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<p>Lín</p><p>gu</p><p>a</p><p>In</p><p>gl</p><p>es</p><p>a</p><p>BANCO DO BRASIL S.A</p><p>Escriturário – Agente de Tecnologia (TI)</p><p>Língua Inglesa</p><p>Conhecimento de um vocabulário fundamental e dos aspectos gramaticais básicos para a</p><p>compreensão de textos. ................................................................................................................01</p><p>Exercícios ......................................................................................................................................57</p><p>Gabarito .........................................................................................................................................80</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>1</p><p>Conhecimento de um vocabulário fundamental e dos aspectos gramaticais básicos</p><p>para a compreensão de textos</p><p>Reading Comprehension</p><p>Interpretar textos pode ser algo trabalhoso, dependendo do assunto, ou da forma como é abordado. Tem as</p><p>questões sobre o texto. Mas, quando o texto é em outra língua? Tudo pode ser mais assustador.</p><p>Se o leitor manter a calma, e se embasar nas estratégias do Inglês Instrumental e ter certeza que ninguém</p><p>é cem por cento leigo em nada, tudo pode ficar mais claro.</p><p>Vejamos o que é e quais são suas estratégias de leitura:</p><p>Inglês Instrumental</p><p>Também conhecido como Inglês para Fins Específicos - ESP, o Inglês Instrumental fundamenta-se no trei-</p><p>namento instrumental dessa língua. Tem como objetivo essencial proporcionar ao aluno, em curto prazo, a</p><p>capacidade de ler e compreender aquilo que for de extrema importância e fundamental para que este possa</p><p>desempenhar a atividade de leitura em uma área específica.</p><p>Estratégias de leitura</p><p>• Skimming: trata-se de uma estratégia onde o leitor vai buscar a ideia geral do texto através de uma leitura</p><p>rápida, sem apegar-se a ideias mínimas ou específicas, para dizer sobre o que o texto trata.</p><p>• Scanning: através do scanning, o leitor busca ideias específicas no texto. Isso ocorre pela leitura do texto</p><p>à procura de um detalhe específico. Praticamos o scanning diariamente para encontrarmos um número na lista</p><p>telefônica, selecionar um e-mail para ler, etc.</p><p>• Cognatos: são palavras idênticas ou parecidas entre duas línguas e que possuem o mesmo significado,</p><p>como a palavra “vírus” é escrita igualmente em português e inglês, a única diferença é que em português a</p><p>palavra recebe acentuação. Porém, é preciso atentar para os chamados falsos cognatos, ou seja, palavras que</p><p>são escritas igual ou parecidas, mas com o significado diferente, como “evaluation”, que pode ser confundida</p><p>com “evolução” onde na verdade, significa “avaliação”.</p><p>• Inferência contextual: o leitor lança mão da inferência, ou seja, ele tenta adivinhar ou sugerir o assunto</p><p>tratado pelo texto, e durante a leitura ele pode confirmar ou descartar suas hipóteses.</p><p>• Reconhecimento de gêneros textuais: são tipo de textos que se caracterizam por organização, estrutura</p><p>gramatical, vocabulário específico e contexto social em que ocorrem. Dependendo das marcas textuais, pode-</p><p>mos distinguir uma poesia de uma receita culinária, por exemplo.</p><p>• Informação não-verbal: é toda informação dada através de figuras, gráficos, tabelas, mapas, etc. A informa-</p><p>ção não-verbal deve ser considerada como parte da informação ou ideia que o texto deseja transmitir.</p><p>• Palavras-chave: são fundamentais para a compreensão do texto, pois se trata de palavras relacionadas à</p><p>área e ao assunto abordado pelo texto. São de fácil compreensão, pois, geralmente, aparecem repetidamente</p><p>no texto e é possível obter sua ideia através do contexto.</p><p>• Grupos nominais: formados por um núcleo (substantivo) e um ou mais modificadores (adjetivos ou substan-</p><p>tivos). Na língua inglesa o modificador aparece antes do núcleo, diferente da língua portuguesa.</p><p>• Afixos: são prefixos e/ou sufixos adicionados a uma raiz, que modifica o significado da palavra. Assim,</p><p>conhecendo o significado de cada afixo pode-se compreender mais facilmente uma palavra composta por um</p><p>prefixo ou sufixo.</p><p>• Conhecimento prévio: para compreender um texto, o leitor depende do conhecimento que ele já tem e está</p><p>armazenado em sua memória. É a partir desse conhecimento que o leitor terá o entendimento do assunto tra-</p><p>tado no texto e assimilará novas informações. Trata-se de um recurso essencial para o leitor formular hipóteses</p><p>e inferências a respeito do significado do texto.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>2</p><p>O leitor tem, portanto, um papel ativo no processo de leitura e compreensão de textos, pois é ele que esta-</p><p>belecerá as relações entre aquele conteúdo do texto e os conhecimentos de mundo que ele carrega consigo.</p><p>Ou mesmo, será ele que poderá agregar mais profundidade ao conteúdo do texto a partir de sua capacidade de</p><p>buscar mais conhecimentos acerca dos assuntos que o texto traz e sugere.</p><p>Não se esqueça que saber interpretar textos em inglês é muito importante para ter melhor acesso aos con-</p><p>teúdos escritos fora do país, ou para fazer provas de vestibular ou concursos.</p><p>Regular and irregular plural of nouns: To form the plural of the nouns is very easy, but you must practice and</p><p>observe some rules.</p><p>Regular plural of nouns</p><p>• Regra Geral: forma-se o plural dos substantivos geralmente acrescentando-se “s” ao singular.</p><p>Ex.: Motherboard – motherboards</p><p>Printer – printers</p><p>Keyboard – keyboards</p><p>• Os substantivos terminados em y precedido de vogal seguem a regra geral: acrescentam s ao singular.</p><p>Ex.: Boy – boys Toy – toys</p><p>Key – keys</p><p>• Substantivos terminados em s, x, z, o, ch e sh, acrescenta-se es.</p><p>Ex.: boss – bosses tax – taxes bush – bushes</p><p>• Substantivos terminados em y, precedidos de consoante, trocam o y pelo i e acrescenta-se es. Consoante</p><p>+ y = ies</p><p>Ex.: fly – flies try – tries curry – curries</p><p>Irregular plurals of nouns</p><p>There are many types of irregular plural, but these are the most common:</p><p>• Substantivos terminados em f e trocam o f pelo v e acrescenta-se es.</p><p>Ex.: knife – knives</p><p>life – lives</p><p>wife – wives</p><p>• Substantivos terminados em f trocam o f pelo v; então, acrescenta-se es.</p><p>Ex.: half – halves wolf – wolves loaf – loaves</p><p>• Substantivos terminados em o, acrescenta-se es.</p><p>Ex.: potato – potatoes tomato – tomatoes volcano – volcanoes</p><p>• Substantivos que mudam a vogal e a palavra.</p><p>Ex.: foot – feet child – children person – people tooth – teeth mouse – mice</p><p>Countable and Uncountable nouns</p><p>• Contáveis são os substantivos que podemos enumerar e contar, ou seja, que podem possuir tanta forma</p><p>singular quanto plural. Eles são chamados de countable nouns em inglês.</p><p>Por exemplo, podemos contar orange. Podemos dizer one orange, two oranges, three oranges, etc.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>3</p><p>• Incontáveis são os substantivos que não possuem forma no plural. Eles são chamados de uncountable</p><p>nouns, de non-countable nouns em inglês. Podem ser precedidos por alguma unidade de medida ou quantifica-</p><p>dor. Em geral, eles indicam substâncias, líquidos, pós, conceitos, etc., que não podemos dividir em elementos</p><p>separados. Por exemplo, não podemos contar “water”. Podemos contar “bottles of water” ou “liters of water”,</p><p>mas não podemos contar “water” em sua forma líquida.</p><p>Alguns exemplos de substantivos incontáveis são: music, art, love, happiness, advice, information, news,</p><p>furniture, luggage, rice, sugar, butter, water, milk, coffee, electricity, gas, power, money, etc.</p><p>Veja outros de countable e uncountable nouns:</p><p>Definite Article</p><p>THE = o, a, os, as</p><p>• Usos</p><p>– Antes de substantivos tomados em sentido restrito.</p><p>THE coffee produced in Brazil is of very high quality.</p><p>I hate THE music they’re playing.</p><p>– Antes de nomes de países no plural ou que contenham as palavras Kingdom, Republic, Union, Emirates.</p><p>THE United States</p><p>THE Netherlands</p><p>THE United Kingdom</p><p>THE Dominican Republic</p><p>– Antes de adjetivos ou advérbios no grau superlativo.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>4</p><p>John is THE tallest boy in</p><p>player movements are still in the early stages of</p><p>research.</p><p>The game becomes exciting for middle and small size leagues. The models are much simpler; they are just</p><p>boxes with a cyclopean eye. Their design focuses on team behavior: recognizing an opponent, cooperating with</p><p>team members, receiving and giving a standard FIFA size ball.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>58</p><p>Today, soccer robots are entirely autonomous. They wireless “talk” to each other, make decisions regarding</p><p>strategy in real-time, replace an “injured” player, and shoot goals. The only person in a RoboCup game is the</p><p>referee. The team coaches are engineers in charge of training the RoboCups’ artificial intelligence for fair play:</p><p>the robots don’t smash against each other or pull their shirts.</p><p>The next RoboCup competition will soon be played, virtually, with rules that will allow teams to participate</p><p>without establishing physical contact.</p><p>Available at:.</p><p>Retrieved on: July 4th, 2021. Adapted.</p><p>In the text fragment of the sixth paragraph “RoboCup Soccer Federation, the “FIFA” of robots, which supports</p><p>five leagues, imposes restrictions on players’ design and rules of the game”, the word which refers to</p><p>(A) game</p><p>(B) FIFA</p><p>(C) players</p><p>(D) leagues</p><p>(E) RoboCup Soccer Federation</p><p>2.CESGRANRIO - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/2021/”Prova A”</p><p>Robots, the next generation of soccer players</p><p>If you think a robot will steal your job, you are not alone. Soccer players should be worried too. The next Messi</p><p>probably won’t be of flesh and blood but plastic and metal.</p><p>The concept emerged during the conference “Workshop on grand challenges in artificial intelligence,” held</p><p>in Tokyo in 1992, and independently, in 1993, when Professor Alan Mackworth from the University of Bristol in</p><p>Canada described an experiment with small soccer players in a scientific article.</p><p>Over 40 teams already participated in the first RoboCup tournament in 1997, and the competition is held</p><p>every year. The RoboCup Federation wants to play and win a game against a real-world cup humans’ team by</p><p>2050.</p><p>The idea behind artificially intelligent players is to investigate how robots perceive motion and communicate</p><p>with each other. Physical abilities like walking, running, and kicking the ball while maintaining balance are crucial</p><p>to improving robots for other tasks like rescue, home, industry, and education.</p><p>Designing robots for sports requires much more than experts in state-of-the-art technology. Humans and</p><p>machines do not share the same skills. Engineers need to impose limitations on soccer robots to imitate soccer</p><p>players as much as possible and ensure following the game’s rules.</p><p>RoboCup Soccer Federation, the “FIFA” of robots, which supports five leagues, imposes restrictions on</p><p>players’ design and rules of the game. Each has its own robot design and game rules to give room for different</p><p>scientific goals. The number of players, their size, the ball type, and the field dimensions are different for each</p><p>league.</p><p>In the humanoid league the players are humanlike robots with human-like senses. However, they are rather</p><p>slow. Many of the skills needed to fully recreate actual soccer player movements are still in the early stages of</p><p>research.</p><p>The game becomes exciting for middle and small size leagues. The models are much simpler; they are just</p><p>boxes with a cyclopean eye. Their design focuses on team behavior: recognizing an opponent, cooperating with</p><p>team members, receiving and giving a standard FIFA size ball.</p><p>Today, soccer robots are entirely autonomous. They wireless “talk” to each other, make decisions regarding</p><p>strategy in real-time, replace an “injured” player, and shoot goals. The only person in a RoboCup game is the</p><p>referee. The team coaches are engineers in charge of training the RoboCups’ artificial intelligence for fair play:</p><p>the robots don’t smash against each other or pull their shirts.</p><p>The next RoboCup competition will soon be played, virtually, with rules that will allow teams to participate</p><p>without establishing physical contact.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>59</p><p>Available at:. Re-</p><p>trieved on: July 4th, 2021.Adapted.</p><p>In paragraph 7, the word However in the fragment “In the humanoid league, the players are human-like robots</p><p>with human-like senses. However, they are rather slow” can be replaced, without change in meaning, by</p><p>(A) unless</p><p>(B) indeed</p><p>(C) furthermore</p><p>(D) nevertheless</p><p>(E) consequently</p><p>3.CESGRANRIO - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/2021/”Prova B”</p><p>Revolution Accelerated</p><p>How Digital Transformation is Shaping the Future of Banking</p><p>Like all businesses, banks have had to act fast to respond to the unprecedented human and economic impact</p><p>of Covid-19.</p><p>First, they needed to keep the lights on and ensure business continuity. Second, they had to meet the chan-</p><p>ging ways customers wanted to engage. Finally, they sought to balance their business priorities with a respon-</p><p>sibility to support society. Previous crises cast the banks as part of the problem — this time they are part of the</p><p>solution.</p><p>Banks who have embraced modern banking technology have fared better in meeting these challenges.</p><p>They’ve moved seamlessly to remote working, kept up service for their customers, coped with huge increases in</p><p>demand and quickly adapted their products. In contrast, banks using legacy ‘spaghetti’ software have struggled.</p><p>Covid-19 has accelerated the need for modern banking technology, but it didn’t create it. Before coronavirus,</p><p>the 2020s were already being framed as the decade for digital in the banking industry. Banks’ return on equity</p><p>were too low and their cost-income ratios were too high. Meanwhile, regulation like open banking was disrupting</p><p>the industry and increasing competition from new entrants like the GAAFAs (Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Face-</p><p>book, Apple).</p><p>Providing seamless digital customer experiences was therefore already a ‘must’. Every year, Temenos part-</p><p>ners with the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) for a global study on the future of banking. More than 300 banking</p><p>leaders are interviewed from retail, commercial and private banks. Over half of these are at C-suite level.</p><p>In 2020, the study took place amid the Covid-19 crisis. The results give a fascinating insight into banking le-</p><p>aders’ approach during these unprecedented times. But they also show how they see their industry in the years</p><p>to come.</p><p>And the findings suggest three trends which will shape the future of banking:</p><p>1. New technologies will be the key driver of banking transformation over the next 5 years. 77% of respon-</p><p>dents strongly believed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be the most game-changing of these technologies.</p><p>They see a diverse range of uses for AI — from personalised customer experience to fraud detection.</p><p>2. Banks will overhaul their business models to create digital ecosystems. 80% of respondents believe that</p><p>banking will become part of a platform of services. 45% are committed to transforming their business models</p><p>into digital ecosystems.</p><p>3. The sun will set on branch banking. World Bank data shows that visits to branches have been steadily</p><p>declining globally over the last decade. As a result of coronavirus, customers are now more concerned about</p><p>visiting their branch, and so even more people are willing to try digital applications. This combination of pande-</p><p>mic and increasingly transformative advanced technology has led a majority of respondents (59%) to our survey</p><p>with the EIU to state that traditional branch-based banking model will be dead in just five years. That’s a 34%</p><p>increase from last year.</p><p>The current environment is undoubtedly challenging for banks. But they have the capital, customer rela-</p><p>tionships and customer data. They are regulated.</p><p>And most importantly: they still enjoy their customers’ trust.