapped the heat, which is not good news for firefighters battling several brushfires. >> the wind, heat and the humidity will carry fire brands to receptive fuel beds, and it will produce wildfire. and so what we're asking people to do is to be prepared. >> reporter: the heat spread across california. where triple digits were recorded throughout the state. >> it was like walking into an oven. >> reporter: beaches offered some relief. >> we thought it would be a good time to get away with family go to the beach. >> reporter: today is supposed to be a bit cooler in the west. hattie kauffman, cbs news, los angeles. >> we want to go to our dave price right now for a look at whether the heat wave is going to continue. >> well, you know here's what we're expecting, harry. the heat is going to begin to

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expand. all the way up to places like redding, california, into northern california. and it's going to begin to push in eastward. so places like vegas and reno and into sections of arizona, there you may still see some record-setting heat. but, we are going to begin to see some alleviation of some of that extreme heat in los angeles. the sensor at downtown l.a. broke yesterday, after it hit 113. so we'll begin to see this widen out as the air begins to move. but yesterday, it was all locked over southern california. we'll talk about the rest of the extreme weather in just a couple of minutes. maggie, over to you. >> we'll see you then, dave. we move to politics. as president obama hits the campaign trail again today, another top adviser is expected to step down. this time, it's his right-hand man. cbs news senior white house correspondent bill plante has the details. bill, good morning. >> good morning to you, maggie. the president heads to madison, wisconsin, today for a big rally aimed at getting younger voters to the polls. and, it looks as though one of his top lieutenants, rahm

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emanuel, may be out the door very soon. cbs news has learned that white house chief of staff rahm emanuel may leave the white house as soon as friday. emmanuel has long been contemplating a run for mayor of chicago, and a source says he is close to a decision. >> hello, milwaukee! >> reporter: the president will travel to the midwest today, to campaign for democratic senator russ feingold, who's trailing in the polls. but feingold himself will be nowhere in sight. part of the reason the president's approval rating now well below 50%. >> the president is just a polarizing figure right now. on another broader level this is not a year to be identified with the political establishment. no matter which party you're in. >> reporter: so bad that many democrats like two-term house member jason altmire of pennsylvania never mention their party, only their independence. >> i like that jason altmire is not afraid to stand up to the president. >> reporter: even if they don't want to be seen with the president, democrats do want the money he's raising, over $65 million so far this year.

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but the money won't help if democrats don't bother to vote. so the focus of the president's campaign is to try to recreate the rock-star image which drove the so-called surge voters to the polls. the estimated 15 million who voted because he was the candidate. it's a point the president drove home in a conference call with college journalists. >> you can't sit it out. you can't suddenly just check in once every ten years or so on an exciting presidential election, and then not pay pa tension during big midterm elections. >> reporter: so that's the strategy. and that's the reason for big rallies like today's in madison on college campuses. getting the democrats out to vote. it's not so much about the candidates, it's about the voters. maggie? >> bill plante in washington. bill, thank you. also in washington this morning, for an exclusive interview is tim kaine, chairman of the democratic national committee and the former governor of virginia. good morning governor. >> maggie, nice to be with you. >> the timing of this suspected

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rahm emanuel announcement is less than ideal. here we are five weeks to election day. just a few weeks ago we heard the president say he expected emanuel to stick it out until after the election. what message do you think this is sending to the electorate if yet another key member bails now? >> maggie, i think folks will understand. i'm going to let rahm emanuel make the decision and make the announcement when he wants to. but if he goes ahead and makes the decision to run for the mayorship of chicago, i think people will understand, it's a very important position and it's one that he's certainly thought about for a long time. and given the timing of that spot being up candidates who want to run for mayor are going to have to declare fairly soon. so i don't expect that that's going to have any impact on the november elections. >> the president's going to be back at the university of wisconsin tonight, hoping to rally the voters. you yourself have admitted this is a huge experiment. last time he was there during the presidential campaign he drew 17,000 people. what if tonight, governor the rally is a dud and this actually backfires? >> well, i don't think that's going to happen. i think the rally's going to be great. you know we all -- >> what if it doesn't?

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>> well, it's going to be fine. we all confront the fact that midterm election is not the same as a presidential election. but every sign that i was getting from folks on the ground, in madison yesterday was that the rally's going to be great. it's going to be outdoors in a beautiful setting and it's going to be his effort to again, start to really clearly define the choice for voters this november. and talk specifically to college students about the fact that the administration has really paid attention to their issues. student loans, health care for young people credit card reform students turned out in record numbers. and we haven't forgotten about their issues we've addressed them. >> the democratic candidate in that state is not going to be at the president's side. do you think that the president has become a liability, rather than an asset for these candidates? and if not how do you explain the fact that russ feingold is not bothering to show up? >> maggie i think that is the case that senator feingold will not be there. but there are other statewide candidates, the gubernatorial candidate and others who will be there. candidates make their own decisions about these things.

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what i do know for this is the key for us in the midterms is having democrats turn out to the polls. we have strong registration advantages in many states, including wisconsin. and there is nobody who can better energize democratic voters than president obama. so that's the purpose of this rally and others to come in the next few weeks. >> right now though at least according to the chairman of the republican party in wisconsin, independent voters are breaking 2-1 in favor of republicans. do you think the president is the man who can turn that around? given his low approval rating right now? >> well, you have to address the issues that republicans care about. so, for example, the deficit is one. and the white house has got a nonpartisan deficit commission going, with republicans proposing strategies like the tax cut strategy that would double the deficit. the real issue for us in these rallies is about democratic voters. we know that wisconsin and other states have strong registration of democratic voters and we just need to make them aware of the importance of these elections. >> governor tim kaine, thank you so much. >> okay, maggie. >> erica hill is at the news desk and she's got the rest of this morning's headlines.

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>> good tuesday morning to you. good morning, everyone at home. afghan president hamid karzai breaking down during an emotional speech this morning. he was at ceremonies for literacy day in kabul and became tearful in talking about how bombings and violence are preventing children from going to school and how he fears the young people will abandon afghanistan. karzai also said he fears his own son will become a foreigner if he flees the country. an american soldier is being held this morning in the deaths of two fellow americans in iraq. the defense department says an argument broke out between four soldiers last thursday. specialist neftaly platero allegedly took his weapon and began shooting. specialist john carillo and also private first class gebrah noonan were killed. a fourth soldier was killed. in north korea apparent plans to transfer power from father to son. this morning leader kim jong-il made his 28-year-old son, his

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youngest kim jong-un a four-star general. that's believed to be the first step in kim's succession plans. the elder kim became leader in 1994 after his own father died. this morning the 68-year-old was also reappointed head of his party. and rescue efforts resume this morning for mudslide victims in colombia. they were buried in this giant mudslide on monday as many as 30 people on a bus are believed to be trapped. an unusually wet, rainy season sent that mud side -- the mountain side sliding, rather. several homes, as you can imagine, were also destroyed. and a rather bizarre death to report this morning. of the british man who now owns the segway company. you may be familiar with the segway, it sort of looks like an electric scooter. turns out he was found dead at the bottom of a cliff. cbs news correspondent mark phillips has more. >> reporter: the segway has always seemed to defy the laws of nature. a two-wheeled, one-person vehicle, steered by leaning and

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kept upright by a series of gyroscopes. except for some of the time. segway crashes are regular internet entertainment. and a new study at george washington university in washington has found a quarter of the people who fall off the thing sustain serious head injuries. however tricky it is to ride a segway on land it wasn't designed to float. the body of the british man, who like the segway so much he bought the company, was found, along with his machine, in this river near his home in northern england. it had apparently skidded down this steep bank. police say the death is not suspicious. 62-year-old jimi heselden who took over segway ten months ago was a rags to riches story. he was a high school dropout, laid-off coal miner who made a fortune designing and building the portable blast barriers that are filled with rocks and dirt and used extensively by u.s. and other forces in war zones. and a lot of the money he made

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he poured back in to the working-class neighborhood in which he grew up. >> it was just a down-to-earth guy. money meant nothing to jimi. >> i don't think anybody can say a bad word about jimi. >> reporter: but a lot of people are asking whether the machine that was supposed to revolutionize personal transport is as safe as advertised. mark phillips, cbs news, london. there is some good news for job hunters this morning. toys "r" us announcing it will hire about 45,000 workers for the holidays. now that could increase over past seasons. it's also to help staff the 600 additional toys "r" us pop-up stores. the irs won't be mailing out tax forms next year, which will save about $10 million. more than 96 million people filed their returns electronically last year. the forms are available online and at irs offices. turns out pomegranate juice may not be the answer to better health. the ftc has filed complaints against the makers of pommes

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wonderful pomegranate juice saying there is no science to support the company's claim that the product helped prevent certain diseases like cancer and heart disease. the company disagrees with the ftc. ben and jerry's is dropping the phrase all-natural from its label. the move follows a request because the ice cream contains alkalized cocoa, corn syrup, hydrogenated oil and some other ingredients that are perhaps not natural. dave price is standing by with a check o o

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that's a quick look at your

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weather picture. we're also watching some weather which may affect florida, maybe a tropical storm nicole into the future. harry? >> all right, thanks very much dave. now to the merger of two of the country's largest discount airlines. southwest is going to buy air tran for $1.4 billion. the combined carrier will serve more than 100 million customers a year. and what is that going to mean for you? cbs news business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis joins us now. good morning. >> good morning, harry. >> southwest has those great commercials, and mourn the bags that have to go on other airlines that get charged for. air tran charges for bags. southwest does not. what's going to happen when they merge? >> the policy, no baggage fees. that's a new company. so once these two companies get together and everything is copacetic and they make everything, the deal goes through by 2012 you're not going to see those $20, $25 baggage fees as an air tran customer. instead it's free across the board for anybody flying

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southwest. which the new company will be southwest. >> there you go. that's so nice. on the other hand this is really interesting. emblematic of a huge trend in the business world. a lot of businesses are not expanding, per se they're just buying other businesses. >> such a good point. what we're seeing right now is that companies in corporate america have about $1.8 trillion to spend. they're spending it on purchases like these, like southwest buying air tran. >> let's talk about routes a little bit. what's going to happen as these two -- because these are pretty considerable-sized carriers. not the biggest, but serve a lot of customer. how many million customers. what's going to happen with routes? >> when these two companies come together it will be the fourth largest airline in the country. they will be the biggest provider out of atlanta, which is the world's largest airport. and southwest says they can save consumers about $200 million a year in tickets, just out of atlanta. so you see the prices in atlanta likely going down on ticket prices. where you might see prices going up is in orlando and in baltimore, where there's some overlap in the two company's businesses. less competition for tickets

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usually means higher prices for tickets. >> so overall, from a consumer standpoint what should be the feeling out there? >> i think ultimately the feeling should be that this is the direction things are moving in. but we also know that prices on tickets for airlines just tend to be moving up. and last year they were up $45 a ticket. >> all right, rebecca jarvis as always, thank you so much. now here's maggie. >> all right harry, thank you. coming up a couple's bitter fight to keep the 3-year-old boy they thought they'd adopted. we'll speak with them in an exclusive interview. also possible new developments this morning in the jonbenet ramsey case. could police finally be closer to solving the crime? and the latest on lindsay lohan. why she may be headed back to rehab. voluntarily this time. you're watching "the early show" on cbs. in the science of color with quattron. by adding a fourth color -- yellow... yellow. banana. the standard rgb color system quattron produces more colors... banana! ...and makes images brighter. banana! banana! when seen in 3d -- whoa! whoa! aah! quattron

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stories like this come up from time to time. you hear about an adoption that sort of goes awry. a couple in downstate indiana adopt this beautiful little boy. he's 3 years old. not long after the adoption took place the biological father petitioned and said i want my son. they've been fighting this basically on and off for three years now. a big court decision that will likely be handed down today. and what will happen with this little child is at stake and we're going to talk to the parents in just a bit. >> also ahead, there seems to be movement in the jonbenet ramsey case. reports are police in boulder have reinterviewed her brother. we'll talk about that ahead here on "the early show." >> this portion of "the early show" sponsored by mercedes-benz. experience truly great engineering today at your authorized dealer. or 60 to 0? [ tires screech ] the quarter-mile, or a quarter-century? is performance about the joy of driving? or the importance... of surviving?

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i got an egg [pop] i got gumm

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it's 7:25 now. er it's a humid and wet day's start. we'll have the traffic after the first warning weather. let's go to the first warning doppler weather radar. we've had steady if not heavy rain during the early morning hours. er we're now looking at a good pocket of rain to the west of columbia. it may be a light thunderstorm. we have the zesty thunderstorms out in western maryland now. in the next five minutes, a severe thunderstorm warning for allegany county. and that's as of yet and the forecast today, it's all depending on getting the rain out of here and getting sunshine in.

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and we're in the low 70s and we'll be in the low 80s for later on. now, over to sharon gibala. and hey, there, marty, still a big mess on the beltway. this is past 795 and still blocking two right lanes and an accident still working 295 between 895 and 695. and another one in glenn oak at white head court and a pedestrian struck there and one in the city at bel air road. and police activity between norfolk and fair view and a downed polethere. and big delays on 795. there's a look at the drive times and speeds and there's a look at the outside. and this traffic report is brought to you by h.h. greg.

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charges dropped against a local motorcyclist facing felony charges for his encounter with the police. andrea fujii has more. >> reporter: good morning, don, the judge threw out the charges yesterday. the 24-year-old recorded his traffic stop on i-95 with his helmet camera. he faces felony charges and a decade in prison for posting the video on youtube. but the judge threw out the four counts of. an indictment upholding the public's right to record actions with the police officers. back to you. the johns hopkins surgeon shot in the abdomen is back home. he was released from hopkins yesterday after a man shot and

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killed his mother, the doctor and himself. stay with wjz-13. up next, new details in the john benen bge's instant discounts got our homeowner to switch to energy star® cfl bulbs. 3-way cfls really click with my style. learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at

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nice crowd outside. on a soggy tuesday here in new york city. welcome back to "the early show," everybody. coming up, rumors are flying once again about lindsay lohan. this time she may voluntarily go back into rehab. but she is doing it -- or is she doing it is the question for the right reasons. or is she just trying to influence the judge who could send her back to jail? we'll have the latest on the troubled star. >> we'll also bring you up to date on a possible new development in the search of the killer of jonbenet ramsey in colorado. she was killed almost 14 years ago, and now we're getting reports that police in boulder are trying to speak with her brother, who was just 9 years old at the time of the murder. he's 23 now, and we're going to bring you the latest on this

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potential new development. >> but first a family from indiana is in the middle of an emotional and contentious battle fighting to try to keep the little boy they thought they had adopted. we're going to speak to them in just a moment. but first, cbs news national correspondent jeff glor has their story. jeff, good morning. >> harry, good morning. when jason and christy vaughn brought home a baby boy from ohio they thought their family was complete. but later today they could be told to return the boy they've raised and called their son. almost three years ago, jason and christy vaughn thought a dream was realized when they became the happy adopted parents of a little boy they named grayson. an ohio woman had given birth to him but christy was the first to hold him. >> it was just her and i, the birth mom. it was just amazing. >> reporter: just weeks after the vaughn's brought their baby home to join their family they were stunned by this news grayson's estranged biological father petitioned ohio courts for custody of his son. >> so i never thought we would

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come to this. i never in my mind ever imagined that we would be here. >> reporter: the vaughns were ordered by a judge to return grayson to his biological father, but they maintained custody after filing an appeal. in what's become a fierce three-year legal battle. >> the chief problem here, and in a lot of adoption cases is that the courts just take too long to get to a final resolution. a child is not a christmas present that can be regifted if the recipient isn't happy. it's been three years. the child's obviously bonded with this family. and to take him away now would be devastating for everybody involved. >> reporter: jason and christy will appear in court later today, where they fear they'll have to surrender grayson, leaving them to contemplate how they'll tell their younger daughter and older son grayson is going away. >> how do you answer the question, is he going to go to our school? is he going to ride my bus? >> the attorney for the biological father has said courts have ruled in his client's favor, and he says the case should not be tried in the media.