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>60</p><p>In short, banks are best-placed to succeed if they commit to end-to-end digital transformation. That means a</p><p>fully digital front office which creates hyper-personalized experiences and ecosystems. And a back office driving</p><p>efficient operations and rapid innovation. By embracing modern banking technology, banks can support their</p><p>customers today, create new value for the future and drive new levels of future growth.</p><p>Available at: . Retrieved on:July 13th, 2021. Adapted.</p><p>In paragraph 6, the personal pronoun they, used twice in the sentence “But they also show how they see their</p><p>industry in the years to come”, refers to the following fragment at the same paragraph:</p><p>(A) the study</p><p>(B) the results</p><p>(C) banking leaders</p><p>(D) Covid-19 crisis</p><p>(E) unprecedented times</p><p>4.CESGRANRIO - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/2021/”Prova B”</p><p>Revolution Accelerated</p><p>How Digital Transformation is Shaping the Future of Banking</p><p>Like all businesses, banks have had to act fast to respond to the unprecedented human and economic impact</p><p>of Covid-19.</p><p>First, they needed to keep the lights on and ensure business continuity. Second, they had to meet the chan-</p><p>ging ways customers wanted to engage. Finally, they sought to balance their business priorities with a respon-</p><p>sibility to support society. Previous crises cast the banks as part of the problem — this time they are part of the</p><p>solution.</p><p>Banks who have embraced modern banking technology have fared better in meeting these challenges.</p><p>They’ve moved seamlessly to remote working, kept up service for their customers, coped with huge increases in</p><p>demand and quickly adapted their products. In contrast, banks using legacy ‘spaghetti’ software have struggled</p><p>Covid-19 has accelerated the need for modern banking technology, but it didn’t create it. Before coronavirus,</p><p>the 2020s were already being framed as the decade for digital in the banking industry. Banks’ return on equity</p><p>were too low and their cost-income ratios were too high. Meanwhile, regulation like open banking was disrupting</p><p>the industry and increasing competition from new entrants like the GAAFAs (Google, Amazon, Alibaba, Face-</p><p>book, Apple).</p><p>Providing seamless digital customer experiences was therefore already a ‘must’. Every year, Temenos part-</p><p>ners with the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) for a global study on the future of banking. More than 300 banking</p><p>leaders are interviewed from retail, commercial and private banks. Over half of these are at C-suite level.</p><p>In 2020, the study took place amid the Covid-19 crisis. The results give a fascinating insight into banking le-</p><p>aders’ approach during these unprecedented times. But they also show how they see their industry in the years</p><p>to come.</p><p>And the findings suggest three trends which will shape the future of banking:</p><p>1. New technologies will be the key driver of banking transformation over the next 5 years. 77% of respon-</p><p>dents strongly believed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be the most game-changing of these technologies.</p><p>They see a diverse range of uses for AI — from personalised customer experience to fraud detection.</p><p>2. Banks will overhaul their business models to create digital ecosystems. 80% of respondents believe that</p><p>banking will become part of a platform of services. 45% are committed to transforming their business models</p><p>into digital ecosystems.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>61</p><p>3. The sun will set on branch banking. World Bank data shows that visits to branches have been steadily</p><p>declining globally over the last decade. As a result of coronavirus, customers are now more concerned about</p><p>visiting their branch, and so even more people are willing to try digital applications. This combination of pande-</p><p>mic and increasingly transformative advanced technology has led a majority of respondents (59%) to our survey</p><p>with the EIU to state that traditional branch-based banking model will be dead in just five years. That’s a 34%</p><p>increase from last year.</p><p>The current environment is undoubtedly challenging for banks. But they have the capital, customer rela-</p><p>tionships and customer data. They are regulated. And most importantly: they still enjoy their customers’ trust.</p><p>In short, banks are best-placed to succeed if they commit to end-to-end digital transformation. That means a</p><p>fully digital front office which creates hyper-personalized experiences and ecosystems. And a back office driving</p><p>efficient operations and rapid innovation. By embracing modern banking technology, banks can support their</p><p>customers today, create new value for the future and drive new levels of future growth.</p><p>Available at: . Retrieved on:July 13th, 2021. Adapted.</p><p>In the sentence of the last paragraph “In short, banks are best-placed to succeed if they commit to end-to-end</p><p>digital transformation”, the phrase In short conveys an idea of</p><p>(A) cause</p><p>(B) addition</p><p>(C) emphasis</p><p>(D) conclusion</p><p>(E) time sequence</p><p>5.CESGRANRIO - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/2021/”Prova C”</p><p>U.S. Finds No Evidence of Alien Technology in Flying Objects, but can’t rule it out, either</p><p>WASHINGTON — American intelligence officials have found no evidence that aerial phenomena observed by</p><p>Navy pilots in recent years are alien spacecraft, but they still cannot explain the unusual movements that have</p><p>mystified scientists and the military.</p><p>The report determines that a vast majority of more than 120 incidents over the past two decades did not ori-</p><p>ginate from any American military or other advanced US government technology, the officials said. That determi-</p><p>nation would appear to eliminate the possibility that Navy pilots who reported seeing unexplained aircraft might</p><p>have encountered programs the government meant to keep secret.</p><p>But that is about the only conclusive finding in the classified intelligence report, the officials said. And while</p><p>a forthcoming unclassified version, expected to be released to Congress by June 25, will present few other firm</p><p>conclusions, senior officials briefed on the intelligence conceded that the very ambiguity of the findings meant</p><p>the government could not definitively rule out theories that the phenomena observed by military pilots might be</p><p>alien spacecraft.</p><p>Americans’ long-running fascination with UFOs has intensified in recent weeks in anticipation of the release</p><p>of the government report. Former President Barack Obama encouraged the interest when he gave an interview</p><p>last month about the incidents on “The Late Late Show with James Corden” on CBS.</p><p>“What is true, and I’m really being serious here,” Mr. Obama said, “is that there is film and records of objects</p><p>in the skies that we don’t know exactly what they are.’’</p><p>The report concedes that much about the observed phenomena remains difficult to explain, including their</p><p>acceleration, as well as ability to change direction and submerge. One possible explanation — that the pheno-</p><p>mena could be weather balloons or other research balloons — does not hold up in all cases, the officials said,</p><p>because of changes in wind speed at the times of some of the interactions.</p><p>Many of the more than 120 incidents examined in the report are from Navy personnel, officials said. The re-</p><p>port also examined incidents involving foreign militaries over the last two decades. Intelligence officials believe</p><p>that at least some of the aerial phenomena could have been experimental technology from a rival power, most</p><p>likely Russia or China.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>62</p><p>One senior official said without hesitation that U.S. officials knew it was not American technology. He said</p><p>there was worry among</p><p>intelligence and military officials that China or Russia could be experimenting with hyper-</p><p>sonic technology</p><p>He and other officials spoke about the classified findings in the report on the condition of anonymity.</p><p>Available at: . Retrieved on:July 7, 2021.</p><p>In the 2nd paragraph of the text, in the fragment “That determination would appear to eliminate the possibility</p><p>that Navy pilots who reported seeing unexplained aircraft”, the word who refers to</p><p>(A) alien</p><p>(B) military</p><p>(C) officials</p><p>(D) scientists</p><p>(E) Navy pilots</p><p>6.CESGRANRIO - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/2021/”Prova C”</p><p>U.S. Finds No Evidence of Alien Technology in Flying Objects, but can’t rule it out, either</p><p>WASHINGTON — American intelligence officials have found no evidence that aerial phenomena observed by</p><p>Navy pilots in recent years are alien spacecraft, but they still cannot explain the unusual movements that have</p><p>mystified scientists and the military.</p><p>The report determines that a vast majority of more than 120 incidents over the past two decades did not ori-</p><p>ginate from any American military or other advanced US government technology, the officials said. That determi-</p><p>nation would appear to eliminate the possibility that Navy pilots who reported seeing unexplained aircraft might</p><p>have encountered programs the government meant to keep secret.</p><p>But that is about the only conclusive finding in the classified intelligence report, the officials said. And while</p><p>a forthcoming unclassified version, expected to be released to Congress by June 25, will present few other firm</p><p>conclusions, senior officials briefed on the intelligence conceded that the very ambiguity of the findings meant</p><p>the government could not definitively rule out theories that the phenomena observed by military pilots might be</p><p>alien spacecraft.</p><p>Americans’ long-running fascination with UFOs has intensified in recent weeks in anticipation of the release</p><p>of the government report. Former President Barack Obama encouraged the interest when he gave an interview</p><p>last month about the incidents on “The Late Late Show with James Corden” on CBS.</p><p>“What is true, and I’m really being serious here,” Mr. Obama said, “is that there is film and records of objects</p><p>in the skies that we don’t know exactly what they are.’</p><p>The report concedes that much about the observed phenomena remains difficult to explain, including their</p><p>acceleration, as well as ability to change direction and submerge. One possible explanation — that the pheno-</p><p>mena could be weather balloons or other research balloons — does not hold up in all cases, the officials said,</p><p>because of changes in wind speed at the times of some of the interactions.</p><p>Many of the more than 120 incidents examined in the report are from Navy personnel, officials said. The re-</p><p>port also examined incidents involving foreign militaries over the last two decades. Intelligence officials believe</p><p>that at least some of the aerial phenomena could have been experimental technology from a rival power, most</p><p>likely Russia or China.</p><p>One senior official said without hesitation that U.S. officials knew it was not American technology. He said</p><p>there was worry among intelligence and military officials that China or Russia could be experimenting with hyper-</p><p>sonic technology.</p><p>He and other officials spoke about the classified findings in the report on the condition of anonymity.</p><p>Available at: . Retrieved on:July 7, 2021</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>63</p><p>In the 6th paragraph of the text, the highlighted expression as well as, in the fragment “as well as ability to</p><p>change direction and submerge” is associated with the idea of</p><p>(A) time</p><p>(B) addition</p><p>(C) purpose</p><p>(D) condition</p><p>(E) consequence</p><p>7.CESGRANRIO - Escriturário (BB)/Agente de Tecnologia/2021</p><p>COVID-19 Economy: Expert insights on what you need to know</p><p>As we practice social distancing and businesses struggle to adapt, it’s no secret the unique challenges of</p><p>Covid-19 are profoundly shaping our economic climate. U.S. Bank financial industry and regulatory affairs expert</p><p>Robert Schell explains what you need to know in this uncertain time.</p><p>• Don’t panic while things are “on pause”</p><p>Imagine clicking the pause button on your favorite TV show. Whether you stopped to make dinner or put kids</p><p>to bed, hitting pause gives you time to tackle what matters most. Today’s economy is similar. While we prioritize</p><p>health and safety, typical activities like driving to work, eating at restaurants, traveling and attending sporting</p><p>events are on hold. This widespread social distancing takes a toll on our economy, putting strain on businesses</p><p>and individuals alike.</p><p>Keep your financial habits as normal as possible during this time. Make online purchases, order takeout, pay</p><p>bills and buy groceries. These everyday purchases put money back into the economy and prevent it from dipping</p><p>further into a recession.</p><p>• Low interest rates could help make ends meet</p><p>In March, the Federal Reserve cut rates drastically to boost economic activity and make borrowing more af-</p><p>fordable. For you, this means interest rates are low for credit cards, loans and lines of credit, and even fixed-rate</p><p>mortgages. Consider taking advantage of these low rates if you need extra help paying your bills, keeping your</p><p>business running or withstanding a period of unemployment.</p><p>• Spend on small businesses</p><p>Looking to make a positive impact? Supporting small businesses is an easy and powerful way to help. You</p><p>can order takeout, tip generously or donate to your local brick-and-mortar retail store, if they provide that option.</p><p>Your support makes a big impact for struggling business owners.</p><p>• Prior economic strength may help us bounce back</p><p>The thriving economy of 2019 isn’t just a distant, bittersweet memory. When our health is no longer at risk and</p><p>social distancing mandates begin to diminish, we’ll slowly start to rebuild. The stability, low unemployment rate</p><p>and upward-trending market we experienced prior to Covid-19 puts us in a good position to kick-start economic</p><p>activity and rebound more quickly.</p><p>Available at . Retrieved on: Jul. 20, 2021. Adapted.</p><p>In the 3rd paragraph, in the fragment “These everyday purchases put money back into the economy and</p><p>prevent it from dipping further into a recession”, the pronoun it refers to</p><p>(A) money</p><p>(B) purchases</p><p>(C) recession</p><p>(D) economy</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>64</p><p>(E) back</p><p>8.CESGRANRIO - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/2018</p><p>Bank Clerk Job Description</p><p>Definition and Nature of the Work</p><p>Banks simplify people’s lives, but the business of banking is anything but simple. Every transaction — from</p><p>cashing a check to taking out a loan — requires careful record keeping. Behind the scenes in every bank or</p><p>savings and loan association there are dozens of bank clerks, each an expert at keeping one area of he bank’s</p><p>business running smoothly.</p><p>New account clerks open and close accounts and answer questions for customers. Interest clerks record</p><p>interest due to savings account customers, as well as the interest owed to the bank on loans and other invest-</p><p>ments. Exchange clerks, who work on international accounts, translate foreign currency values into dollars and</p><p>vice versa. Loan clerks sort and record information about loans. Statement clerks are responsible for preparing</p><p>the monthly balance sheets of checking account customers. Securities clerks record, file, and maintain stocks,</p><p>bonds, and other investment certificates. They also keep track of dividends and interest on these certificates.</p><p>Other clerks operate the business machines on which modern banks rely. Proof operators</p><p>sort checks and</p><p>record the amount of each check. Bookkeeping clerks keep records of each customer’s account. In addition to</p><p>these specialists, banks need general clerical help — data entry keyers, file clerks, mail handlers, and messen-</p><p>gers — just as any other business does.</p><p>Education and Training Requirements</p><p>Bank clerks usually need a high school education with an emphasis on basic skills in typing, bookkeeping,</p><p>and business math. Knowledge of computers and business machines is also helpful. Prospective bank workers</p><p>may be tested on their clerical skills when they are interviewed. Most banks provide new employees with on-the-</p><p>-job training.