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harry? >> jeff, thanks very much. joining us now exklusively from louisville, kentucky, are christy and jason vaughn. thank you for taking the time to speak with us today. this -- when you barely have this child home when the court is petitioned from the biological father to get little grayson back. was there a part of you, at the time, that thought, well, you know, maybe this is not to be and we'll just let this child go? go back to his biological -- or go to his biological father? >> when we got the news the first thing we did, is we prayed about it. and we talked to our lawyers and we talked to the birth mother and the birth mother said it's my right to put the child up for adoption. this is what i want. i want him to be with you. and so we reached out to the birth father tried to have a conversation with him. and he wouldn't talk to us. and so from that point forward we, you know, we looked at the laws on the books and the laws say if a birth father has abandoned the birth mother during her pregnancy, then his

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consent is not required. and so that's what we've been standing on from the beginning. >> and why has the ohio court then not upheld what you just say is the law? >> i think that's the million dollar question. and harry, it's not just me. the chief justice in the dissent of the ohio supreme court said that there's nothing in the adoption statutes that allow for a birth father to attack the adoption statute simply by stressing paternity. what's supposed to happen is a birth father is supposed to support a baby during a pregnancy and there's supposed to be a hearing immediately after to determine whether or not he did support the birth mother during the pregnancy. that trial never happened. the trial was stayed and the adoption was dismissed without a hearing. the statutes weren't followed and the lady that just spoke on your program is exactly right. the statistic outs are designed so that these problems don't drag out for three years. the statutes are designed so there's a hearing early on and that establishes whether the father has rights to object. in this case the justices simply ignored the law. >> kissty what has this been

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like for your family? >> it's just -- i can't even really put it into words. i mean, we so scared we're going to lose our baby. you know i've got two other children. i've got to explain this to. how are they going to be okay with losing their brother? i just want to ask if there's a congressman, a judge, a senator, the ohio governor the indiana governor, please get involved. please. i am begging you. this is our family. >> jason, last september the indiana court basically decided in your favor. what did they decide exactly? >> well the indiana court took a look at what was going on in the ohio juvenile court. see, the ohio juvenile court had ordered a visitation unsupervised visitation with the birth father but they had not done a home study, they had not done a background chick, they had not done the changes -- >> risk assessment. >> they had

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we done have severe weather like yesterday afternoon during the noon hour. nontheless, we're continuing to see the rain coming through the

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area and rainin up next, might there be a break in the 14-year-old jonbenet ramsey murder case? we'll tell you when we return. this is "the early show" on cbs. tal to follow my passion for food. i saw a gap in the market for a fresh culinary brand and launched we create and broadcast content and then distribute it across tv, the web, and via mobile. i even use the web to get paid. with acceptpay from american express open we now invoice advertisers and receive payments digitally. and i get paid on average three weeks faster. booming is never looking for a check in the mail. because it's already in my email.

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it is perhaps the most infamous unsolved mystery of the past 20 years. who killed jonbenet ramsey? boulder, colorado police detectives are now reportedly meeting or trying to meet with her brother, 23-year-old burke. he was only 9 when she was murdered back in december of 1996. joining us this morning is lawrence schiller, contributor to "the daily beast" and author of one of the definitive books on the ramsey case, "perfect murder, perfect town." he's also the founder of the norman mailer writers colony. good morning, lawrence. >> good morning. >> we called the ramsey family attorney. he says that burke has not been questioned. but your sources are telling you that police, in fact are trying to question him. >> i was in denver yesterday by pure coincidence and i called some people in boulder and they said the police had sent on their business cards and asked if his time permitted if he could get in touch with them. >> he was 9 years old at the time of the crime.

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he was questioned and exonerated back then. why would they be trying to question him again 14 years later? >> well you have to remember number one he was, as you said 9 years old, frail kid. not very large in size. the sister was younger. there's a lot of evidence that has still been unexplained over the years. footprints have been identified but some have not. hand prints and palm prints have been identified in the room where her body was found. some still not. in essence, the body was placed there. it wasn't dragged in. and then it was wrapped in a blanket. now, if he was, you know a witness to some event that night, something that may, in essence, now connect with something else, you have to remember, this murder took place in a community which was embarrassed by it. wasn't prepared for it. did not have a history of violence. the police are never going to give up on this case. there's no statute of limitation on murder. >> in other words, they may have

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discovered some new evidence that wouldn't necessarily make this 9-year-old boy a suspect, but to which he could possibly speak. >> that's correct. he was exonerated by dna, by many, many methods that the police used at that point. but the question is, in his own mind now this many years away has he locked away the facts of this murder? has he in essence, put it in a room, closed the door and doesn't want to think about it? so how helpful can he be? you know, just because questions are unanswered, that doesn't mean somebody is withholding the answer. >> they may just not know it. >> that's exactly right. >> right now boulder police are not commenting on this. the ramseys are denying through their attorney that this is taking place. >> right. >> does that surprise you? >> no, because if there is a real lead, nobody's going to tell you about it. >> okay. we'll continue to stay on top of it. lawrence schiller, thanks so much. coming up next is lindsay lohan trying to rehab her image? we'll have the latest on the troubled star here on "the early show" on cbs."! weren't you just wishing for something more nutritious to eat? i was! well you could enjoy the taste of decadent dark chocolate, the crunch of almonds,

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plus 35% of your daily fiber... plus antioxidants in a kellogg's fiber plus bar. mmmm. right then. two more wishes? i'm good. oh. back to the lamp then. see ya! [ female announcer ] kellogg's fiber plus bars. you couldn't wish for more. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] ever have morning pain slow you down? introducing bayer am an extra strength pain reliever with alertness aid to fight fatigue. so get up and get goin'! with new bayer am. the morning pain reliever. words alone aren't enough. our job is to listen and find ways to help workers who lost their jobs to the spill. i'm iris cross.

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we'll keep restoring the jobs, tourist beaches, and businesses impacted by the spill. we've paid over $400 million in claims and set up a $20 billion independently-run claims fund. i was born in new orleans. my family still lives here. i'm gonna be here until we make this right. ♪ ♪ i love my grandma. i love you grandma. grandma just makes me happy. ♪ to know, know, know you ♪ grandma

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is the bestest. the total package. grandpa's cooooooooool. way cool. ♪ ♪ grandpa spoils me rotten. ♪ to know, know, know you ♪ ♪ is to love... ♪ some people call us frick and frack. we do finger painting. this is how grandpa and i roll. ♪ and i do ♪ [ pins fall ] grandma's my best friend. my best friend ever. my best friend ever. ♪ ♪ [ laughing ] [ boy laughs ] ♪ to know, know, know you ♪ after this we're gonna get ice cream. can we go get some ice cream? yeah. ♪ and i do ♪ ♪ and i do ♪ ♪ and i do ♪ lindsay lohan is out on

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bail, and is expected to be back in court at the end of october. but it's what she may do between now and then that has some people questioning her motives. cbs news tara mergener has the story. >> reporter: free on bail lindsay lohan will lakely be checking in to rehab any moment. celebrity website radar online reports she's considering the betty ford clinic. although she is reportedly in denial about being an addict. >> i don't think she thinks she's as sick as other people think she is. >> reporter: even so volunteering to go to rehab could be a smart legal strategy. >> when she goes back in front of the judge, she can argue, i'm starting to clean up you don't have to give me more rehab time. you can trust me. >> reporter: before earning that trust, she is required to wear this alcohol monitoring bracelet. it's part of the deal that allowed her to post bail and leave jail friday after just nine hours behind bars. since then she's been busy. on sunday lohan visited a los angeles shelter where she met with families and handed out

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purses to teenagers. shortly after leaving, lohan tweeted her fans about the experience. what a great place the dream center is here in l.a. had a nice time there today. it is so important to give back. i feel blessed. >> lindsay has gone from being in jail, to being out of jail to suddenly being sort of a mother teresa-like figure in nothing but a span of three days. >> reporter: some in hollywood question the motive behind her sudden acts of kindness. >> it's no secret in holly kood that lindsay lohan is damaged goods. the question is can she repair herself and repair her image so that people will feel confident enough to hire her? >> reporter: she's still signed on to play porn star linda lovelace in "inferno." >> she's the best actress for the part and you know we are still totally behind her and want her to be the lead. >> reporter: though the role lohan most likely wants is that of a free woman. tara mergener, for cbs news.