</p><p>Getting the Job</p><p>Sometimes bank recruiters visit high schools to look for future employees. High school placement offices can</p><p>tell students whether this is the practice at their school. If not, prospective bank workers can apply directly to</p><p>local banks through their personnel departments. Bank jobs may be listed with state and private employment</p><p>agencies. Candidates can also check Internet job sites and the classified ads in local newspapers as well.</p><p>Advancement Possibilities and Employment Outlook</p><p>Banks prefer to promote their employees rather than hire new workers for jobs that require experience. Clerks</p><p>frequently become tellers or supervisors. Many banks encourage their employees to further their education at</p><p>night.</p><p>According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of bank clerks was expected to decline through</p><p>the year 2014, because many banks are electronically automating their systems and eliminating paperwork as</p><p>well as many clerical tasks. Workers with knowledge of data processing and computers will have the best oppor-</p><p>tunities. In addition to jobs created through expansion, openings at the clerical level often occur as workers move</p><p>up to positions of greater responsibility.</p><p>Working Conditions</p><p>Although banks usually provide a pleasant working atmosphere, clerks often work alone, at times performing</p><p>repetitive tasks. Bank clerks generally work between thirty-five and forty hours per week, but they may be ex-</p><p>pected to take on evening and Saturday shifts depending on bank hours.</p><p>Earnings and Benefits</p><p>The salaries of bank clerks vary widely depending on the size and location of the bank and the clerk’s expe-</p><p>rience. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, median salaries ranged from $23,317 to $27,310 per year</p><p>in 2004 depending on experience and title. Generally, loan clerks are on the high end of this range, whereas</p><p>general office clerks are on the lower end.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>65</p><p>Banks typically offer their employees excellent benefits. Besides paid vacations and more than the usual</p><p>number of paid holidays, employees may receive health and life insurance and participate in pension and profi-</p><p>t-sharing plans. Some banks provide financial aid so that workers can continue their education.</p><p>Available at: . Retrieved on: Aug. 22, 2017. Adapted.</p><p>In “Candidates can also check Internet job sites and the classified ads in local newspapers as well”, the modal</p><p>verb can is replaced, without change in meaning, by</p><p>(A) should</p><p>(B) must</p><p>(C) will</p><p>(D) may</p><p>(E) need</p><p>9.CESGRANRIO - Profissional Petrobras de Nível Superior (PETROBRAS)/Enfermagem do Trabalho/2018</p><p>(e mais 14 concursos)</p><p>Clean energy: Experts outline how governments can successfully invest before it’s too late</p><p>Governments need to give technical experts more autonomy and hold their nerve to provide more long-term</p><p>stability when investing in clean energy, argue researchers in climate change and innovation policy in a new</p><p>paper published today.</p><p>Writing in the journal Nature, the authors from UK and US institutions have set out guidelines for investment</p><p>based on an analysis of the last twenty years of “what works” in clean energy research and innovation programs.</p><p>Their six simple “guiding principles” also include the need to channel innovation into the private sector throu-</p><p>gh formal tech transfer programs, and to think in terms of lasting knowledge creation rather than ‘quick win’</p><p>potential when funding new projects.</p><p>The authors offer a stark warning to governments and policymakers: learn from and build on experience be-</p><p>fore time runs out, rather than constantly reinventing aims and processes for the sake of political vanity.</p><p>“As the window of opportunity to avert dangerous climate change narrows, we urgently need to take stock</p><p>of policy initiatives around the world that aim to accelerate new energy technologies and stem greenhouse gas</p><p>emissions,” said Laura Diaz Anadon, Professor of Climate Change Policy at the University of Cambridge.</p><p>“If we don’t build on the lessons from previous policy successes and failures to understand what works and</p><p>why, we risk wasting time and money in a way that we simply can’t afford,” said Anadon, who authored the new</p><p>paper with colleagues from the Harvard Kennedy School as well as the University of Minnesota’s Prof Gabriel</p><p>Chan.</p><p>Public investments in energy research have risen since the lows of the mid-1990s and early 2000s. OECD</p><p>members spent US$16.6 billion on new energy research and development (R&D) in 2016 compared to $10b</p><p>in 2010. The EU and other nations pledged to double clean energy investment as part of 2015’s Paris Climate</p><p>Change Agreement.</p><p>Recently, the UK government set out its own Clean Growth Strategy, committing £2.5 billion between 2015</p><p>and 2021, with hundreds of million to be invested in new generations of small nuclear power stations and offsho-</p><p>re wind turbines.</p><p>However, Anadon and colleagues point out that government funding for energy innovation has, in many ca-</p><p>ses, been highly volatile in the recent past: with political shifts resulting in huge budget fluctuations and process</p><p>reinventions in the UK and US.</p><p>For example, the research team found that every single year between 1990 and 2017, one in five technology</p><p>areas funded by the US Department of Energy (DoE) saw a budget shift of more than 30% up or down. The</p><p>Trump administration’s current plan is to slash 2018’s energy R&D budget by 35% across the board.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>66</p><p>“Experimentation has benefits, but also costs,” said Anadon. “Researchers are having to relearn new proces-</p><p>ses, people and programmes with every political transition -- wasting time and effort for scientists, companies</p><p>and policymakers.”</p><p>“Rather than repeated overhauls, existing programs should be continuously evaluated and updated. New</p><p>programs should only be set up if they fill needs not currently met.”</p><p>More autonomy for project selection should be passed to active scientists, who are “best placed to spot bold</p><p>but risky opportunities that managers miss,” say the authors of the new paper.</p><p>They point to projects instigated by the US National Labs producing more commercially-viable technologies</p><p>than those dictated by DoE headquarters — despite the Labs holding a mere 4% of the DoE’s overall budget.</p><p>The six evidence-based guiding principles for clean energy investment are:</p><p>Give researchers and technical experts more autonomy and influence over funding decisions.</p><p>Build technology transfer into research organisations.</p><p>Focus demonstration projects on learning.</p><p>Incentivise international collaboration.</p><p>Adopt an adaptive learning strategy.</p><p>Keep funding stable and predictable.</p><p>From US researchers using the pace of Chinese construction markets to test energy reduction technologies,</p><p>to the UK government harnessing behavioural psychology to promote energy efficiency, the authors highlight</p><p>examples of government investment that helped create or improve clean energy initiatives across the world.</p><p>“Let’s learn from experience on how to accelerate the transition to a cleaner, safer and more affordable ener-</p><p>gy system,” they write.</p><p>Available at: .</p><p>Retrieved on: 28 Dec</p><p>2017. Adapted.</p><p>In the fragment of Text “Rather than repeated overhauls, existing programs should be continuously evaluated</p><p>and updated”, should be expresses a(n)</p><p>(A) strong ability</p><p>(B) vague necessity</p><p>(C) weak probability</p><p>(D) future permission</p><p>(E) strong recommendation</p><p>10.CESGRANRIO - Profissional Petrobras de Nível Superior (PETROBRAS)/Medicina do Trabalho/2017</p><p>Text</p><p>Oil</p><p>Overview</p><p>The oil industry has a less-than-stellar environmental record in general, but it becomes even worse in tropical</p><p>rainforest regions, which often contain rich deposits of petroleum. The most notorious examples of rainforest</p><p>havoc caused by oil firms are Shell Oil in Nigeria and Texaco in Ecuador. The operations run by both companies</p><p>degraded the environment and affected local and indigenous people by their activities. The Texaco operation in</p><p>Ecuador was responsible for spilling some 17 million gallons of oil into the biologically rich tributaries of the upper</p><p>Amazon, while in the 1980s and 1990s Shell Oil cooperated with the oppressive military dictatorship in Nigeria</p><p>in the suppression and harassment of local people.</p><p>Action</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>67</p><p>The simplest and most reliable way to mitigate damage from oil operations would be to prohibit oil extraction</p><p>in the tropical rainforest. But that is unlikely given the number of tropical countries that produce oil and the wealth</p><p>of oil deposits located in forest areas. Thus the focus is on reducing pollution and avoiding spills through better</p><p>pipeline management, reinjection techniques, and halting methane flaring. Limiting road development and res-</p><p>tricting access can help avoid deforestation associated with settlement.</p><p>Biofuels</p><p>The energy and technology sectors are investing heavily in alternatives to conventional fossil fuels, but early</p><p>efforts to use crop-based biofuels have had serious environmental consequences.</p><p>While some believed biofuels—fuels that are derived from biomass, including recently living organisms like</p><p>plants or their metabolic byproducts like cow manure— would offer environmental benefits over conventional</p><p>fossils fuels, the production and use of biofuels derived from palm oil, soy, corn, rapeseed, and sugar cane have</p><p>in recent years driven up food prices, promoted large-scale deforestation, depleted water supplies, worsened</p><p>soil erosion, and lead to increased air and water pollution. Still, there is hope that the next generation of biofuels,</p><p>derived from farm waste, algae, and native grasses and weeds, could eliminate many of the worse effects seen</p><p>during the current rush into biofuels.</p><p>Efficiency</p><p>Good old-fashioned oil conservation is effective in reducing demand for oil products. After the first OPEC</p><p>embargo in 1973, the United States realized the importance of oil efficiency and initiated policies to do away</p><p>with wasteful practices. By 1985, the U.S. was 25 percent more energy efficient and 32 percent more oil efficient</p><p>than in 1973. Of course the U.S. was upstaged by the Japanese who in the same period improved their energy</p><p>efficiency by 31 percent and their oil efficiency by 51 percent. Today the importance of oil to the economy is still</p><p>diminishing. Despite the 51 percent growth in the American economy between 1990 and 2004, carbon emissions</p><p>only increased 19% suggesting that those who insist that economic growth and carbon dioxide emissions move</p><p>in tandem are wrong.</p><p>Develop new technology</p><p>The developed world can seek alternative methods to oil exploration, by developing new technologies that</p><p>rely less on processes that are ecologically damaging. For example, compressed natural gas is a cleaner-bur-</p><p>ning fuel than gasoline, is already used in some cars, and is available in vast quantities. Electric cars are poten-</p><p>tially even more environmentally sound.</p><p>To encourage investment in research and development of “greener” technologies, governments can help by</p><p>eliminating subsidies for the oil and gas industry and imposing higher taxes on heavy polluters. While govern-</p><p>ments will play a role in cleaner-energy development, it is likely that the private sector will provide most of the</p><p>funding and innovation for new energy projects. Venture capital firms and corporations have put billions into new</p><p>technologies since the mid-2000s, while corporations are getting on board as well.</p><p>As experiences with biofuels have shown, there are often downsides to alternative energy sources. For</p><p>example, hydroelectric projects have destroyed river systems and flooded vast areas of forests. Thus when un-</p><p>dertaking any large-scale energy project — whether it’s wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, or something else — it is</p><p>important to conduct a proper assessment of its impact.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>Admittedly, there are many challenges facing sustainable use of tropical rainforests. In arriving at a solution</p><p>many issues must be addressed, including the resolution of conflicting claims to land considered to be in the</p><p>public domain; barriers to markets; the assurance of sustainable development without overexploitation in the</p><p>face of growing demand for forest products; determination of the best way to use forests; and the consideration</p><p>of many other factors.</p><p>Almost none of these economic possibilities can become realities if the rainforests are completely stripped.</p><p>Useful products cannot be harvested from species that no longer exist, just as eco-tourists will not visit the vast</p><p>stretches of wasteland that were once lush forest. Thus some of the primary rainforests must be salvaged for</p><p>sustainable development to be at all successful.</p><p>Available at: . Retrieved on: Aug, 10th, 2017. Adapted.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>68</p><p>In the sentence of Text “Today the importance of oil to the economy is still diminishing”, the verb form is dimi-</p><p>nishing indicates</p><p>(A) a habitual present action</p><p>(B) a concluded past action</p><p>(C) a prediction for the future</p><p>(D) an action in progress</p><p>(E) an action in progress in the past</p><p>11.CESGRANRIO - Técnico em Regulação de Petróleo e Derivados, Álcool Combustível e Gás Natural</p><p>(ANP)/Geral/2016 (e mais 1 concurso)</p><p>Obama Rejects Keystone XL Pipeline</p><p>Why Keystone XL Is Dead</p><p>President Obama announced Friday morning that he has denied TransCanada’s permit application to build</p><p>the Keystone XL oil pipeline in the U.S.</p><p>“The State Department has decided that the Keystone XL pipeline would not serve the national interest of the</p><p>United States,” Obama said. “I agree with that decision.”</p><p>Obama said America is a global leader on taking action on climate change, and approving Keystone XL would</p><p>have undercut that leadership. Some crude oil needs to be left in the ground to keep the climate from warming</p><p>further, and rejecting Keystone XL will help meet that goal, he said.</p><p>Among the reasons for rejecting Keystone XL, Obama said the pipeline would not make a meaningful long-</p><p>-term contribution to the U.S. economy, nor would it increase U.S. energy security or help to lower gas prices,</p><p>which have already declined dramatically over the last year.</p><p>TransCanada said in a statement that it “would review all of its options in light of a permit denial for Keystone</p><p>XL,” including the possibility of filing a new permit application for a pipeline.</p><p>“TransCanada and its shippers remain absolutely committed to building this important energy infrastructure</p><p>project,” TransCanada CEO Russ Girling said in a statement.</p><p>State Department officials said at a news conference Friday that TransCanada is free to apply for a new per-</p><p>mit to build a cross-border pipeline and it is up to the company to do so.</p><p>The $8 billion Keystone XL pipeline was slated to stretch 1,179 miles from east-central Alberta, Canada, to</p><p>the Texas Gulf Coast. It would transport 830,000 barrels of crude oil per day from the Canadian tar sands to</p><p>refineries near Houston. Proposed in 2008, the</p><p>875-mile section between the Canadian border and Steele City,</p><p>Neb., needed State Department approval because it crossed an international border.</p><p>Other parts of TransCanada’s Keystone Project between central Nebraska and Texas have already been built</p><p>and are carrying tar sands oil to refineries along the Gulf Coast today. Environmental advocates have rallied</p><p>against the unbuilt portion and urged the Obama administration to reject it, saying emissions from the production</p><p>and burning of tar sands oil it would carry could worsen climate change.</p><p>The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency calculated that the tar sands oil the pipeline would carry is highly</p><p>damaging to the climate, emitting about 1.3 billion more tons of greenhouse emissions over the pipeline’s 50-</p><p>year lifespan than if it were carrying conventional crude oil. The production of tar sands oil releases 17 percent</p><p>more CO2 into the atmosphere than the average barrel of crude oil produced elsewhere, according to the State</p><p>Department.</p><p>“Construction of the Keystone XL pipeline would be inconsistent with stabilizing global warming below dan-</p><p>gerous levels,” Penn State University climate scientist Michael Mann said. “I am pleased that the administration</p><p>has made good on their promise to take seriously the task of acting on climate by rejecting the construction of</p><p>the pipeline.”</p><p>Available at: . Retrieved on:</p><p>Nov. 10th, 2015. Adapted</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>69</p><p>In the fragment of the text “Among the reasons for rejecting Keystone XL, Obama said the pipeline would not</p><p>make a meaningful long-term contribution to the U.S. economy, nor would it increase U.S. energy security or</p><p>help to lower gas prices, which have already declined dramatically over the last year”, the pronoun which refers</p><p>to</p><p>(A) U.S. economy</p><p>(B) U.S. energy security</p><p>(C) pipeline</p><p>(D) gas prices</p><p>(E) long-term contribution</p><p>12.CESGRANRIO - Auditor Júnior (TRANSPETRO)/2016</p><p>Transportation in Geography</p><p>The world is obviously not a place where features such as resources, people and economic activities are ran-</p><p>domly distributed; there is a logic, or an order, to spatial distribution. Geography seeks to understand the spatial</p><p>order of things as well as their interactions, particularly when the spatial order is less evident. Transportation is</p><p>one element of this spatial order as it is at the same time influenced by geography as well as having an influence</p><p>on it. For instance, the path followed by a road is influenced by regional economic and physical attributes, but</p><p>once constructed the same road will shape future regional developments.</p><p>Transportation is of relevance to geography for two main reasons. First, transport infrastructures, terminals,</p><p>modes and networks occupy an important place in space and constitute the basis of a complex spatial system.</p><p>Second, since geography seeks to explain spatial relationships, transport networks are of specific interest be-</p><p>cause they are the main physical support of these interactions.</p><p>Transport geography, as a discipline, emerged as a branch of economic geography in the second half of</p><p>the twentieth century. In earlier considerations, particularly in commercial geography (late 19th and early 20th</p><p>century), transportation was an important factor behind the economic representations of the geographic space,</p><p>namely in terms of the location of economic activities and the monetary costs of distance. These cost considera-</p><p>tions became the foundation of several geographical theories such as central places and location analysis. The</p><p>growing mobility of passengers and freight justified the emergence of transport geography as a specialized field</p><p>of investigation.</p><p>In the 1960s, transport had to be formalized as key factors in location theories and transport geography</p><p>began to rely increasingly on quantitative methods, particularly over network and spatial interactions analysis.</p><p>However, from the 1970s, technical, political and economic changes challenged the centrality of transporta-</p><p>tion in many geographical and regional development investigations. The strong spatial anchoring effect of high</p><p>transportation costs receded and decentralization was a dominant paradigm that was observed within cities</p><p>(suburbanization), but also within regions. The spatial theory foundations of transport geography, particularly the</p><p>friction of distance, became less relevant, or less evident, in explaining socioeconomic processes. As a result,</p><p>transportation became underrepresented in economic geography in the 1970s and 1980s, even if the mobility of</p><p>people and freight and low transport costswere considered as important factors behind the globalization of trade</p><p>and production.</p><p>Since the 1990s, transport geography has received renewed attention with new realms of investigation. The</p><p>issues of mobility, production and distribution became interrelated in a complex geographical setting where the</p><p>local, regional and global became increasingly blurred through the development of new passengers and freight</p><p>transport systems (Hoyle and Knowles, 1998). For instance, suburbanization resulted in an array of challenges</p><p>related to congestion and automobile dependency. Rapid urbanization in developing economies underlined the</p><p>challenges of transport infrastructure investment for private as well as collective uses. Globalization supported</p><p>the development of complex air and maritime transportation networks, many of which supporting global supply</p><p>chains and trade relations across long distances. The role of information and communication technologies was</p><p>also being felt, often as a support or as an alternative to mobility. All of the above were linked with new and ex-</p><p>panded mobilities of passengers, freight and information.</p><p>Adapted from: . Retrieved on: Jan.</p><p>9th, 2015.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>70</p><p>In the fragment “In the 1960s, transport had to be formalized as key factors in location theories”, the modal</p><p>verb had to implies an idea of</p><p>(A) advice</p><p>(B) possibility</p><p>(C) probability</p><p>(D) prediction</p><p>(E) necessity</p><p>13.CESGRANRIO - Auditor Júnior (TRANSPETRO)/2016</p><p>Transportation in Geography</p><p>The world is obviously not a place where features such as resources, people and economic activities are ran-</p><p>domly distributed; there is a logic, or an order, to spatial distribution. Geography seeks to understand the spatial</p><p>order of things as well as their interactions, particularly when the spatial order is less evident. Transportation is</p><p>one element of this spatial order as it is at the same time influenced by geography as well as having an influence</p><p>on it. For instance, the path followed by a road is influenced by regional economic and physical attributes, but</p><p>once constructed the same road will shape future regional developments.</p><p>Transportation is of relevance to geography for two main reasons. First, transport infrastructures, terminals,</p><p>modes and networks occupy an important place in space and constitute the basis of a complex spatial system.</p><p>Second, since geography seeks to explain spatial relationships, transport networks are of specific interest be-</p><p>cause they are the main physical support of these interactions.</p><p>Transport geography, as a discipline, emerged as a branch of economic geography in the second half of</p><p>the twentieth century. In earlier considerations, particularly in commercial geography (late 19th and early 20th</p><p>century), transportation was an important factor behind the economic representations of the geographic space,</p><p>namely in terms of the location of economic activities and the monetary costs of distance. These cost considera-</p><p>tions became the foundation of several geographical theories such as central places and location analysis. The</p><p>growing mobility of passengers and freight justified</p><p>the emergence of transport geography as a specialized field</p><p>of investigation.</p><p>In the 1960s, transport had to be formalized as key factors in location theories and transport geography</p><p>began to rely increasingly on quantitative methods, particularly over network and spatial interactions analysis.</p><p>However, from the 1970s, technical, political and economic changes challenged the centrality of transporta-</p><p>tion in many geographical and regional development investigations. The strong spatial anchoring effect of high</p><p>transportation costs receded and decentralization was a dominant paradigm that was observed within cities</p><p>(suburbanization), but also within regions. The spatial theory foundations of transport geography, particularly the</p><p>friction of distance, became less relevant, or less evident, in explaining socioeconomic processes. As a result,</p><p>transportation became underrepresented in economic geography in the 1970s and 1980s, even if the mobility of</p><p>people and freight and low transport costswere considered as important factors behind the globalization of trade</p><p>and production.</p><p>Since the 1990s, transport geography has received renewed attention with new realms of investigation. The</p><p>issues of mobility, production and distribution became interrelated in a complex geographical setting where the</p><p>local, regional and global became increasingly blurred through the development of new passengers and freight</p><p>transport systems (Hoyle and Knowles, 1998). For instance, suburbanization resulted in an array of challenges</p><p>related to congestion and automobile dependency. Rapid urbanization in developing economies underlined the</p><p>challenges of transport infrastructure investment for private as well as collective uses. Globalization supported</p><p>the development of complex air and maritime transportation networks, many of which supporting global supply</p><p>chains and trade relations across long distances. The role of information and communication technologies was</p><p>also being felt, often as a support or as an alternative to mobility. All of the above were linked with new and ex-</p><p>panded mobilities of passengers, freight and information.</p><p>Adapted from: . Retrieved on: Jan.</p><p>9th, 2015.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>71</p><p>In the fragment from the text “Globalization supported the development of complex air and maritime transpor-</p><p>tation networks, many of which supporting global supply chains and trade relations across long distances”, the</p><p>word which refers to</p><p>(A) chains</p><p>(B) relations</p><p>(C) networks</p><p>(D) globalization</p><p>(E) transportation</p><p>14.CESGRANRIO - Segundo Oficial (TRANSPETRO)/Máquinas/2016 (e mais 1 concurso)</p><p>From Security to Efficiency: Modern Vessel Tracking</p><p>More so than many other fields of business, the maritime industry is focused on cost, which in turn gives the</p><p>appearance of being conservative towards technology. Certainly, we have technical ships magnificently opera-</p><p>ting with equipment that wouldn’t look out of place in a NASA lab, but generally, it can take decades for a tech-</p><p>nology to become mainstream. Unless it becomes mandated by the IMO (International Maritime Organization).</p><p>Vessel tracking is a partial exception to the rule though, with many fleet owners realizing its potential for more</p><p>cost-effective operation and personnel security.</p><p>Knowing the exact position of all vessels in a fleet, in a software solution designed to fit with your own logis-</p><p>tical processes, can significantly improve efficiency. If a ship arrives early or late, more often than not there will</p><p>be an associated cost. If this can be identified during transit then the early or late arrival can be negated or at</p><p>least planned for. Likewise, if by knowing the positions of your fleet of workboats means that you can route the</p><p>closest vessel to the next job, then significant fuel cost savings can be made. With modern tracking systems,</p><p>the way data is used is just as important as knowing where a vessel is at all times. But there are countless ways</p><p>to apply the data to the benefit of efficiency for a single ship or fleet. So providing easy and reliable access to</p><p>position reports is essential.</p><p>A new tracking unit</p><p>RockFLEET is an advanced new tracking unit for the professional maritime environment. During its design</p><p>phase, the team decided that in order for the position data it provides to be of the most use, as well as being</p><p>available via Rock Seven’s own fleet viewer ‘The Core,’ it must also be available in any software system the</p><p>user chooses. Using a standards-based API (Application Programming Interface.), the customer can integrate</p><p>tracking data from RockFLEET into their own applications. Typically this means that RockFLEET tracked assets</p><p>can be added to existing fleet management software, which invariably is designed around an owner or operators</p><p>own logistics.</p><p>With precise vessel location data available, the opportunities are unlimited and only down to the creativity of</p><p>the user. For instance, a current Rock Seven customer uses location data to manage payroll of personnel. Es-</p><p>sentially, personnel get paid different amounts depending on whether the ship is at sea, in international waters,</p><p>in port or transiting regions with high piracy incidents.</p><p>RockFLEET, a unique device</p><p>The above user is a private security company involved in anti-piracy operations. It actually gets location data</p><p>using RockSTAR, the handheld version of RockFLEET, which is a new fixed unit that can be fitted anywhere on</p><p>board. Completely waterproof and with no moving parts, it is a robust, ultra-compact (13cm diameter/4cm high)</p><p>device with multiple mounting options. The physical design of RockFLEET was in part driven by the security</p><p>challenges faced by vessels facing the issues of modern piracy.</p><p>The unit itself is designed to look anonymous; as standard there’s no name on the outside. It works from</p><p>ship’s power, but it uniquely has a backup battery inside. Which is important should a vessel be hijacked and the</p><p>main power cut.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>72</p><p>Knowing the location of all friendly vessels in a region is vital to organisations with a stake in ensuring safe</p><p>passage through known piracy hotspots. With an operational vessel/fleet tracking system, ship owners and fleet</p><p>managers will know where their ships are at all times. This information can be fed to authorities, private anti-pi-</p><p>racy companies and the naval forces patrolling piracy hotspots to build a clear, near real-time picture for domain</p><p>awareness. The value of this information should a vessel be hijacked is obvious: knowing the last whereabouts</p><p>of a vessel provides responders with a starting point should a hijacked vessel’s tracking system be disabled by</p><p>pirates.</p><p>Today’s pirates know that many commercial vessels are tracked, especially those would be targets sailing in</p><p>what are known to be hostile waters. So disabling vessel tracking equipment on board is a sensible action for</p><p>said pirates after a hijacked ship’s crew have been subdued and because most tracking units are powered by</p><p>the vessel, finding and cutting the power supply isn’t hard. RockFLEET, however, is the only device of its kind</p><p>with an internal battery backup, so it can continue to transmit position for up to two weeks if external power is cut.</p><p>With facility to mount covertly, this makes it especially suitable for vessels traversing piracy hotspots.</p><p>Available at: . Retrieved</p><p>on: Jan, 7th, 2015. Adapted.</p><p>The boldfaced verb conveys the idea of hypothesis in</p><p>(A) “More so than many other fields of business, the maritime industry is focused on cost”</p><p>(B) “more often than not there will be an associated cost”</p><p>(C) “it must also be available in any software system the user chooses”</p><p>(D) “The value of this information should a vessel be hijacked is obvious”</p><p>(E) “so it can continue to transmit position for up to two weeks”</p><p>15..CESGRANRIO - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/2015/1</p><p>Why Millennials Don’t Like Credit Cards</p><p>by Holly Johnson</p><p>Cheap, easy credit might have been tempting to young people in the past, but not to today’s millennials.</p><p>According to a recent survey by Bankrate of over 1,161 consumers, 63% of adults ages 18 to 29 live without a</p><p>credit card of any kind, and another 23% only carry one card.</p><p>The Impact of the Great Recession</p><p>Research shows that the environment millennials grew up in might have an impact on their finances. Unlike</p><p>other generations, millennials lived through economic hardships during a time when their adult lives were begin-</p><p>ning. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Great Recession caused millennials to stray from historic</p><p>patterns when it comes to purchasing a home and having children, and a fear of credit cards could be another</p><p>symptom of the economic environment of the times.</p><p>And there’s much data when it comes to proving that millennials grew up on shaky economic ground. The</p><p>Pew Research Center reports that 36% of millennials lived at home with their parents in 2012. Meanwhile, the</p><p>unemployment rate for people ages 16 to 24 was 14.2% (more than twice the national rate) in early 2014, ac-</p><p>cording to the BLS. With those figures, it’s no wonder that millennials are skittish when it comes to credit cards.