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>> and there are also reports that lindsay is trying to cash in on her notoriety. according to she was shopping around a picture of her wearing her alcohol monitoring bracelet, and reportedly wanted $10,000 for the shot. >> that would not be good. >> the saga continues. >> if she goes to rehab all the experts we talk to say she's got to commit to it for the full 90 days. she can't say i'm going to do this and then bail. that would be counterproductive. >> and who's to really know what her motives are in terms of her goodworks, right? >> as long as she gets better. >> we'll be right back.

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♪ ♪ get up, get moving. subway has breakfast. and it's a slam dunk. i like my breakfast sandwich with green peppers, onion, banana peppers and mustard. i like eggs with black forest ham on wheat. with everything. i like a little kick. that's a good call. i like mine with egg whites. and... a napkin. [ male announcer ] have you built your better breakfast? now's the time! try our better-for-you western egg white muffin melt or the dee-licious double bacon egg and cheese on toasty flatbread. subway. build your better breakfast.

7:51 am

bob ehrlich pretends to be for the working guy... but he's not on our side. i thought i knew bob ehrlich but then i found out... he raised property taxes on every maryland family... and business. he increased college tuition... by 40%. 40%. and i thought i knew bob ehrlich. he was against raising the minimum wage. made $2.5 million... working for a lobbying firm. $2.5 million? he's not really on my side. with this tough economy, we really need a governor on our side. ma'am, can you identify the other airline that charged you bag fees? that's it. that one...right there. exactly how much did the other airlines make off with? ♪ ♪ it was like $25. was that one-way? or roundtrip? roundtrip. $50? did you have a second bag? yes. mm! it was $35. that's $120 roundtrip.

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[ gasps ] oh! ah! ♪ ♪ [ ding ]

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[ boy ] there's something new inside your mcdonald's happy meal. where? it's really good. do you see it? it's called hope. hope? yeah. hope. i don't see any hope. i don't see any hope in here. you can't see it there, but you can see it here... 'cause every time you get a happy meal or a mighty kids meal some of the money goes to ronald mcdonald house charities. to help lots of kids and families. hope's good! happy meals. the simple joy of helping. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] it can creep up on you. dry skin. that's why there's lubriderm® daily moisture. it contains the same nutrients naturally found in healthy skin. skin absorbs it better and it lasts for 24 hours. later gator. lubriderm. your moisture matched. for those of us who have lactose intolerance, let's raise a glass to cookies just out of the oven. to the morning bowl of cereal. and to lactaid® milk. easy to digest and with all the calcium and vitamin d of regular milk. [ female announcer ] lactaid®. the original lactose-free milk.

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i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. the real andy harris. buried in his website - a promise to replace the tax code with a 23% sales tax and eliminate the mortgage interest deduction. a bush tax panel said families would pay $6,000 more a year. a reagan tax advisor calls it a very dumb idea. but that's not his only bad idea. harris was the only senator to vote against

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expanding the child care tax credit and against the state's cancer treatment program. andy harris' extreme ideas will cost us. >> hello, low lying clouds out there. sharon will have the traffic and marty is over in the first warning weather. we'll look at the radar, you may not have showers where you are. and over here on the eastside, look at that, there may be a light thundershower and certainly, heavier, steady rain down moving its way towards rosedale and essex from dundalk. and taking a look at the forecast today. eventuallying we'll get to the clearing and we'll hold off the

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rain for a few hours. and now, over to sharon gibala. hi sharon. and we need to clear up the department past 795 and we have a bunch of accidents working. one on sinclair and bel air. a pedestrian struck there and one in glen oak at white head boulevard and rosedale, a crash on pulaski highway. and police activity in the city. and a downed pole in ole frederick. and 795, 30 minutes and 95 southbound, you're looking at a 13 minute commute and significant delays on the beltway. there's a live look at 795 outside. there's a look at the westside of the beltway. that delay is to the topside of the beltway. and this is brought to you by lexus. you'll find a great value and a

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great lexus. thank you, according to the judges, marylanders have the right to videotape police officers. >> reporter: a 24-year-old air national guard sergeant reported a traffic stop on i-95 with his helmet camera. he faced a decade in prison. and the prosecutors called it a violation of wiretapping laws. and the judge threw out four count of the indictment and upheld the public's right to record the incident. >> >> thank you, and stay with wjz- 13, up next, the mayor of newark, new jersey talks about a plan foror

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welcome back to "the early show" on this tuesday morning. a fantastic crowd out here including some kids and some folks from the children's museum of manhattan. my daughter's favorite place on earth. so important to support your city's local museums. especially kid's museums. because kids have fun and learn a ton. >> it's a great place. and if your daughter gets a little older, and will transfer to the museum of natural history. >> she's kind of getting there already with the dinosaurs. i'm maggie rodriguez with harry smith. coming up in this hour, it captured the country's attention when facebook founder mark

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zuckerberg made an enormous donation to help turn around the failing newark new jersey school system. after all the hoopla it comes down to this man, the mayor of newark, cory booker who is here exclusively this morning. and he has to decide what to do with this. no pressure mayor. >> also ahead, she was a great nurse. now she is "the good wife." most of us first noticed julianna margulies when she played carol hathaway in the medical drama "er." how beautiful. my gosh. now she's starting the second season of the hit legal show "the good wife." she'll tell us what and who we can expect to see in the highly anticipated new season. >> no wonder she won an award. because it's a fantastic show. >> great show. >> but first let's go back inside to erica hill at the news desk. good morning, erica. >> good morning, again. good morning again to everyone at home. floodwaters are expected to reach record levels in southern minnesota today. the minnesota river will likely crest this afternoon, near the town of henderson, breaking a 45-year-old record. officials plan to close area

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roadways at noon east of henderson in the small town of hammond. 75% of the homes were severely damaged by flooding that began last week. you're getting a look at the damage there. residents got their first look yesterday. some say they will move rather than try to rebuild. one of president obama's top advisers may soon be leaving the white house to pursue his own political dreams. cbs news senior white house correspondent bill plante is standing by at the white house this morning. bill, good morning. >> good morning to you, erica. that would be rahm emanuel. the white house chief of staff, who wants to run for mayor of chicago, and we learn that he may leave as early as this coming friday. earlier today, maggie asked the chairman of the democratic party, tim kaine, what this does to the president's aggressive campaign plans to kind of try to keep control of congress. >> i don't really think it's going to affect the party. you know rahm will make his decision as he makes it. then the white house will you know, move forward with other folks in place to make sure that the work of the country's being done.

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>> the president will be campaigning hard over the next five weeks. he's going to try and get those uncommitted voters on campuses like the campus of the university of wisconsin, where he goes today, and madison. the idea is to get the people who voted for him in 2008 to come out again. and the president told "rolling stone" magazine that for those people not to come out, those so-called surge voters would be inexcusable and irresponsible. for the unenthusiastic democrats to sit out the midterm election. he said to "rolling stone" people need to shake off this lethargy and buck up. erica? >> some strong words there. also in that "rolling stone" article i understand the president is perhaps expanding his musical library a little bit? >> it looks like it. we learn in this article there are 2000 tunes on his ipod. we got a look inside stevie wonder bob dylan, you might expect that the stones. but then some of his aides like reggie love and the younger aides have improved his stuff, a

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little more hip. he's got some of the hip-hop artists. and his daughters are getting into the act, too. sharing their musical tastes with him. >> ah i imagine that could include the jonas brothers through everything we've heard about the obama girls. bill plante at the white house thanks. this morning the israeli navy intercepted a ship carrying jewish activists to the gaza strip. nine people were on board the catamaran which was carrying medicines, toys and water purifiers. they were trying to break the israeli blockade. last may israeli commandos fought other activists on board a turkish ship. "titanic" actress gloria stewart has died. her career began long before the 1997 blockbuster. she starred in films in the '30s and fourties but then left acting to pursue painting and printing. she returned for her role in "titanic," making her the oldest acting nominee. >> the china had never been used. the sheets had never been slept in.