</p><p>It makes sense that young people would be afraid to take on any new forms of debt.</p><p>A Generation Plagued with Student Loan Debt</p><p>But the Great Recession isn’t the only reason millennials could be fearful of credit. Many experts believe that</p><p>the nation’s student loan debt level might be related to it. According to the Institute for College Access & Suc-</p><p>cess, 71% of millennials (or 1.3 million students) who graduated from college in 2012 left school with at least</p><p>some student loan debt, with the average amount owed around $29,400.</p><p>With so much debt already under their belts, millennials are worried about adding any credit card debt to the</p><p>pile. After all, many adults with student loan debt need to make payments for years, and even decades.</p><p>How Millennials Can Build Credit Without a Credit Card</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>73</p><p>The fact that millennials are smart enough to avoid credit card debt is a good thing, but that doesn’t mean the</p><p>decision has its drawbacks. According to Experian, most adults need a positive credit history in order to qualify</p><p>for an auto loan or mortgage. Even worse, having no credit history is almost as bad as having a negative credit</p><p>history in some cases.</p><p>Still, there are plenty of ways millennials can build a credit history without a credit card. A few tips:</p><p>Make payments on installment loans on time. Whether it’s a car loan, student loan or personal loan, make</p><p>sure to mail in those payments on time and pay at least the minimum amount required.</p><p>Put at least one household or utility bill in your name. Paying your utility or household bills on time can help</p><p>you build a positive credit history.</p><p>Get a secured credit card. Unlike traditional credit cards, the funds secured credit cards offer are backed by</p><p>money the user deposits. Signing up for a secured card is one way to build a positive credit history without any</p><p>risk.</p><p>The fact that millennials are leery of credit cards is probably a good thing in the long run. After all, not having</p><p>a credit card is the perfect way to stay out of credit card debt. Even though it might be harder to build a credit</p><p>history without credit cards, the vast majority of millennials have decided that the plastic just isn’t worth it.</p><p>Available at: . Retrieved on: Nov. 10th, 2014. Adapted.</p><p>In the sentence of the text “Still, there are plenty of ways millennials can build a credit history without a credit</p><p>card”, the quantifier plenty of can be replaced, with no change in meaning, by</p><p>(A) some</p><p>(B) few</p><p>(C) a few</p><p>(D) a little</p><p>(E) lots of</p><p>16.CESGRANRIO - Profissional Petrobras de Nível Superior (PETROBRAS)/Direito/2015</p><p>Millennials – The next generation of oil and gas talent</p><p>Good oil and gas talent is in short supply. Combine the so-called “Big Shift Change” with the reduced number</p><p>of students applying for and completing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) courses in</p><p>college, and there is a serious concern about where the next generation of industry talent will come from.</p><p>As oil and gas companies bring in new talent to meet staffing demands, CEB research shows that five-in-six</p><p>hiring managers believe their new graduate hires present a lack of the skills and knowledge they consider ne-</p><p>cessary. But rather than changing their hiring strategies to find candidates with the potential to learn and develop</p><p>those skills and knowledge, many companies continue to waste money on ineffective and poorly targeted re-</p><p>cruitment programs. As a result, these companies are forced to replace a growing percentage of their graduate</p><p>hires within the first year.</p><p>One thing is for certain – millennials, or workers born between 1980 and 2000, will be a critical part of the oil</p><p>and gas workforce of tomorrow. So how can today’s oil and gas leaders find strong millennial talent who make</p><p>an impact quickly? We’ve identified several tips for companies that want to see greater return on investment for</p><p>millennial recruitment.</p><p>1. Broaden your net beyond only those with top grades and use objective assessments</p><p>Strong academic performers aren’t always those who will perform best in the job. Recruiting from good scho-</p><p>ols and evaluating academic performance will always be important, and every company wants to hire smart pe-</p><p>ople. However, grades are not a perfect measure of how smart someone is, and they do not necessarily reflect</p><p>all the characteristics that make a person successful on the job. The job candidate with a 3.1 GPA who worked</p><p>full-time while going to school may have demonstrated drive, motivation, time management and resourcefulness</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>74</p><p>– all of which are beneficial on the job. This person can be just as qualified as a top student. Using objective</p><p>assessments to measure employability – a comprehensive evaluation of hard and soft skills and overall potential</p><p>– improves the odds of finding the right hires for the business.</p><p>2. Use, but don’t overestimate, social media</p><p>Unsurprisingly, millennials are more likely than any other generation to use social media to learn about or-</p><p>ganizations. Nonetheless, less than a third actually trust the information they receive through social channels.</p><p>Regardless of generation, job seekers place the most trust in personal connections such as friends and family,</p><p>so continue to invest in traditional channels such as on-campus recruiting, job fairs, and referral programs. Using</p><p>technology and social media in the recruiting process is important, but they should supplement and enhance</p><p>existing efforts rather than replace them.</p><p>3. Understand millennial motivations</p><p>To attract the best millennial workers, understand what motivates them. Our research shows this generation</p><p>is actually motivated by opportunities to develop and grow, demonstrate the talents they have, and move up</p><p>in the company, rather than by salary. Incidentally, other generations are interested in these things too, and</p><p>showing a commitment to developing employees will help retain existing employees as well as attract new ones</p><p>4. Remember that new hires don’t always have to be work-ready</p><p>Graduate hires may not have the necessary skills to be successful on day one. When casting a wider net to</p><p>find new talent, look for ways to assess candidates’ capacity to learn, drive for achievement and ability to work</p><p>effectively with others. There is an increased likelihood that candidates with high measures</p><p>in those areas can</p><p>develop into successful employees, even if they do not possess the full range of technical knowledge and skills</p><p>when hired. Once they are hired, identify and invest in developing the skills that graduates need to flourish in the</p><p>job today and prepare for future roles.</p><p>5. Avoid recruiting simply to fill vacancies</p><p>Successful companies find a balance between responding to management demands to fill current vacancies</p><p>and securing the right people to meet long-term business needs. Openings will always need to be filled, but the</p><p>urgency to hire for today’s vacancies should be tempered with the goal of hiring people who will grow with the</p><p>organization. Many successful oil and gas companies are hiring for fit with the overall company rather than for</p><p>a specific job. A talented engineer with strong capacity for learning and potential for growth is someone worth</p><p>investing in, even if a perfect role isn’t available at the present time.</p><p>6. Offer diverse experiences</p><p>A common myth about millennials is that they are only looking to stay with a given company for a short time</p><p>before moving on. However, our research shows that millennials view employment stability as very important but</p><p>they are also looking for varied experiences. By offering diverse career experiences and clarifying the benefit of</p><p>moves with the organization, millennials will be more likely to stay in one place.</p><p>With a growing need for new talent in the sector, most oil and gas companies will feel pressure to hire new</p><p>millennial employees as rapidly as possible. However, making incorrect assumptions about how millennials think</p><p>and hiring for short-term rather than long-term goals will be ineffective. Companies will see the most success in</p><p>attracting top millennial talent by taking a more thoughtful, objective and company-specific approach to hiring.</p><p>Available at: . Retrieved on: Apr. 30th, 2015. Adapted.</p><p>In the fragment of Text “We’ve identified several tips for companies that want to see greater return on invest-</p><p>ment for millennial recruitment”, the verb form in bold indicates that the</p><p>(A) identification of the tips happened last year.</p><p>(B) identification of the tips will soon be finished.</p><p>(C) identification of the tips is an ongoing process.</p><p>(D) results of the identification of the tips are important now.</p><p>(E) results of the identification of the tips were considered important in the past.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>75</p><p>17..CESGRANRIO - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/2015/2</p><p>Financial System</p><p>People have virtually unlimited needs, but the economic resources to supply those needs are limited. Therefo-</p><p>re, the greatest benefit of an economy is to provide the most desirable consumer goods and services in the most</p><p>desirable amounts - what is known as the efficient allocation of economic resources. To produce these consumer</p><p>goods and services requires capital in the form of labor, land, capital goods used to produce a desired product or</p><p>service, and entrepreneurial ability to use these resources together to the greatest efficiency in producing what</p><p>consumers want most. Real capital consists of the land, labor, tools and machinery, and entrepreneurial ability</p><p>to produce consumer goods and services, and to acquire real capital costs money.</p><p>The financial system of an economy provides the means to collect money from the people who have it and</p><p>distribute it to those who can use it best. Hence, the efficient allocation of economic resources is achieved by</p><p>a financial system that allocates money to those people and for those purposes(c) that will yield the greatest</p><p>return(d).</p><p>The financial system is composed of the products and services(e) provided by financial institutions(a), which</p><p>include banks, insurance companies, pension funds, organized exchanges, and the many other companies(b)</p><p>that serve to facilitate economic transactions. Virtually all economic transactions are effected by one or more of</p><p>these financial institutions. They create financial instruments, such as stocks and bonds, pay interest on depo-</p><p>sits, lend money to creditworthy borrowers, and create and maintain the payment systems of modern economies.</p><p>These financial products and services are basedon the following fundamental objectives of any modern fi-</p><p>nancial system:</p><p>to provide a payment system;</p><p>to give money time value;</p><p>to offer products and services to reduce financial risk or to compensate risk-taking for desirableobjectives;</p><p>to collect and disperse information that allows the most efficient allocation of economic resources;</p><p>to create and maintain financial markets that provide prices, which indicates how well investments are perfor-</p><p>ming, which also determines the subsequent allocation of resources, and to maintain economic stability.</p><p>Available at: . Retrieved on: July 27th, 2015.</p><p>Adapted.</p><p>The relative pronoun which in the fragment of the text “which include banks, insurance companies, pension</p><p>funds, organized exchanges, and the many other companies” refers to</p><p>(A) financial institutions</p><p>(B) other companies</p><p>(C) purposes</p><p>(D) return</p><p>(E) products and services</p><p>18.CESGRANRIO - Profissional Júnior (BR)/Administração/2015 (e mais 13 concursos)</p><p>Natural gas waits for its moment</p><p>Paul Stenquist</p><p>Cars and trucks powered by natural gas make up a significant portion of the vehicle fleet in many parts of the</p><p>world. Iran has more than two million natural gas vehicles on the road. As of 2009, Argentina had more than 1.8</p><p>million in operation and almost 2,000 natural gas filling stations. Brazil was not far behind. Italy and Germany</p><p>have substantial natural gas vehicle fleets. Is America next?</p><p>With natural gas in plentiful supply at bargain prices in the United States, issues that have limited its use in</p><p>cars are being rethought, and its market share could increase, perhaps substantially.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>76</p><p>According to Energy Department Price Information from July, natural gas offers economic advantages over</p><p>gasoline and diesel fuels. If a gasoline-engine vehicle can take you 40 miles on one gallon, the same vehicle</p><p>running on compressed natural gas can do it for about $1.50 less at today’s prices. To that savings add lower</p><p>maintenance costs. A study of New York City cabs running on natural gas found that oil changes need not be as</p><p>frequent because of the clean burn of the fuel, and exhaustsystem parts last longer because natural gas is less</p><p>corrosive than other fuels.</p><p>Today, those economic benefits are nullified by the initial cost of a natural gas vehicle — 20 to 30 percent</p><p>more than a comparable gasoline-engine vehicle. But were production to increase significantly, economies of</p><p>scale would bring prices down. In an interview by phone, Jon Coleman, fleet sustainability manager at the Ford</p><p>Motor Company, said that given sufficient volume, the selling price of natural gas vehicles could be comparable</p><p>to that of conventional vehicles.</p><p>It may be years before the economic benefits of natural gas vehicles can be realized, but the environmental</p><p>benefits appear to be immediate. According to the Energy Department’s website, natural gas vehicles have</p><p>smaller carbon footprints than gasoline or diesel automobiles, even when taking into account the natural gas</p><p>production process, which releases carbon-rich methane into the atmosphere.</p><p>The United States government appears to favor natural gas as a motor vehicle fuel. To promote the produc-</p><p>tion of vehicles with fewer carbon emissions, it has allowed automakers to count certain vehicle types more than</p><p>once when calculating their Corporate Average Fuel Economy, under regulations mandating a fleet average</p><p>of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. Plug-in hybrids and natural gas vehicles can be counted</p><p>1.6 times under the</p><p>CAFE standards, and electric vehicles can be counted twice.</p><p>Adapting natural gas as a vehicle fuel introduces engineering challenges. While the fuel burns clean, it is less</p><p>energy dense than gasoline, so if it is burned in an engine designed to run on conventional fuel, performance</p><p>and efficiency are degraded.</p><p>But since natural gas has an octane rating of 130, compared with 93 for the best gasoline, an engine desig-</p><p>ned for it can run with very high cylinder pressure, which would cause a regular gasoline engine to knock from</p><p>premature ignition. More cylinder pressure yields more power, and thus the energy-density advantage of gaso-</p><p>line can be nullified.[...]</p><p>Until the pressurized fuel tanks of natural gas vehicles can be easily and quickly refueled, the fleet cannot</p><p>grow substantially. The number of commercial refueling stations for compressed natural gas has been increa-</p><p>sing at a rate of 16 percent yearly, the Energy Department says. And, while the total is still small, advances in</p><p>refueling equipment should increase the rate of expansion. Much of the infrastructure is already in place: Ame-</p><p>rica has millions of miles of natural gas pipeline. Connecting that network to refueling equipment is not difficult.</p><p>Although commercial refueling stations will be necessary to support a substantial fleet of natural gas vehicles,</p><p>home refueling may be the magic bullet that makes the vehicles practical. Electric vehicles depend largely on</p><p>home charging and most have less than half the range of a fully fueled natural gas vehicle. Somecompressed</p><p>natural gas home refueling products are available, but they can cost as much as $5,000.</p><p>Seeking to change that, the Energy Department has awarded grants to a number of companies in an effort to</p><p>develop affordable home-refueling equipment.</p><p>[...]</p><p>Available at: . Re-</p><p>trieved on: Sept 3rd, 2014. Adapted.</p><p>In the statement “As of 2009, Argentina had more than 1.8 million in operation and almost 2,000 natural gas</p><p>filling stations”, the expression as of means:</p><p>(A) In 2009</p><p>(B) Since 2009</p><p>(C) Around 2009</p><p>(D) Before 2009</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>77</p><p>(E) Comparing to 2009</p><p>19.CESGRANRIO - Profissional Júnior (BR)/Administração/2015 (e mais 13 concursos)</p><p>Natural gas waits for its moment</p><p>Paul Stenquist</p><p>Cars and trucks powered by natural gas make up a significant portion of the vehicle fleet in many parts of the</p><p>world. Iran has more than two million natural gas vehicles on the road. As of 2009, Argentina had more than 1.8</p><p>million in operation and almost 2,000 natural gas filling stations. Brazil was not far behind. Italy and Germany</p><p>have substantial natural gas vehicle fleets. Is America next?</p><p>With natural gas in plentiful supply at bargain prices in the United States, issues that have limited its use in</p><p>cars are being rethought, and its market share could increase, perhaps substantially.</p><p>According to Energy Department Price Information from July, natural gas offers economic advantages over</p><p>gasoline and diesel fuels. If a gasoline-engine vehicle can take you 40 miles on one gallon, the same vehicle</p><p>running on compressed natural gas can do it for about $1.50 less at today’s prices. To that savings add lower</p><p>maintenance costs. A study of New York City cabs running on natural gas found that oil changes need not be as</p><p>frequent because of the clean burn of the fuel, and exhaustsystem parts last longer because natural gas is less</p><p>corrosive than other fuels.</p><p>Today, those economic benefits are nullified by the initial cost of a natural gas vehicle — 20 to 30 percent</p><p>more than a comparable gasoline-engine vehicle. But were production to increase significantly, economies of</p><p>scale would bring prices down. In an interview by phone, Jon Coleman, fleet sustainability manager at the Ford</p><p>Motor Company, said that given sufficient volume, the selling price of natural gas vehicles could be comparable</p><p>to that of conventional vehicles.</p><p>It may be years before the economic benefits of natural gas vehicles can be realized, but the environmental</p><p>benefits appear to be immediate. According to the Energy Department’s website, natural gas vehicles have</p><p>smaller carbon footprints than gasoline or diesel automobiles, even when taking into account the natural gas</p><p>production process, which releases carbon-rich methane into the atmosphere.</p><p>The United States government appears to favor natural gas as a motor vehicle fuel. To promote the produc-</p><p>tion of vehicles with fewer carbon emissions, it has allowed automakers to count certain vehicle types more than</p><p>once when calculating their Corporate Average Fuel Economy, under regulations mandating a fleet average</p><p>of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. Plug-in hybrids and natural gas vehicles can be counted 1.6 times under the</p><p>CAFE standards, and electric vehicles can be counted twice.</p><p>Adapting natural gas as a vehicle fuel introduces engineering challenges. While the fuel burns clean, it is less</p><p>energy dense than gasoline, so if it is burned in an engine designed to run on conventional fuel, performance</p><p>and efficiency are degraded.</p><p>But since natural gas has an octane rating of 130, compared with 93 for the best gasoline, an engine desig-</p><p>ned for it can run with very high cylinder pressure, which would cause a regular gasoline engine to knock from</p><p>premature ignition. More cylinder pressure yields more power, and thus the energy-density advantage of gaso-</p><p>line can be nullified.[...]</p><p>Until the pressurized fuel tanks of natural gas vehicles can be easily and quickly refueled, the fleet cannot</p><p>grow substantially. The number of commercial refueling stations for compressed natural gas has been increa-</p><p>sing at a rate of 16 percent yearly, the Energy Department says. And, while the total is still small, advances in</p><p>refueling equipment should increase the rate of expansion. Much of the infrastructure is already in place: Ame-</p><p>rica has millions of miles of natural gas pipeline. Connecting that network to refueling equipment is not difficult.</p><p>Although commercial refueling stations will be necessary to support a substantial fleet of natural gas vehicles,</p><p>home refueling may be the magic bullet that makes the vehicles practical. Electric vehicles depend largely on</p><p>home charging and most have less than half the range of a fully fueled natural gas vehicle. Somecompressed</p><p>natural gas home refueling products are available, but they can cost as much as $5,000.</p><p>Seeking to change that, the Energy Department has awarded grants to a number of companies in an effort to</p><p>develop affordable home-refueling equipment.</p><p>[...]</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>78</p><p>Available at: . Re-</p><p>trieved on: Sept 3rd, 2014. Adapted.</p><p>The modal verb may in the fragment of the text “It may be years before the economic benefits of natural gas</p><p>vehicles can be realized” is associated with the idea of</p><p>(A) permission</p><p>(B) obligation</p><p>(C) certainty</p><p>(D) inference</p><p>(E) probability</p><p>20.CESGRANRIO - Profissional Júnior (BR)/Administração/2015 (e mais 13 concursos)</p><p>Natural gas waits for its moment</p><p>Paul Stenquist</p><p>Cars and trucks powered by natural gas make up a significant portion of the vehicle fleet in many parts of the</p><p>world. Iran has more than two million natural gas vehicles on the road. As of 2009, Argentina had more than 1.8</p><p>million in operation and almost 2,000 natural gas filling stations. Brazil was not far behind. Italy and Germany</p><p>have substantial natural gas vehicle fleets. Is America next?</p><p>With natural gas in plentiful supply at bargain prices in the United States, issues that have limited its use in</p><p>cars</p><p>the family.</p><p>– Antes de acidentes geográficos (rios, mares, oceanos, cadeias de montanhas, desertos e ilhas no plural),</p><p>mesmo que o elemento geográfico tenha sido omitido.</p><p>THE Nile (River)</p><p>THE Sahara (Desert)</p><p>– Antes de nomes de famílias no plural.</p><p>THE Smiths have just moved here.</p><p>– Antes de adjetivos substantivados.</p><p>You should respect THE old.</p><p>– Antes de numerais ordinais.</p><p>He is THE eleventh on the list.</p><p>– Antes de nomes de hotéis, restaurantes, teatros, cinemas, museus.</p><p>THE Hilton (Hotel)</p><p>– Antes de nacionalidades.</p><p>THE Dutch</p><p>– Antes de nomes de instrumentos musicais.</p><p>She plays THE piano very well.</p><p>– Antes de substantivos seguidos de preposição.</p><p>THE Battle of Trafalgar</p><p>• Omissões</p><p>– Antes de substantivos tomados em sentido genérico.</p><p>Roses are my favorite flowers.</p><p>–Antes de nomes próprios no singular.</p><p>She lives in South America.</p><p>–Antes de possessivos.</p><p>My house is more comfortable than theirs.</p><p>– Antes de nomes de idiomas, não seguidos da palavra language.</p><p>She speaks French and English. (Mas: She speaks THE French language.)</p><p>– Antes de nomes de estações do ano.</p><p>Summer is hot, but winter is cold.</p><p>• Casos especiais</p><p>– Não se usa o artigo THE antes das palavras church, school, prison, market, bed, hospital, home, university,</p><p>college, market, quando esses elementos forem usados para seu primeiro propósito.</p><p>She went to church. (para rezar)</p><p>She went to THE church. (talvez para falar com alguém)</p><p>– Sempre se usa o artigo THE antes de office, cathedral, cinema, movies e theater.</p><p>Let’s go to THE theater.</p><p>They went to THE movies last night.</p><p>Indefinite Article</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>5</p><p>A / AN = um, uma</p><p>• A</p><p>– Antes de palavras iniciadas por consoantes.</p><p>A boy, A girl, A woman</p><p>– Antes de palavras iniciadas por vogais, com som consonantal.</p><p>A uniform, A university, A European</p><p>• AN</p><p>– Antes de palavras iniciadas por vogais.</p><p>AN egg, AN orange, AN umbrella</p><p>– Antes de palavras iniciadas por H mudo (não pronunciado).</p><p>AN hour, AN honor, AN heir</p><p>• Usos</p><p>– Para se dar ideia de representação de um grupo, antes de substantivos.</p><p>A chicken lays eggs. (Todas as galinhas põem ovos.)</p><p>– Antes de nomes próprios no singular, significando “um tal de”.</p><p>A Mr. Smith phoned yesterday.</p><p>– No modelo:</p><p>WHAT + A / AN = adj. + subst.</p><p>What A nice woman!</p><p>– Em algumas expressões de medida e frequência.</p><p>A dozen</p><p>A hundred</p><p>Twice A year</p><p>- Em certas expressões.</p><p>It’s A pity, It’s A shame, It’s AN honor...</p><p>– Antes de profissão ou atividades.</p><p>James is A lawyer.</p><p>Her sister is A physician.</p><p>• Omissão</p><p>– Antes de substantivos contáveis no plural.</p><p>Lions are wild animals.</p><p>– Antes de substantivos incontáveis.</p><p>Water is good for our health.</p><p>* Em alguns casos, podemos usar SOME antes dos substantivos.</p><p>Em Inglês utilizamos adjetivos para comparar duas coisas ou mais. Eles podem ser classificados em dois</p><p>graus: comparativo e superlativo.</p><p>O grau comparativo é usado para comparar duas coisas. Já o superlativo, usamos para dizer que uma coisa</p><p>se destaca num grupo de três ou mais.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>6</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>As cold as = tão frio quanto</p><p>Not so (as) cold as = não tão frio quanto</p><p>Less cold than = menos frio que</p><p>The least cold = o menos frio</p><p>As expensive as = tão caro quanto</p><p>Not so (as) expensive as = não tão caro quanto</p><p>Less expensive than = menos caro que</p><p>The least expensive = o menos caro</p><p>Observações:</p><p>1. Usamos os sufixos –er ou –est com adjetivos / advérbios de uma só sílaba.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>taller than = mais alto que / the tallest = o mais alto</p><p>bigger than = maior que / the biggest = o maior</p><p>2. Usamos os sufixos –er ou –est com adjetivos de duas sílabas.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>happier than = mais feliz que</p><p>cleverer than = mais esperto que</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>7</p><p>the happiest = o mais feliz</p><p>the cleverest = o mais esperto</p><p>3. Usamos os prefixos more e most com adjetivos de mais de duas sílabas.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>More comfortable than = mais confortável que</p><p>More careful than = mais cuidadoso que</p><p>The most comfortable = o mais confortável</p><p>The most careful = o mais cuidadoso</p><p>4. Usamos os prefixos more e most com advérbios de duas sílabas.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>More afraid than = mais amedrontado que</p><p>More asleep than = mais adormecido que</p><p>The most afraid = o mais amedrontado</p><p>The most asleep = o mais adormecido</p><p>5. Usamos os prefixos more e most com qualquer adjetivo terminado em –ed, –ing, –ful, –re, –ous.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>tired – more tired than – the most tired (cansado)</p><p>charming – more charming than – the most charming (charmoso)</p><p>hopeful – more hopeful than – the most hopeful (esperançoso)</p><p>sincere – more sincere than – the most sincere (sincero)</p><p>famous – more famous than – the most famous (famoso)</p><p>Variações ortográficas</p><p>– Adjetivos monossilábicos terminados em uma só consoante, precedida de uma só vogal dobram a conso-</p><p>ante final antes de receberem –er ou –est.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>fat – fatter than – the fattest (gordo)</p><p>thin – thinner than – the thinnest (magro)</p><p>– Adjetivos terminados em Y, precedido de vogal, trocam o Y por I antes do acréscimo de –er ou –est:</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>angry – angrier than – the angriest (zangado)</p><p>happy – happier than – the happiest (feliz)</p><p>Exceção</p><p>shy - shyer than - the shyest (tímido)</p><p>– Adjetivos terminados em E recebem apenas –r ou –st.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>nice – nicer than – the nicest (bonito, simpático)</p><p>brave – braver than – the bravest (corajoso)</p><p>Formas irregulares</p><p>Alguns adjetivos e advérbios têm formas irregulares no comparativo e superlativo de superioridade.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>8</p><p>good (bom /</p><p>boa) better than - the</p><p>bestwell (bem)</p><p>bad (ruim /</p><p>mau) - the worst</p><p>badly (mal)</p><p>little (pouco) less than - the</p><p>least</p><p>Alguns adjetivos e advérbios têm mais de uma forma no comparativo e superlativo de superioridade.</p><p>far (longe)</p><p>farther than – the farthest (distância)</p><p>further (than) – the furthest (distância / adicional)</p><p>old (velho)</p><p>older than – the oldest</p><p>elder – the eldest (só para elementos da mesma família)</p><p>late (tarde)</p><p>the latest (o mais recente)</p><p>the last (o último da série)</p><p>O estudo dos pronomes é algo simples e comum. Em inglês existe apenas uma especificidade, que pode</p><p>causar um pouco de estranheza, que é o pronome “it”, o qual não utilizamos na língua portuguesa; mas, com a</p><p>prática, você vai conseguir entender e aprender bem rápido.</p><p>Subject Pronouns</p><p>I (eu) I am a singer.</p><p>YOU (você, tu, vocês) You are a student.</p><p>HE (ele) He is a teacher.</p><p>SHE (ela) She is a nurse.</p><p>IT (ele, ela) It is a dog/ It is a table.</p><p>WE (nós) We are friends.</p><p>THEY (eles) They are good dancers.</p><p>O pronome pessoal (subject pronoun) é usado apenas no lugar do sujeito (subject), como mostra o exemplo</p><p>abaixo:</p><p>Mary is intelligent = She is intelligent.</p><p>Uso do pronome “it”</p><p>– To refer an object, thing, animal, natural phenomenon.</p><p>Example: The dress is ugly. It is ugly.</p><p>The pen is red. It is red.</p><p>The dog is strong. It is strong.</p><p>– Attention</p><p>a) If you talk about a pet use HE or SHE</p><p>Dick is the name of my little dog. He’s very intelligent!</p><p>b) If you talk about a baby/children that you don’t know if is a girl or a boy.</p><p>The baby is in tears. It is in tears. The child is happy. It is happy.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>9</p><p>Object Pronous</p><p>São usados como objeto da frase. Aparecem sempre depois do verbo.</p><p>ME</p><p>YOU</p><p>HIM</p><p>HER</p><p>IT</p><p>US</p><p>YOU</p><p>THEM</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>They told me the news.</p><p>She loves him so much.</p><p>Demonstrative Pronouns</p><p>Os pronomes demonstrativos são utilizados para demonstrar alguém ou alguma coisa que está perto ou</p><p>longe da pessoa que fala ou de quem se fala, ou seja, indica posição em relação às pessoas do discurso.</p><p>Veja quais são em inglês:</p><p>Singular Plural Singular Plural</p><p>THIS THESE THAT THOSE</p><p>Este/esta/isto Estes/estas Aquele/aquela/aquilo Aqueles/aquelas</p><p>Usa-se o demonstrativo THIS/THESE para indicar seres que estão perto de quem fala. Observe o emprego</p><p>dos pronomes demonstrativos</p><p>are being rethought, and its market share could increase, perhaps substantially.</p><p>According to Energy Department Price Information from July, natural gas offers economic advantages over</p><p>gasoline and diesel fuels. If a gasoline-engine vehicle can take you 40 miles on one gallon, the same vehicle</p><p>running on compressed natural gas can do it for about $1.50 less at today’s prices. To that savings add lower</p><p>maintenance costs. A study of New York City cabs running on natural gas found that oil changes need not be as</p><p>frequent because of the clean burn of the fuel, and exhaustsystem parts last longer because natural gas is less</p><p>corrosive than other fuels.</p><p>Today, those economic benefits are nullified by the initial cost of a natural gas vehicle — 20 to 30 percent</p><p>more than a comparable gasoline-engine vehicle. But were production to increase significantly, economies of</p><p>scale would bring prices down. In an interview by phone, Jon Coleman, fleet sustainability manager at the Ford</p><p>Motor Company, said that given sufficient volume, the selling price of natural gas vehicles could be comparable</p><p>to that of conventional vehicles.</p><p>It may be years before the economic benefits of natural gas vehicles can be realized, but the environmental</p><p>benefits appear to be immediate. According to the Energy Department’s website, natural gas vehicles have</p><p>smaller carbon footprints than gasoline or diesel automobiles, even when taking into account the natural gas</p><p>production process, which releases carbon-rich methane into the atmosphere.