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"titanic" was called the ship of dreams. >> gloria stewart died sunday in los angeles at age 100. and now here is dave priceanother check of the weather. mr. price out there, i hear it'ss

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83 degrees is the high today.

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these morning showers will give way to slow clearing this afternoon. if we get this weather report sponsored by farmer's insurance. to find an agent near you go to >> maggie talk about a great event. a brand-new exhibit at the museum, it's actually a tribute to the wizard of oz. great at the children's museum in manhattan. thanks for coming. quick look at your weather picture. mag, inside to you. >> on the upper west side. thank you, dave. up next it's not every day that a city gets a $100 million donation. coming up we'll speak exclusively with the mayor of newark new jersey cory booker about his very generous new facebook friend and his plans for the money, when we return. you're watching the "early" show on cbs.

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recently, sharp made a major leap forward in the science of color with quattron. by adding a fourth color -- yellow... yellow. banana. the standard rgb color system quattron produces more colors... banana! ...and makes images brighter. banana! banana! when seen in 3d -- whoa! whoa! aah! quattron makes tv so realistic... whoa! won't believe your eyes. [ male announcer ] aquos quattron 3d from sharp. [ engineer laughs ] you have to see it, to see it.

8:09 am

[ male announcer ] the new subway flatbread breakfast sandwiches! like the new double bacon & cheese omelet sandwich! they're all new. toasty, tasty, and made to your order. so come and build your better breakfast today at subway! set your pace to island time. rich chocolate over creamy coconut. almond joy and mounds. enjoy more. [ female announcer ] swiffer wetjet absorbs and traps so much dirt you'll never go back to your old mop. [ funny voice ] hey, mop! wanna suck up dirt and grime like swiffer wetjet? then try the absorb-a-straw! now you're gettin' it.

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[ female announcer ] sorry, mop, but swiffer wetjet has a dirt dissolving solution and super absorbent pads that trap and lock dirty water deep inside the gradient core while mops can just spread it around. swiffer cleans better, or your money back. ♪ she blinded me with science ♪ dog: bacon? gotta get that bacon! smokey bacon crispy bacon, tasty bacon! where is it? where is the bacon? tv newscaster: bacon popular story at 11. dog: yummy. crunchy. bacon. bacon. bacon. there, in that bag! mom: who wants a beggin' strip!? dog: me! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum... it's beggin'! hm... i love you! i love bacon! i love you! i love bacon! i love you! beggin' strips! there's no time like beggin' time! share the fun at nearly half the students in the newark new jersey public school system do not graduate high school and the troubled district has been under state

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control for 15 years. but now the founder of facebook says mark zuckerberg is trying to help. as you, i'm sure have heard, he announced a $100 million challenge grant the other day and the mayor of newark cory booker, is here exclusively to talk about the donation. good morning mayor booker. >> good morning. it's good to be here this morning. >> it's good to have you. congratulations, nice gift. >> thank you. it's very tremendous. >> let's talk about whether you actually think they'll get the money firsthand. it wasn't given to you in cash. it was given to you in facebook shares that will have to be sold for cash. is the money going to be there? >> we're pretty confident there's a great demand for facebook stock right now. the stock isn't going to us. >> the shares. >> the shares excuse me are going into facebook's own foundation. and then he will then turn around convert that to cash and give it to the newark public schools. >> so you think you'll have that 100 million. you already have 40 million in cash donation because people are starting to match the 100 million. >> the outpouring of desire in america to find a city that we can really invest resources in to show a real national model for educational reform is

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motivateing a lot of people to come forward. it's not just people matching it. we've got $40 million to match. we're hearing from all around the country, education experts, people with technology others who say let's make this a model district. so a lot of people are very encouraged. because we in america, we've shown that we can create a school that works anywhere. we've shown that we can create replications of that school. but no city has created a school system that serves the genus of all their children. in newark we want to be the first. a lot of people are getting excited about that. we're not like new york with 1.2 million school age children. this is a manageable city. we are 45,000 school age kids and we can do it. >> but will $100 million and $200 million if it becomes that much really be the answer? because you already spend $990 million on education in your city every year. and it's still failing. >> yeah look people need to be honest enough to say now that we in america have shown that increased education spending does not mean increased educational performance. we outspend so many of our competitor nations. but we are way behind them on math, on reading, and the like. so it's not the money you spend.

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it's really how you use the money. and we have a lot of challenges to making sure we can make strategic investment. what this money does is gives us the ability to leverage that money, without strings, to find ways to create changes within the system that are going to produce over the long term dramatic results and outcomes we desire. >> what is the number one change that needs to take place? >> the number one change in all of america because newark is not unique with our achievement levels, newark is every city usa where we've created expectations that really damned our nations as a nation with low expectations. we've seemed to tolerate what is a cancer on our country. which is the low achievement of our young people. it's the biggest national security threat in america is our failure to achieve. >> so what do you do first? >> the first thing you have to do, then, is change the conversation in the country. and we have got to pull people together to support our schools in ways we haven't before. right now, americans drive by public schools every single day and don't give their energy don't give their support, don't

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support their kids so from parents to clergy to community leaders, everybody has got to get involved. it has to be a movement. and so before we start any plans about what we're going to do in teaches or curriculum we want to start with the community, because they have to lead. like every great social movement in america from the civil rights movement to the workers rights movement, there has to be -- >> but is that fair to put it on parents when i'm sure the vast majority of parents do everything they can to give their kids a good education? >> i completely agree with that. but there are things we can do better. it's not about blame anymore. it's about accepting more responsible. and so if we start saying what are our community standards, you have to understand we reject the fact that only 54% of our kids are graduating from high school. we reject the fact that we have the majority of our kids in the early grade school years not reading on grade level. we say that is a problem and it's not meeting our community standards. what can we do? how can we imagine a different way of doing this? >> we're out of time but i just want to ask you for a date. by when will you have decided whether this is a success or

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failure? >> every year's going to have bench marks. we hope people will be checking in every single year. >> thank you mayor. >> thank you very much. >> up next "the good wife" herself julianna margulies here on "the early show" on cbs. ♪ straightening and bleaching ♪ ♪ and dyeing and curling ♪ -♪ crimping ♪ -♪ and cutting ♪ ♪ and hair finger twirling ♪ ♪ threading my hair through some bright coloured rings ♪ ♪ these are a few of my favourite things ♪ ♪ when the curls break ♪ ♪ when the ends split ♪ ♪ when my hair goes mad ♪ ♪ i simply remember my favourite thing ♪ ♪ and then i don't feel ♪ ♪ so bad ♪ [ female announcer ] we all damage our hair. dove damage therapy with fiber actives takes care of the damage. whatcha doing little bite™? trying to be big like you, dad. you're so good at keeping everyone full... and focused with your fiber. [ laughs ] but you already are great at doing that. really? sure. you're made with fiber just like me. but best of all, you're the perfect size for smaller kids. [ female announcer ] give your little ones kellogg's® frosted mini-wheats® little bites™ cereal

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in chocolate and now original flavor. they're an excellent source of fiber packed in a smaller size. [ doorbell rings ] oh, it's original little bite™. we're off to practice keeping 'em full and focused. yeah! we've got big shoes to fill! tt

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with more than 13 million viewers and 9 emmy nominations, "the good wife" was the breakout drama of last season. tonight, julianna margulies returns as the title character, a lawyer balancing her complicated personal life with a high-pressure career. >> the witness already answered -- >> plead the fifth because you were involved in mr. gumbel's murder -- >> your honor, it is not your place to ask my witness >> yes, it is. now you are taking the fifth -- >> your honor, if you compel my witness to answer this question i am moving for an immediate mistrial. >> denied. i'm asking a simple question. >> you are not, sir.