</p><p>The United States government appears to favor natural gas as a motor vehicle fuel. To promote the produc-</p><p>tion of vehicles with fewer carbon emissions, it has allowed automakers to count certain vehicle types more than</p><p>once when calculating their Corporate Average Fuel Economy, under regulations mandating a fleet average</p><p>of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. Plug-in hybrids and natural gas vehicles can be counted 1.6 times under the</p><p>CAFE standards, and electric vehicles can be counted twice.</p><p>Adapting natural gas as a vehicle fuel introduces engineering challenges. While the fuel burns clean, it is less</p><p>energy dense than gasoline, so if it is burned in an engine designed to run on conventional fuel, performance</p><p>and efficiency are degraded.</p><p>But since natural gas has an octane rating of 130, compared with 93 for the best gasoline, an engine desig-</p><p>ned for it can run with very high cylinder pressure, which would cause a regular gasoline engine to knock from</p><p>premature ignition. More cylinder pressure yields more power, and thus the energy-density advantage of gaso-</p><p>line can be nullified.[...]</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>79</p><p>Until the pressurized fuel tanks of natural gas vehicles can be easily and quickly refueled, the fleet cannot</p><p>grow substantially. The number of commercial refueling stations for compressed natural gas has been increa-</p><p>sing at a rate of 16 percent yearly, the Energy Department says. And, while the total is still small, advances in</p><p>refueling equipment should increase the rate of expansion. Much of the infrastructure is already in place: Ame-</p><p>rica has millions of miles of natural gas pipeline. Connecting that network to refueling equipment is not difficult.</p><p>Although commercial refueling stations will be necessary to support a substantial fleet of natural gas vehicles,</p><p>home refueling may be the magic bullet that makes the vehicles practical. Electric vehicles depend largely on</p><p>home charging and most have less than half the range of a fully fueled natural gas vehicle. Somecompressed</p><p>natural gas home refueling products are available, but they can cost as much as $5,000.</p><p>Seeking to change that, the Energy Department has awarded grants to a number of companies in an effort to</p><p>develop affordable home-refueling equipment.</p><p>[...]</p><p>Available at: . Re-</p><p>trieved on: Sept 3rd, 2014. Adapted.</p><p>The personal pronoun it in “so if it is burned in an engine designed to run on conventional fuel” refers to</p><p>(A) natural gas</p><p>(B) degrading fuel</p><p>(C) unconventional fuel</p><p>(D) 93-octane rating fuel</p><p>(E) more energy-dense fuel</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>80</p><p>Gabarito</p><p>1 E</p><p>2 D</p><p>3 B</p><p>4 D</p><p>5 E</p><p>6 B</p><p>7 D</p><p>8 D</p><p>9 E</p><p>10 D</p><p>11 D</p><p>12 E</p><p>13 C</p><p>14 D</p><p>15 E</p><p>16 D</p><p>17 A</p><p>18 B</p><p>19 E</p><p>20 A</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>nas frases abaixo:</p><p>This method will work.</p><p>These methods will work.</p><p>O pronome demonstrativo THAT/THOSE é usado para indicar seres que estão distantes da pessoa que fala.</p><p>Observe:</p><p>That computer technology is one of the most fundamental disciplines of engineering.</p><p>Those computers technology are the most fundamental disciplines of engineering.</p><p>Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns</p><p>Em inglês há, também, dois tipos de pronomes possessivos, os Possessive Adjectives e os Possessive</p><p>Pronouns.</p><p>Possessive adjectives Possessive pronouns</p><p>My Mine</p><p>Your Yours</p><p>His His</p><p>Her Hers</p><p>Its Its</p><p>Our Ours</p><p>Your Yours</p><p>Their Theirs</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>10</p><p>• Possessive Adjectives são usados antes de substantivos, precedidos ou não de adjetivos.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>Our house is close.</p><p>I want to know your name.</p><p>• Possessive Pronouns são usados para substituir a construção possessive adjective + substantivo, evitando</p><p>assim a repetição.</p><p>Exemplo:</p><p>My house is yellow and hers is white.</p><p>Theirs is the most beautiful car in the town.</p><p>Infinitive</p><p>A forma infinitiva do inglês é to + verbo</p><p>Usos:</p><p>- após numerais ordinais</p><p>He was the first to answer the prohne.</p><p>- com too e enough</p><p>This house is too expensive for me to buy.</p><p>He had bought food enough to feed a city!</p><p>- após o verbo want</p><p>I want you to translate the message.</p><p>- após os verbos make, let e have (sem to)</p><p>This makes me feel happy.</p><p>Let me know if you need any information.</p><p>- após o verbo help (com ou sem to)</p><p>She helped him (to) choose a new car.</p><p>Observações:</p><p>Certos verbos admitem o gerund ou infinitive sem alteração de sentido.</p><p>It started raining. / It started to rain.</p><p>He began to clean the house. / He began cleaning the house.</p><p>O verbo STOP admite tanto o gerund quanto o infinitive com alteração de sentido.</p><p>He stopped smoking.</p><p>(= Ele parou de fumar.)</p><p>He stopped to smoke.</p><p>(= Ele parou para fumar.)</p><p>Imperative</p><p>O imperativo, é usado para dar ordens, instruções, fazer pedidos e até mesmo aconselhar alguém. É uma</p><p>forma verbal utilizada diariamente e que muita gente acaba não conhecendo.</p><p>A forma afirmativa sempre inicia com o verbo.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>Eat the salad. – Coma a salada.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>11</p><p>Sit down! – Sente-se</p><p>Help me! – Me ajude!</p><p>Tell me what you want. – Me diga o que você quer.</p><p>Be careful! – Tome cuidado!</p><p>Turn the TV down. – Desligue a televisão.</p><p>Complete all the sentences. – Complete todas as sentenças.</p><p>Be quiet, please! – Fique quieto, por favor!</p><p>Frases na forma negativa sempre acrescentamos o Don’t antes do verbo.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>Don’t be late! – Não se atrase!</p><p>Don’t yell in the church! – Não grite na igreja!</p><p>Don’t be scared. – Não se assuste.</p><p>Don’t worry! – Não se preocupe!</p><p>Don’t drink and drive. – Não beba e dirija.</p><p>Simple Present</p><p>O Simple Present é a forma verbal simples do presente. O você precisa fazer para usar o Simple Present é</p><p>saber os verbos na sua forma mais simples. Por exemplo “to go” que significa ir, é usado em “I go” para dizer</p><p>eu corro.</p><p>Exemplos de Simple Present:</p><p>I run – Eu corro</p><p>You run – Você corre/Vocês correm</p><p>We run – Nós corremos</p><p>They run – Eles correm</p><p>Regras do Simple Present</p><p>As únicas alterações que acontecem nos verbos se limitam aos pronomes he, she e it. De modo geral, quan-</p><p>do vamos usar o Simple Present para nos referirmos a ele, ela e indefinido, a maioria dos verbos recebe um “s”</p><p>no final:</p><p>He runs – Ele corre</p><p>She runs – Ela corre</p><p>It runs – Ele/ela corre</p><p>Para verbos que têm algumas terminações específicas com “o”, “s”, “ss”, “sh”, “ch” “x” ou “z”, deve-se acres-</p><p>centar “es” no final:</p><p>He goes – Ele vai</p><p>She does – Ela faz</p><p>It watches – Ele/ela assiste</p><p>Quando o verbo termina com consoantes e “y” no final. Por exemplo, os verbos study, try e cry e têm conso-</p><p>antes antes do “y”. Nesses casos, você deve tirar o “y” e acrescentar “ies” no lugar. Veja o exemplo:</p><p>He studies – Ele estuda</p><p>She tries – Ela tenta</p><p>It cries – Ele/ela chora</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>12</p><p>Com verbos que também terminam com “y” e têm uma vogal antes, permanece a regra geral da maioria dos</p><p>verbos: acrescentar apenas o “s” ao final da palavra.</p><p>He enjoys – Ele gosta</p><p>She stays – Ela fica</p><p>It plays – Ele/ela brinca</p><p>Formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa</p><p>Present Continuous</p><p>- Usamos o Present Continuous para ações ou acontecimentos ocorrendo no momento da fala com as ex-</p><p>pressões now, at present, at this moment, right now e outras.</p><p>Exemplo:</p><p>She is running at the park now.</p><p>- Usamos também para ações temporárias.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>He is sleeping on a sofá these days because his bed is broken.</p><p>- Futuro próximo.</p><p>Exemplo:</p><p>The train leaves at 9 pm.</p><p>Observações:</p><p>- Alguns verbos não são normalmente usados nos tempos contínuos. Devemos usá-los, preferencialmente,</p><p>nas formas simples: see, hear, smell, notice, realize, want, wish, recognize, refuse, understand, know, like, love,</p><p>hate, forget, belong, seem, suppose, appear, have (= ter, possuir), think (= acreditar).</p><p>- Verbos monossilábicos terminados em uma só consoante, precedida de uma só vogal, dobram a consoante</p><p>final antes do acréscimo de –ing.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>Run → running</p><p>swim → swimming</p><p>- Verbos dissilábicos terminados em uma só consoante, precedida de uma só vogal, dobram a consoante</p><p>final somente se o acento tônico incidir na segunda sílaba.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>prefer → preferring</p><p>admit → admitting</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>13</p><p>listen → listening</p><p>enter → entering</p><p>- Verbos terminados em –e perdem o –e antes do acréscimo de –ing, mas os terminados em –ee apenas</p><p>acrescentam –ing.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>make → making</p><p>dance → dancing</p><p>agree → agreeing</p><p>flee → fleeing</p><p>- Verbos terminados em –y recebem –ing, sem perder o –y.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>study → studying</p><p>say → saying</p><p>- Verbos terminados em –ie, quando do acréscimo de –ing, perdem o –ie e recebem –ying.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>lie → lying</p><p>die → dying</p><p>Porém, os terminados em –ye não sofrem alterações.</p><p>dye → dyeing</p><p>Formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa</p><p>Immediate Future</p><p>O simple future é um das formas usadas para expressar ações futuras. Em geral vem acompanhado de pala-</p><p>vras que indicam futuro, como: tomorrow, next. Geralmente, usamos a palavra “will”. Posteriormente, você verá</p><p>que também podemos utilizar “be going to” para formar o futuro e a diferença de utilização entre eles.</p><p>Example:</p><p>Interrogative: What will you study?</p><p>Affirmative: I will study English.</p><p>Negative: I won’t study English.</p><p>Note: we use the auxiliary verb WILL + verbs in infinitive (without “to” ).</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>14</p><p>Forma contraída</p><p>I will study - I’ll study</p><p>You will travel - You’ll travel</p><p>He will / She will eat - He’ll / She’ll eat</p><p>It will happen - It’ll happen</p><p>We will work - We’ll work</p><p>You will dance - You’ll dance</p><p>They will do - They’ll do</p><p>Simple Past</p><p>With most verbs, the simple past is created simply by adding “ED”. That form belongs for all to the people,</p><p>not varying in the 3rd person.</p><p>Simple past is used to indicate an accomplished action and totally finished in the past, corresponding in Por-</p><p>tuguese, the perfect preterite as imperfect preterite.</p><p>Ex.: Santos Dumont lived in France. He created the 14 Bis.</p><p>Regra geral Acrescenta-se “ed” Play – played</p><p>Verbos terminados em “e” Acrescenta-se “d” Like – liked</p><p>Verbos terminados em y precedido de</p><p>consoante</p><p>Mudam o y para i e acrescen-</p><p>tam “ed” Study – studied</p><p>Example:</p><p>To work</p><p>I worked</p><p>You worked</p><p>He worked</p><p>She worked</p><p>It worked</p><p>We worked</p><p>They worked</p><p>Simple past – negative and interrogative form</p><p>Usos:</p><p>– ações definidas no passa do com yesterday, ...ago, last night (week,month etc) e expressõesque indiquem</p><p>ações completamente terminadas no passado.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>15</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>Peter flew to London last night.</p><p>Cabral discovered Brazil in 1500.</p><p>– ações habituais no passado com as mesmas expressões</p><p>e advérbios que indicam ações habituais no</p><p>presente.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>They visited rarely visited their grandparents.</p><p>She often got up at 6.</p><p>– após as if e as though (= como se) e após o verbo wish.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>She behaves as if she knew him.</p><p>I wish I had more time to study.</p><p>– No caso do verbo BE, todas as pessoas terão a mesma forma (were).</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>She acts as though she were a queen.</p><p>I wish I were younger.</p><p>– após if only (= se ao menos)</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>If only I knew the truth.</p><p>If only he understood me.</p><p>OBSERVAÇÕES</p><p>1. As regras de “dobra” de consoantes existentes para o acréscimo de -ing aplicam-se quando acrescentar-</p><p>mos -ed.</p><p>stop → stopped</p><p>prefer → preferred</p><p>2. Verbos terminados em -y perdem o -y e recebem o acréscimo de -ed quando o -y aparecer depois de</p><p>umaconsoante. Caso contrário, o -y permanece.</p><p>rely → relied</p><p>play → played</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>16</p><p>Past Continuous</p><p>Usos:</p><p>– ação que estava ocorrendo no passado quando outra ação passada começou.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>They were having a bath when the phone rang.</p><p>She was watching TV when Stanley arrived.</p><p>– ação ou acontecimento que continuou por algum tempo no passado.</p><p>Exemplos:</p><p>This time last year I was living in London.</p><p>I saw you last night. You were waiting for a bus.</p><p>Present Perfect</p><p>Usos:</p><p>– ação indefinida no passado, sem marca de tempo. Isso o diferencia do Simple Past.</p><p>We have finished our homework.</p><p>Jane has traveled to London.</p><p>They have accepted the job offer.</p><p>– com os advérbios EVER, NEVER, ALREADY, YET, JUST, SO FAR, LATELY, RECENTLY e expressões</p><p>como ONCE, TWICE, MANY TIMES, FEW TIMES etc.</p><p>Have you EVER seen a camel?</p><p>She has NEVER been to Greece.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>17</p><p>The students have ALREADY written their compositions.</p><p>The bell hasn’t rung YET.</p><p>Our cousins have JUST arrived.</p><p>We have read five chapters SO FAR.</p><p>She has traveled a lot LATELY.</p><p>Have you seen any good films RECENTLY?</p><p>I have flown on an airplane MANY TIMES.</p><p>– com SINCE (= desde) e FOR (= há, faz)</p><p>She has lived in New York SINCE 2013.</p><p>She has lived in New York FOR 7 years.</p><p>O verbo can geralmente significa poder e/ou conseguir e é usado para indicar várias situações:</p><p>– Possibilidade</p><p>– Capacidade/habilidade</p><p>– Permissão</p><p>– Pedido</p><p>Capacidade, habilidade</p><p>She can speak five languages. (present)</p><p>She could play tennis when she was younger. (past)</p><p>She will be able to translate the text. (future)</p><p>Permissão</p><p>You can use my car.</p><p>She can sit anywhere.</p><p>O verbo can é sempre acompanhado do verbo principal no infinitivo sem o to. Ele pode ser usado para cons-</p><p>truir frases afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas.</p><p>AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE</p><p>I can dance I can’t/cannot dance Can I dance?</p><p>You can dance You can’t/cannot dance Can you dance?</p><p>He/she/it can dance He/she/it can’t/cannot dance Can he/she/it dance?</p><p>We can dance We can’t/cannot dance Can we dance?</p><p>You can dance You can’t/cannot dance Can you dance?</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>18</p><p>They can dance They can’t/cannot dance Can they dance?</p><p>Advérbios de frequência (OFTEN, GENERALLY, SOMETIMES, NEVER, SELDOM, ALWAYS...) são coloca-</p><p>dos, de preferência, ANTES do verbo principal ou APÓS o verbo auxiliar ou o verbo to be.</p><p>They USUALLY watch TV in the evenings.</p><p>She is ALWAYS late.</p><p>These curtains have NEVER been cleaned.</p><p>Expressões adverbiais de freqüência são colocadas no final ou no início de uma oração.</p><p>They watch TV EVERY EVENING.</p><p>ONCE A WEEK they go swimming.</p><p>Advérbios de probabilidade (POSSIBLY, PROBABLY, CERTAINLY...) são colocados antes do verbo principal</p><p>mas após be ou um verbo auxiliar.</p><p>He PROBABLY knows her phone number.</p><p>He is CERTAINLY at home now.</p><p>PERHAPS e MAYBE aparecem normalmente no começo de uma oração.</p><p>PERHAPS I’ll see her later.</p><p>MAYBE you’re right.</p><p>Advérbios de tempo (TODAY, TOMORROW, NOW, SOON, LATELY...) são colocados no final ou no início de</p><p>uma oração.</p><p>He bought a new camera YESTERDAY.</p><p>ON MONDAY I’m going to London.