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you are piercing the fifth amendment right. >> shut up. >> no, sir! >> good scene. >> it was a good scene. very well-written. >> really. which is i think, the theme of this whole show is it's so -- it's so well-done. >> the writing, this year, i think the writing is even more sophisticated. >> mm-hmm. >> complex. i think the network has given it to the writers, to robert and michelle king and said you know what -- >> go with it? >> -- go with it. and what you're doing is obviously working. they've stepped away from it being a procedural and allowing it to be something that really network hasn't seen. >> yeah. >> in awhile. this is very big political backdrop this year too. on top of the law. on top of the personals. so it's a fun mix, such a fun character to play. >> i want to go back to the emmys. because everybody said you were a lock for the emmys. it was sitting at home cheering for you. sir ra sedgwick wins the emmy and doesn't she already sort of have your emmy from "remember"?

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>> oh, the joke was i was so glad that she won. because she'd been nominated five years. we're dear friends and she used to rent my house in l.a. before i sold it. and i had my emmy always sitting in the office there and so for four years she had been nominated and never won and her husband kevin said every year she'd walk in and there's your emmy. and then finally this year, they're not in my house and she got her own. so i'm really thrilled for her. >> i want to go back to the story line of the show. because what has developed over the last year through especially later in the season is you started having this relationship with one of the guys in the office. >> flirted with a relationship. >> well, now we really feel like you're torn between two lovers as it were. >> as it were. so to speak, yes. >> do people come up to you and talk to you about it on the street? >> they do. they're very invested in who this character should be with. and what she should do in her romantic life. >> and? >> nine times out -- >> is there a preponderance? do they tend to go -- >> the younger groups especially the women, all want

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me to go with will gardner, josh's character. and the older people and all the men, all the men, say i should give chris noth the character the chance. what's been interesting is how we're playing out the season which is really where right now we're sort of in a limbo stage. >> yeah, yeah. it's interesting, because when people talk about the show, it almost looks like a show that ought to be on cable. because it's that good. >> yeah. oh, thank you. >> and it's on broadcast television. which makes it even befter because all the more people get to see it then. >> it's such a -- it's a gift all around. the hardest part is that it truly does feel like we're doing a cable-quality show in that so much time and effort goes into it. but on cable, they do 12 episodes and we do 23. so the time that we have is minimal. >> yeah. >> and so we have to execute these episodes as quickly as possible. but you know, it happens. we do it and you work hard. but it's work that you love.

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so i'm happy about it. >> one of the other notes that i saw for this comeing season is that michael j. fox is going to be in an episode. >> yes, i'm working with him right now. >> playing a guy who has parkinson's. >> he's actually playing a lawyer. he's defense council for a pharmaceutical company, and he is playing a man who has parkinson's. so he uses it to get the jury on his side to distract some of my testimony. >> wow. >> and it's truly a spectacular thing to watch. and he's so good at it. and he said he said to me it was very freeing for him because i was the first role he played with parkinson's where he gets to have parkinson's do he doesn't have to hide anything. >> he's such an amazing person. >> he's unbelievable. a stand-up fellow. >> last but not least, going back to the emmys again, though you did not win, there was the moment at the end where you did the humanitarian award. >> i did. >> and george clooney, and is there any part, will you forever be connected to george clooney?

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>> yeah, i mean i think it's one of those things where that couple the hathaway/doug ross couple was so popular, and i think that people who know george clooney, and know him from -- i mean everyone knows george more than they know me obviously, because he's a huge movie star. i think what happens is i just get to ride his coat tails basically because my character was connected. there pretty much isn't a day in my life that goes by where someone doesn't ask me what it was like to kiss him. what's he like. is he really as great as he seems. i'm grateful to be able to answer yes to all of the above. >> sorry to have brought that up. my bad. >> it's okay. >> you look absolutely stunning. >> oh, thank you very much. thank you. >> so nice to have you here. >> thanks for having me. >> and you can see the season premiere of "the good wife" tonight at 10:00, 9:00 central. right here on cbs. now here's maggie. >> cannot wait. thank you, harry. still ahead we'll tell you how to get some really cool freebies

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on your birthday. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.

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this is a great shot out at the inner harbor. in other words, you're making a left around the inner harbor east. you see the rain near the key bridge. well, here it is on the first warning doppler weather radar. not only is there rain around the key bridge, but we're looking at a couple of good pockets of steady rain and light thundershower activity rolling up the, well, essentially the western shore of the bay. and we'll take a look at the

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forecast for the day. we'll all see a few more showers and a high of 83. it's humid in the low to mid- 70s now and let's send it over to sharon gibala. good morning, sharon. hi, marty, it's a morning to give yourself extra time or you'll be late. we have delays and an accident causing some of the delays. one on dorsey road and another one in 95 southbound past the fort north tunnel. that's just past the tunnel on the left shoulder. and the police activity there, due to a collapsed building on norfolk and fair view. meantime, there's a look at the speeds around the beltway. 66 minutes to philadelphia road and 16 minutes between westminster and the beltway. 23 minutes on the jfx between the beltway and 28th street and

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there's a live look approaching the tunnel and there's 795 at cockies mill road. toyota, moving forward. back to you, don. in the news, charges have been dropped against a maryland motorcyclist facing felony charges and andrea fujii stays on the story. good morning don, the judge threw out the charges against him. the man, a 24-year-old air sergeant recorded the stop with his helmet camera and he faced a decade in prison for the recording. the prosecutors called it a violation of wiretapping laws and the judge threw out the count upholding the public's right to record the interactions with the police officers. don, back to you.

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thank you -- stay with wjz- 13. up next, how to get great first aid freebies and tips on how women

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[ female announcer ] this is a strawberry pop tart. but this is warm, fresh-baked strawberry toaster strudel. [ music ] see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel, the one kids want to eat. there's nothing we love more than listening to our favorite songs. there's nothing we love more than listening to our favorite songs. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls.

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but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ great crowd on the plaza here on a -- >> muggy -- >> absolutely damp tuesday morning. right? welcome back to "the early show." coming from the baskin-robbins to borders bookstores. what did you say? is it denny's? >> you get free breakfast at denny's on your birthday. >> right. still? >> yeah. >> well there's all kinds of stuff out there -- >> you're welcome. >> that you get free on your birthday. and we're going to go through that list today. they don't ask you how old you are, i don't think. >> well -- >> it would cut down on the number of people taking them up on the offer. also ahead this morning. you have to worry if you're a woman, especially an older woman, about slipping and


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falling. it's more command that you might think. but you can use household things like soup cans to improve your stress and balance like our dr. jennifer ashton is demonstrating. we're going to talk to her ahead about what else you can do. >> also ahead this morning, it took years for society to slowly isolate or ban smokers from restaurants, right, and from airplanes. now it's sort of you would never expect to see a smoker in there, right? some people are equating families with small children, misbehaving children, not our children, maggie. >> of course not. >> as the new smokers. the new sort of persona non grata would be the screaming child in a restaurant. a lot of people might agree with it. but should they be banned from public places or even from airplanes as some people have suggested. >> or have a separate section. >> that has been another theory. we're going to talk about that this morning with our dr. jennifer hartstein who is here with some tips for all of us to live a little more peacefully together. >> i see dave nod being emphatically. if they were banning your dog wally who you take everywhere

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would you be as excited about this? >> first

of all, wally doesn't scream. wally doesn't wear a diaper. >> he's a dog. >> right. >> did you know that wally -- >> and wally's going to harvard. let's get that out of the way right now. we have great kids right here right now. hello, how are you? you're so well-behaved. you can stay. let's take a check of the weather, see what't'

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all right, well, i guess in lynchburg, they're -- >> [ indiscernible ] . well, let's hope so. and we have showers and steady rain. that's on the eastside of the grid. we'll show you, ultimately, we're getting rid of showers and i think it may be more of a late midday thing. clearing skies and we'll take it to how old are you? >> 16. >> what's your name?

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>> megan. >> where are you from? >> roanoke, virginia. >> have a great 16th birthday. and jack daniel's celebrating 160 years old. harry will be celebrating later. that's a quick look at your weather picture. erica, inside to you. >> dave, thanks. you know that old saying children should be seen and not heard? well, for most parents, though it's not always possible nor is it practical many times. seems like kids can always tend to act up at the worst possible moment like when you just sit down to dinner at the restaurant, or when you end up on an airplane. now some companies are looking to take some measures to keep your kids quiet. contributing correspondent has more. >> reporter: rachel and jeff are typical parents, trying to enjoy a night out with two toddlers in tow. en. >> don't throw. >> reporter: but a normal dinner for this family can be a nightmare for other diners. >> did you guys notice the screaming kids over there? >> it's time for bed.

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>> reporter: they're sort of interrupting your meal? >> well it's hard to ignore. >> we're parents, we've gone through that experience. so we're sensitive to it. but, yeah, we notice it. >> reporter: like many parents, the goobermans sometimes struggle to keep their kids from misbehaving in public. some recent cases show a diminishing tolerance for touch behavior. this north carolina restaurant recently stirred up controversy when it banned screaming children. >> it has brought us in more customers than it's ever kept away. >> reporter: the bold move offended some parents. >> it's not fair if i ask you if you're sitting at my table -- >> personally if i saw that i wouldn't even come in a restaurant. >> reporter: the restaurant business isn't alone. airlines are also witnessing a shift in attitudes towards crying kids. earlier this year a florida woman settled a lawsuit against qantas airlines claiming a kid's shriek left her partially deaf. and in a recent poll conducted by the travel website sky scanner, close to 60% of respondents favor a family's

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only sections on planes while nearly 20% prefer child-free flights. do you think there should be family-only sections on airplanes? >> probably. that would make it a whole lot different. >> it's an excellent idea. >> sometimes it can be a little bit disturbing. fly being with kids on airplanes. but, you know, it's part of life. >> reporter: the conflict between families with young kids and those without will continue to play out in public. but for the goobermans and families like theirs, life must go on. >> we're not willing to compromise our lives, and not do the things we like to do just because we have children. >> reporter: for "the early show," cbs news, new york. and joining us now "early" show contributor dr. jennifer hartstein, child and adolescent psychologist. this is such a great topic. there are so many opinions. what that mom just said at the end of the piece really struck me. she said we're not going to compromise our lives just because we have children. i'm a parent of two small boys. >> right. >> i think that kind of attitude sometimes is what leads to this. are you finding that? >> i am.

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i think that's what's happening is people want to expose their kids to all sorts of different experiences. which is terrific. but by doing that they're not being aware of how that may impact other people as well. it's all about their family bubble and not about what's going on outside. >> and it's not always an appropriate place to bring your children. let's look at the specific instances. we hear about this restaurant in north carolina. children were not banned from the restaurant. there's a sign up that says and i'm quoting here screaming children will not be tolerated. the owner says here's my issue, if your kid is screaming, have a meltdown, take him outside, if they settle down, bring him back in. is there anything wrong with a sign like that? >> i don't think so. if there was a really drunk adult at the bar that was really unruly, they would ask that person to leave, also. so we're really just kind of extending that expectation, down to young children and asking parents to be in control. >> so for families who sometimes it may not be feasible we all have these demanding lives, a lot of families have two parents who are working at this point. if you have to go to dinner, you know, some nights it's just easier, what have some checklists to know when your

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kids are really ready for those experiences. >> there's some really important things to think about. do your best to go early. go as early as you can. if you can go 5:00 5:30 before a restaurant fills up it doesn't really matter if your kids are having a little bit of a meltdown up. also want to order your kids' foods the second you sit down. hunger, tired, those are things that really trigger kids to have tantrums. >> oh, yes. >> so i think if you can do it early, you're better off. then you want to bring as many activities as possible for your kids to do so that when you and your husband are having dinner they're occupied. you're still interacting with them but they have activities. >> so we have a rule in our home where you can't have toys at the table. >> right. >> but when we go out to a restaurant we do bring coloring books, crayons, we bring books. >> right. >> it's okay to have a separate restaurant rule? >> it's a great point. we want to have different rules for restaurants, different rules for planes. different rules for different activities, so your kids know the expectations. and so we want to really be able to do that. it's not bribery, it's just here's what you're going to do while we're out.

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>> and expectations, talk to them, too, about what is expected of their behavior. >> absolutely. and to tie into that you mentioned about leaving. be prepared to leave the restaurant. be prepared to take your food to go and leave in that's really what happens. and lastly set the time aside to have adult-only time. many people as you mention want to bring their kids everywhere, but having that time with just your spouse or friends is so important. >> don't you also need to be realistic about where you're going? we kind of touched on this. if you're going to take your kids somewhere obviously you want it to be a kid friendly place. noisy restaurants. >> noisy restaurants are great. it doesn't mean just fast food. you can go to other restaurants that have a lot of kid activities. you're not going to take your 3-year-old to the opera. you really want to know how much can they focus? can they sit through a movie? practice that at home and then dedecide where you want to take them. >> even bribery can be okay in some places or rewarding sounds better. like on a plane. there was this story recently a southwest airlines flight attendant took a 13-month-old child away from the mother said the mother hit the child when it was crying couldn't settle

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down. >> right. >> when is it okay to step in and offer your help? because it can be overwhelming especially on a lean. >> right. and parents in those moments are so embarrassed and mortified and frustrated because they can't help their kids. i think it's a really delicate balance. some parents will appreciate it because they just don't know what to do if someone says can i help you? sometimes that distraction is enough to get the kid to stop crying. it's really a fine line. we aren't always so open to accepting help from strangers. maybe if we were it would make it a little easier and we could all kind of work to the a little in those moments. it's really chance to know if we could ask, what are we going to do? >> speaking of working to the as we button this up for everyone this is something that's responsibility on both sides, right? other people in the restaurant? >> sure. >> and the parents. how does that work out? >> i think other people in the restaurant might need to be a little bit more tolerant. parents need to be aware of how their kid's behaviors is impacting those around them. everybody needs to look at it. you're not going to just shoot dirty looks and hope something is going to happen. you may have to say, is there something i can do? can i help you?

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do you need an activity? i have crayons in my bag, whatever. and really work together to make it a better experience and more pleasurable for all. >> if you don't speak up nothing can happen. >> exactly. >> how here's maggie. >> great information. thank you, erica. slips and falls cause at least 90% of all hip fractures, which can lead to severe health problems, even premature death in the elderly. older women, especially are vulnerable, and a new study recommends daily exercise to build and balance and improve your posture. our dr. jennifer ashton is here to the rescue. good morning, jen. >> good morning, maggie. >> first of all let's talk about why it is so common to see slips and falls among the elderly? >> first of all the environment. we know at any age it's pretty easy to trip on something. however, when you're older, and we're talking really over the age of 65 which could potentially be a third of someone's life we're living longer and longer a little trip could become a big fall. so this could be something like a curb a crack in the sidewalk falling out of your bed. tripping on a rug at your home or even over a pet in your home.

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but the bottom line is the older you get, the more dangerous those falls become. >> and why are women more at risk? sit the brittle bones? >> that's a large portion of it maggie. as we age both men an women, we live long enough almost everyone will get brittle bones, osteoporosis. then when you add to that smaller frames smaller bone structure, women are at higher risk for serious complications. and the risk of death after a broken hip can be as high as one in four. this is a huge problem. >> all right. you are not helpless, everybody, because there are things that you can do really simple things that you can do at home that will improve your balance and your strength. >> this study that you referred to clearly shows that women, and therefore obviously also men, who did simple home-based exercises that improved their balance, their strength their flexibility, over a six-month period dramatically reduced their chances of falling, and sustaining a serious injury. >> every day? >> the more you do it -- >> exactly. >> we knee a lot of older people are home-bound primarily. so to start with, people who

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live in homes or where there's a stairway while holding onto a banister you can do simple stair raises and go up and down on one leg as many times as you can. obviously you don't want to wear high heels. you want to wear a good sneaker and exercise shoe and do as many as you can. start with a low number. get higher. if you get really proficient and skilled at this you can do it going down. >> okay. >> so what if you don't have stairs or don't want to invest in this step? >> you can even do it from a chair and just practice again, holding on to something to support yourself going from a seated position to a standing position. do that while you're watching tv. do that ten times a day. ten times an hour. the more you do it the better. >> i see how creative you got. >> that's right. everyone has these. this is something that really can target everything. muscle strength, flexibility, and balance, because balance is critically important, as a lot of elderly people have gait problems, and their balance can definitely be impaired. so again while holding onto something you can take three soup cans.

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start with them close together and with one leg at a time simply go from can to can. >> that's great. i could see my mom doing this already. >> i can really feel this in my core, my quad my thigh muscles. and again, the better you get the more you can do and the farther apart the cans can be spaced. >> should you invest in a pair of dumb bells? >> you've heard me say it before maggie. strength and muscle mass is important for us at all ages especially as we age. so again, light dumb bells. while you're watching tv these are three pounds but older people can use one or two pounds. and you want to do as many of these reps as you can. they don't have to be done all together. and if you really get good you can balance on one foot in high heels. disclaimer. anything that you're going to do to improve your balance, your flexibility, your strength is going to help. >> jennifer ashton thank you very much. now over to you, harry. >> thanks, maggie. everybody loves birthdays. depending on how old you are, i guess. and everyone loves free stuff. that's no argument there. so why not combine the two, and

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get birthday freebies from retailers and restaurants? cbs news business and economics correspondent rebecca jarvis is back to tell us about some of the best stuff out there for your birthday. >> hey, harry. >> it's your birthday. >> indeed it is. >> happy birthday. >> thank you. i appreciate it. which is why i did this segment because i want to find all the free stuff that i could get and that viewers can get, as well. >> all right. a lot of places offer stuff. where do you want to start? >> let's start out with why they do it. because all of these retailers that are offering you free things are doing it because they want to drive their own traffic. >> okay. >> and any time they give out something for free they know more people are going to come in the store, take a look at more things, which is why they do it in the first place. >> are there cost catches, though? >> there can be. but what we're looking at today are a lot of offers that are almost entirely free. take, for example, food. >> all right. >> and companies that offer food. so a lot of them we're going to take a look at are for adults. but a couple are for kids. denny's gives kids 10 and under

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a free meal plus a sundae on their birthday as long as an adult is paying for a full meal. also california pizza kitchen gives kids 10 and under a free meal. benihana gives out $30. ruby tuesday red robin, free burger, no purchase necessary. starbucks and caribou coffee give you a free beverage. cold stone creamery and baskin-robbins give out free ice cream on irbirthday. >> that's really nice. >> not too shabby. there's no strings attached. but in a lot of these cases you have to go to the company website, sign up let them know when your birthday will be so they can let you know -- >> you can't just walk in the door and say, give me my whatever. >> you might want to try it. if you walk in the door they probably would give it to you. >> maybe. retail outlets. what can you get at retail outlets? >> so there are a lot of retailers from aveda to sephora that will actually give you free products on your birthday. sephora has something called the

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beauty insider club. you'll get free products from them, aveda, $24 worth of products you'll get on your birthday. victoria's secret. american eagle outfitters will give you a 15% discount as will leohmann's or borders, you can get a free cup of coffee or tea. >> we do so many consumer segments where there's a bait and switch involved or anything else. especially in this whole retail segment, is there anything prepurchase or anything like that you have to establish credit card account or who knows what? >> well, victoria's secret is the one with the credit card account. but the rest of the offers we've talked to you about today, all you do is you need to sign up and give them your personal information so they can keep track of you. now, of course there's benefit to them because they can now have you -- >> send you e-mails. >> they can forward you e-mails but there's a benefit to you, as well. it's all a matter of what you prefer. >> all right, bigger ticket items. >> these are some really cool things. i don't know if you knew this or not but you can get free

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baseball tickets in this country when it's your birthday. >> in america? >> in america. >> it's america's pastime. >> i know. if you're a fan of the baltimore orioles you can get free tickets. also the atlanta braves. you can celebrate your birthday at turner field. one free admission. and then i know you're a fan of this one medieval times. >> always. >> four or five times a year. >> you love to just gnaw on that big turkey leg. exactly. that's a good mental picture, by the way. so there you can have a free meal at medieval times on your birthday. it's free. $60 value. along with the entrance fee. that will pay the entrance. but once you're there they say you'll be treated like a king to a feast. and then lastly ringling brothers. >> the circus. >> yeah. so they have a program, it's called baby's first circus. and what they let you do is when your child is under 12 months old, you let them know that they've been born and they give you a ticket with unlimited -- it will never expire. so basically your child will some day be able to go to the circus for free. >> very nice. rebecca jarvis happy birthday.

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>> thanks, harry. >> all right. and enjoy it. and from "the early show" -- >> oh, my goodness. you guys. thank you. >> it is a cake. >> was it free? >> there is a cost. >> well, i hope it was made with love. >> indeed. for more on birthday freebies all you need to do is go to our website it's we'll be right back. you're watching "the early show" on cbs.

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i mean, really, come on. >> rebecca jarvis is celebrating a birthday. >> i'm learning how to cut a cake for the first time. on my 29th birthday. >> see this? >> not with these fancy utensils. >> show me how it's done, harry. >> must be a great thanksgiving at harry's house.

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>> that's a huge gigantic piece. >> thank you. >> appreciate it. >> and ice cream is delicious, too. by the way. >> the best is german chocolate cake. comes out seasonally. >> now, have you -- >> oh. >> oh, no i wasn't dissing her birthday cake. >> so maggie you'll have to go to baskin-robbins to get your free german chocolate cake. >> do you guys have any fun birthday traditions? >> i spend a lot of time with my family. my mom's coming to town this weekend. >> oh, how nice. >> which will be great. so it's mostly just good times with the family. and then when i was really little kid, i got the whole cake to myself and i could eat it with my hands. >> the whole thing? >> when i was really little. >> that was back in medieval times? >> and you guys? >> i take an inventory of how many people won't come. >> oh. >> i once spent my birthday -- >> sorry. >> at denny's by myself.

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>> have a great day, everybody. your local news is next. hi, mom. how was school today? [ girls ] good. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ thank you! ♪ ♪ phew!

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[ ernie ] we make our cookies the way only keebler elves can: with a little something extra. so every bite can be uncommonly good. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. the real andy harris. buried in his website - a promise to replace the tax code with a 23% sales tax and eliminate the mortgage interest deduction. a bush tax panel said families would pay $6,000 more a year. a reagan tax advisor calls it a very dumb idea. but that's not his only bad idea. harris was the only senator to vote against expanding the child care tax credit and against the state's cancer treatment program. andy harris' extreme ideas will cost us.

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hello again. that's the out back flak. this shall the winds are blowing from the west. let's take a look at the radar. we're clear of the rain now. and this is the 40th street on the jfx. it started to widen down and we have shower activity down to the south. this is primarily going to effect the western shore of the bay and now, the eastern shore. i think we're starting to get a break in the rain here around the metro. >> and we'll look at the forecast today. that's in the low 70s. that will depend on the clearing early.

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if we get enough, we'll talk about an afternoon thunderstorm. and the severe thunderstorm said we're in a severe center. this day's weather is nowhere near over. we're moving the harbor cam and there's sunshine near spaghetti junction. the sky's brightening any way. don, take it away. you can videotape a police officer arrest. >> reporter: good morning, don, the judge threw out felony charges against him. the 24-year-old maryland air national guard sergeant recorded a traffic stop with i- 95 with the helmet camera. he faced a decade in prison. and prosecutors called it a violation of the wiretapping law. the judge threw out four counts

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of an indictment upholding the right to record. and he still faces negligent charges. rescuers searched rubble of a collapsed house. people living in a home next door were moved out. a johns hopkins surgeon is back home today. he was released from the hospital yesterday after shooting a doctor, pardus shot and killed his mother and himself. and the holidays will be here soon and the salvation army is looking for a few good volunteers. the programs are open. they'll need 31,000 toys for

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children in need. stay with

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[ female announcer ] remember this promise? [ man ] martin o'malley -- taking on bg&e to stop the rate hikes. [ female announcer ] never happened -- your bill went up 72%. and o'malley gave the bureaucrat who approved the rate hike a huge raise. now martin o'malley promises we're moving forward. the fact of the matter is our economy is doing much better now. [ female announcer ] really? nearly 7,000 marylanders lost their jobs last month. four years ago, martin o'malley misled us. now he's just making stuff up. bob ehrlich. we can do better.

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News/Business. Julianna Margulies. (2010) Actress Julianna Margulies ('The Good Wife'); houses at bargain prices. New. (CC) (Stereo)

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.