</p><p>Advérbios de modo (SLOWLY, QUICKLY, GENTLY, SOFTLY, WELL...) aparecem normalmente no final da</p><p>oração. Alguns advérbios podem também aparecer no início de uma oração se quisermos enfatizá-los.</p><p>She entered the room SLOWLY.</p><p>SLOWLY she entered the room.</p><p>Grande parte dos advérbios de modo é formada pelo acréscimo de LY ao adjetivo.</p><p>serious – seriousLY</p><p>careful – carefulLY</p><p>quiet – quietLY</p><p>heavy – heaviLY</p><p>bad – badLY</p><p>Porém, nem todas as palavras terminadas em LY são advérbios.</p><p>lonely = solitário (adjetivo)</p><p>lovely = encantador (adjetivo)</p><p>silly = tolo (adjetivo)</p><p>elderly = idoso (adjetivo)</p><p>Advérbios de lugar (HERE, THERE, EVERYWHERE...) são usados no início ou no final de orações.</p><p>You’ll find what you want HERE.</p><p>THERE comes the bus.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>19</p><p>Modo, lugar, tempo</p><p>A posição normal dos advérbios em uma oração é:</p><p>He did his job CAREFULLYAT HOMEYES-</p><p>TERDAY.</p><p>MODO LUGAR TEMPO</p><p>Lugar, modo, tempo</p><p>Com verbos de movimento, a posição normal é:</p><p>She traveled TO LONDONBY PLANELAST</p><p>WEEK.</p><p>L U -</p><p>GAR MODO TEMPO</p><p>As preposições são muito utilizadas na estrutura das frases. Em inglês não poderia ser diferente. As prepo-</p><p>sições expressam lugar ou posição, direção, tempo, maneira (modo), e agente (ou instrumento).</p><p>The keyboard is on the desk - (lugar ou posição).</p><p>Raphaelran toward the hotel - (direção).</p><p>The plane arrived at eleveno’clock - (tempo).</p><p>David travels by train - (maneira ou modo).</p><p>The computer was broken by him - (agente).</p><p>PREPOSIÇÕES</p><p>AT</p><p>Horas The airplane will arrive at five o’clock.</p><p>Datas We have a big party at Christmas.</p><p>Lugares He is at the drugstore.</p><p>Cidades pequenas She lives at Barcelos.</p><p>Períodos do dia She works at night.(noon,night, midnight, dawn)</p><p>Endereços completosFabrizio lives at 107 Boulevard Street.</p><p>IN</p><p>Períodos do diaMarcus works in the morning. (exceto noon, night, midnight e dawn)</p><p>Meses The case will arrive in March.</p><p>Estações do ano It’s very hot in summer.</p><p>Anos David graduaded in 2008.</p><p>Séculos Manaus was created in 18th century.</p><p>Expressões do tempo The computer will be working in few days.</p><p>Expressões de lugar (dentro) The memory is in the CPU.</p><p>Estados, Cidades grandes, Países,</p><p>Continentes</p><p>August lives in São Paulo.</p><p>There are many developed countries in Europe.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>20</p><p>ON</p><p>“sobre” Our bags are on the reception desk.</p><p>Dias da semana He has class on Friday.</p><p>Datas He has class on Friday.</p><p>Transportes coletivos There are a lot of people on that plane.</p><p>Nomes de ruas ou avenidas The CETAM is on Djalma Street.</p><p>“floor” Gabriel lives on the 8th floor.</p><p>Prepositions of Place</p><p>Vestimentas</p><p>T-shirt = camiseta</p><p>Sweatshirt = Blusa de moletom</p><p>Shirt = camisa</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>21</p><p>Suit = terno</p><p>Pants:calça</p><p>Tie = gravata</p><p>Wedding dress = vestido de noiva</p><p>Jacket = jaqueta</p><p>Skirt = saia</p><p>Coat = casaco</p><p>Shorts = Bermuda</p><p>Dress = vestido</p><p>Underpants = cueca</p><p>Panties = calcinha</p><p>Bra = sutiã</p><p>Nightgown = camisola</p><p>Pajamas = pijama</p><p>Robe = roupão</p><p>Scarf = cachecol</p><p>Uniform = uniforme</p><p>Singlet = regata</p><p>Swimming Trunks = sunga</p><p>Swimsuit = maiô</p><p>Bikini = biquíni</p><p>Cotidiano</p><p>U.S. Money</p><p>US$ 1 Dollar = 100 cents</p><p>bills - $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100</p><p>Coins – 1c, 5c, 10c, 25c, $1</p><p>Penny = 1 cent</p><p>Nickel = 5 cents</p><p>Dime = 10 cents</p><p>Quarter = 25 cents</p><p>Ways to pay</p><p>Check = cheque</p><p>Cash = em dinheiro</p><p>Note/bill = nota</p><p>Coin = moeda</p><p>Credit card = cartão de crédito</p><p>Materials</p><p>Acrylic = acrílico</p><p>Cotton = algodão</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>22</p><p>Denim = brim</p><p>Fleece/wool = lã</p><p>Gold = ouro</p><p>Leather = couro</p><p>Linen = linho</p><p>Plastic= plástico</p><p>Rubber = borracha</p><p>Silk = seda</p><p>Silver = prata</p><p>Educação</p><p>Nursery School = pré-escola</p><p>Elementary school ou Primary School = Ensino fundamental I</p><p>Secondary school = Ensino fundamental II</p><p>High school = Ensino médio</p><p>College/University</p><p>= Faculdade/universidade</p><p>Subjects</p><p>Inglês: English</p><p>Matemática: Mathematics (Math)</p><p>História: History</p><p>Geografia: Geography</p><p>Química: Chemistry</p><p>Física: Physics</p><p>Ciência: Science</p><p>Biologia: Biology</p><p>Educação Física: Physical Education (P.E.)</p><p>Artes: Arts</p><p>Música: Music</p><p>Literatura: Literature</p><p>Redação: Writing</p><p>Português: Portuguese</p><p>Espanhol: Spanish</p><p>Diversão e mídia</p><p>Movies/cinema = cnema</p><p>Theater = teatro</p><p>Bar/Pub = bar</p><p>Restaurant = restaurante</p><p>Café = lanchonete</p><p>Park = parque</p><p>Concert = show</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>23</p><p>Play = peça de teatro</p><p>Tecnologia</p><p>Cellphone/mobile phone = celular</p><p>Laptop = notebook</p><p>Personal computer(PC) = Computador</p><p>Printer = impressora</p><p>Keyboard = teclado</p><p>Mouse = mouse</p><p>Television = televisão</p><p>Meio ambiente</p><p>Environment = meio ambiente</p><p>Ozone layer = camada de ozônio</p><p>Water = água</p><p>Tree = árvore</p><p>Weather = clima</p><p>Animals = animais</p><p>Air = ar</p><p>Wind = vento</p><p>Rain = chuva</p><p>Snow = neve</p><p>Fog = neblina</p><p>Hurricane = furacão</p><p>Storm = tempestade</p><p>Lightning = relâmpago</p><p>Thunder = trovão</p><p>Comida e bebida</p><p>Bread — Pão</p><p>Butter — Manteiga</p><p>Cake — Bolo</p><p>Cheese — Queijo</p><p>Chicken — Frango</p><p>Chips — Salgadinhos</p><p>Chocolate — Chocolate</p><p>Corn flakes — Cereal</p><p>Egg — Ovo</p><p>Fish — Peixe</p><p>French fries — Batata-frita</p><p>Ham — Presunto</p><p>Ice cream — Sorvete</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>24</p><p>Jam — Geleia</p><p>Jello — Gelatina</p><p>Margarine — Margarina</p><p>Mashed potatoes — Purê de batatas</p><p>Meat — Carne</p><p>Pancacke — Panqueca</p><p>Pasta — Macarrão</p><p>Peanut — Amendoim</p><p>Peanut butter — pasta de amendoim</p><p>Pepper — Pimenta</p><p>Pie — Torta</p><p>Pizza — Pizza</p><p>Popsicle — Picolé</p><p>Potato chips — Batata-frita</p><p>Rice — Arroz</p><p>Salt — Sal</p><p>Sandwich — Sanduíche</p><p>Sliced bread — Pão fatiado</p><p>Soup — Sopa</p><p>Sugar — Açúcar</p><p>Toast — Torrada</p><p>Water cracker — Bolacha de água e sal</p><p>Meat (carne)</p><p>Bacon — Bacon</p><p>Barbecue — Churrasco</p><p>Beef — Carne de vaca</p><p>Beef Jerky — Carne seca</p><p>Blood sausage —Chouriço</p><p>Carp — Carpa</p><p>Chicken — Frango</p><p>Chicken legs — Pernas de Frango</p><p>Chicken wings — Asas de Frango</p><p>Cod — Bacalhau</p><p>Crab — Caranguejo</p><p>Duck — Pato</p><p>Fish — Peixe</p><p>Grilled fish — Peixe grelhado</p><p>Ground beef — Carne moída</p><p>Hamburger — Hambúrguer</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>25</p><p>Lobster — Lagosta</p><p>Meatball — Almôndega</p><p>Mortadella — Mortadela</p><p>Pork chops — Costeletas de porco</p><p>Pork legs — Pernas de porco</p><p>Pork loin — Lombo de porco</p><p>Rib cuts — Costela</p><p>Roast chicken — Frango assado</p><p>Salami — Salame</p><p>Salmon — Salmão</p><p>Sausage — Linguiça</p><p>Shrimp — Camarão</p><p>Sirloin — Lombo</p><p>Smoked sausage — salsicha defumada</p><p>Squid — Lula</p><p>Steak — Bife</p><p>Stew meat — Guisado de carne</p><p>T-bone steak — Bife t-bone</p><p>Tenderloin — Filé mignon</p><p>Tuna — Atum</p><p>Turkey — Peru</p><p>Veal — Vitela</p><p>Vegetables (vegetais)</p><p>Anise — Anis</p><p>Asparagus — Espargos</p><p>Beans — Feijão</p><p>Beet — Beterraba</p><p>Broccoli — Brócolis</p><p>Cabbage — Repolho</p><p>Carrot — Cenoura</p><p>Cauliflower — Couve-flor</p><p>Celery — Aipo/Salsão</p><p>Corn — Milho</p><p>Cucumbers — Pepinos</p><p>Eggplant — Berinjela</p><p>Garlic — Alho</p><p>Ginger — Gengibre</p><p>Green onion — Cebolinha verde</p><p>Heart of Palms — Palmito</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>26</p><p>Leeks — Alho-poró</p><p>Lettuce — Alface</p><p>Manioc — Mandioca</p><p>Mushroom — Cogumelo</p><p>Okra — Quiabo</p><p>Olives — Azeitonas</p><p>Onion — Cebola</p><p>Pepper — Pimenta</p><p>Pickles — Picles</p><p>Potato — Batata</p><p>Pumpkin — Abóbora</p><p>Radish — Rabanete</p><p>Rucola — Rúcula</p><p>Snow pea — Ervilha</p><p>Spinach — Espinafre</p><p>Sweet potato — Batata doce</p><p>Tomato — Tomate</p><p>Turnip — Nabo</p><p>Watercress — Agrião</p><p>Yams — Inhame</p><p>Fruits (frutas)</p><p>Apple — Maçã</p><p>Apricots — Damascos</p><p>Avocado — Abacate</p><p>Banana — Banana</p><p>Blackberry — Amora</p><p>Blueberry — Mirtilo</p><p>Cashew nut — Castanha de Cajú</p><p>Cherry — Cereja</p><p>Coconut — Coco</p><p>Figs — Figos</p><p>Grapes — Uvas</p><p>Guava — Goiaba</p><p>Honeydew melon — Melão</p><p>Jackfruit — Jaca</p><p>Kiwi — Kiwi</p><p>Lemon — Limão</p><p>Mango — Manga</p><p>Orange — Laranja</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>27</p><p>Papaya — Mamão</p><p>Passion fruit — Maracujá</p><p>Peach — Pêssego</p><p>Pear — Pera</p><p>Pineapple — Abacaxi</p><p>Plum — Ameixa</p><p>Prune — Ameixa-seca</p><p>Start fruit — Carambola</p><p>Strawberry — Morango</p><p>Tamarind — Tamarindo</p><p>Tangerine — Tangerina</p><p>Watermelon — Melancia</p><p>Drinks (bebidas)</p><p>Beer — Cerveja</p><p>Brandy — Aguardente</p><p>Champagne — Champanhe</p><p>Chocolate — Chocolate</p><p>Cocktail — Coquetel</p><p>Coffee — Café</p><p>Coffee-and-milk — Café-com-leite</p><p>Draft beer — Chope</p><p>Gin — Gim</p><p>Hot chocolate — Chocolate quente</p><p>Juice — Suco</p><p>Lime juice — Limonada</p><p>Liqueur — Licor</p><p>Milk — Leite</p><p>Mineral water — Água mineral</p><p>Red wine — Vinho tinto</p><p>Rum — Rum</p><p>Soda — Refrigerante</p><p>Sparkling mineral water — Água mineral com gás</p><p>Still mineral water — Água mineral sem gás</p><p>Tonic water — Água tônica</p><p>Vodka — Vodca</p><p>Water — Água</p><p>Whiskey —Uísque</p><p>White wine —Vinho branco</p><p>Yogurt — Iogurte</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>28</p><p>Tempo livre, “hobbies” e lazer</p><p>Bowling = boliche</p><p>Camping = acampar</p><p>Canoeing = canoagem</p><p>Card games = jogos de baralho</p><p>Chess = xadrez</p><p>Cooking = cozinhar</p><p>Crossword puzzl = palavras cruzadas</p><p>Dancing = dançar</p><p>Drawing = desenhar</p><p>Embroidery = bordado</p><p>Fishing = pesca</p><p>Gardening = jardinagem</p><p>Hiking = caminhar</p><p>Hunting = caçar</p><p>Jogging = corrida</p><p>Knitting = tricotar</p><p>Mountaineering = escalar montanhas</p><p>Painting = pintar</p><p>Photography = fotografia</p><p>Playing video games = jogar vídeo games</p><p>Reading = leitura</p><p>Riding a bike = andar de bicicleta</p><p>Sculpting = esculpir</p><p>Sewing = costurar</p><p>Singing = cantar</p><p>Skating = andar de patins ou skate</p><p>Skiing = esquiar</p><p>Stamp collecting = colecionar selos</p><p>Surfing = surfar</p><p>Working out = malhar</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>29</p><p>Saúde e exercícios</p><p>Health Problems and Diseases (problemas de saúde e doenças)</p><p>Skin occurrences (Ocorrências na pele)</p><p>Blemish – mancha</p><p>Bruise - contusão</p><p>Dandruff - caspa</p><p>Freckle – sarda</p><p>Itching – coceira</p><p>Pimple – espinha</p><p>Rasch – erupção da pele</p><p>Scar - cicatriz</p><p>Spot – sinal, marca</p><p>Wart – verruga</p><p>Wound - ferida</p><p>Wrinkle – ruga</p><p>Aches (Dores)</p><p>Backache – dor nas costas</p><p>Earache – dor de ouvido</p><p>Headache – dor de cabeça</p><p>Heartache – dor no peito</p><p>stomachache – dor de estômago</p><p>Toothache – dor de dente</p><p>Cold and Flu (Resfriado e Gripe)</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>30</p><p>Cough – tosse</p><p>Fever – febre</p><p>Running nose – nariz entupido</p><p>Sneeze – espirro</p><p>Sore throat – garganta inflamada</p><p>Tonsilitis – amigdalitis</p><p>Other Diseases (Outras doenças)</p><p>Aneurism - aneurisma</p><p>Appendicitis - apendicite</p><p>Asthma – asma</p><p>Bronchitis – bronquite</p><p>Cancer – câncer</p><p>Cirrhosis - cirrose</p><p>Diabetes – diabetes</p><p>Hepatitis – hepatite</p><p>High Blood Pressure – hipertensão (pressão alta)</p><p>Pneumonia – pneumonia</p><p>Rheumatism – reumatismo</p><p>Tuberculosis – tuberculose</p><p>Moradia;</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>31</p><p>Povos e línguas</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>32</p><p>Sentimentos, opiniões e experiências</p><p>Happy = feliz</p><p>Afraid = com medo</p><p>Sad = triste</p><p>Hot = com calor</p><p>Amused = divertido</p><p>Bored = entediado</p><p>Anxious = ansioso</p><p>Confident = confiante</p><p>Cold = com frio</p><p>Suspicious = suspeito</p><p>Surprised = surpreso</p><p>Loving= amoroso</p><p>Curious = curioso</p><p>Envious = invejoso</p><p>Jealous = ciumento</p><p>Miserable = miserável</p><p>Confused = confuso</p><p>Stupid = burro</p><p>Angry = com raiva</p><p>Sick = enjoado/doente</p><p>Ashamed = envergonhado</p><p>Indifferent = indiferente</p><p>Determined = determinado</p><p>Crazy = louco</p><p>Depressed = depressivo</p><p>Frightened = assustado</p><p>Interested = interessado</p><p>Shy = tímido</p><p>Hopeful = esperançoso</p><p>Regretful = arrependido</p><p>Scared = assustado</p><p>Stubborn = teimoso</p><p>Thirsty = com sede</p><p>Guilty = culpado</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>33</p><p>Nervous = nervoso</p><p>Embarrassed = envergonhado</p><p>Disgusted = enojado</p><p>Proud = orgulhoso</p><p>Lonely = solitário</p><p>Frustrated = frustrado</p><p>Hurt= magoado</p><p>Hungry = com fome</p><p>Tired= cansado</p><p>Thoughtful = pensativo</p><p>Optimistic = otimista</p><p>Relieved = aliviado</p><p>Shocked</p><p>= chocado</p><p>Sleepy = com sono</p><p>Excited = animado</p><p>Bad = mal</p><p>Worried = preocupado</p><p>Identificação pessoal</p><p>First name = Primeiro nome</p><p>Middle name = Nome do meio</p><p>Last name = Último nome</p><p>Full name = Nome completo</p><p>Date of Birth = Data de nascimento</p><p>Age = Idade</p><p>Sex = Sexo</p><p>Place of Birth = Local de nascimento</p><p>Nationality = Nacionalidade</p><p>Occupation = Ocupação/profissão</p><p>Address = Endereço</p><p>City = Cidade</p><p>Country = País</p><p>Zip code/Post code = Código postal (CEP)</p><p>Phone number = Número de telefone</p><p>E-mail address = Endereço de e-mail</p><p>Lugares e edificações</p><p>Airport – Aeroporto</p><p>Amusement park – Parque de diversões</p><p>Aquarium – Aquário</p><p>Art gallery – Galeria de arte</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>34</p><p>ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) – Caixa eletrônico</p><p>Auto repair shop ou Garage – Oficina mecânica</p><p>Avenue – Avenida</p><p>Baby store – Loja infantil ou bebê</p><p>Barber shop – Barbearia</p><p>Bakery – Padaria</p><p>Bank – Banco</p><p>Beach – Praia</p><p>Beauty salon/parlor/shop – Salão de beleza</p><p>Block – Quarteirão</p><p>Bookstore ou Bookshop – Livraria</p><p>Bridge – Ponte</p><p>Building – Edifício ou Prédio</p><p>Bus station – Rodoviária</p><p>Bus stop – Ponto de ônibus</p><p>Butcher shop – Açougue</p><p>Cabstand ou Taxi stand – Ponto de taxi</p><p>Capital – Capital</p><p>Cathedral – Catedral</p><p>Cemetery – Cemitério</p><p>Chapel – Capela</p><p>Church – Igreja</p><p>Circus – Circo</p><p>City – Cidade</p><p>Clothing store – Loja de roupas</p><p>Club – Clube</p><p>Coffee shop – Cafeteria</p><p>College – Faculdade</p><p>Computer store – Loja de informática</p><p>Concert hall – Casa de espetáculos ou Sala de concertos</p><p>Convenience store – Loja de conveniência</p><p>Corner – Esquina</p><p>Costume store – Loja de Fantasia</p><p>Court – Quadra de esportes ou pode ser Tribunal ou comumente chamado de Fórum, depende do contexto.</p><p>Crosswalk/Pedestrian crossing/Zebra crossing – Faixa de pedestres</p><p>Cul-de-sac ou Dead end street – Beco ou Rua sem saída</p><p>City hall – Prefeitura</p><p>Dental clinic – Clinica dentária ou Consultório Odontológico</p><p>Downtown – Centro da cidade</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>35</p><p>Driving school – Auto escola</p><p>Drugstore – Farmácia ou Drogaria</p><p>Factory – Fábrica</p><p>Field – Campo</p><p>Fire station – Posto ou Quartel de bombeiros</p><p>Fishmonger’s – Peixaria</p><p>Flower show – Floricultura</p><p>Food Truck – Food Truck ou Caminhão que vende comida</p><p>Gas station – Posto de gasolina</p><p>Glasses store ou Optical store – Loja de Ótica</p><p>Greengrocer – Quitanda</p><p>Grocery store – Mercearia</p><p>Gym – Academia de ginástica</p><p>Hair salon – Cabeleireiro</p><p>Hardware store – Loja de ferramentas</p><p>Health Clinic/Center – Clinica ou Posto de saúde</p><p>Hospital – Hospital</p><p>Hotel – Hotel</p><p>House – Casa</p><p>Ice Cream Shop/Parlor – Sorveteria</p><p>Intersection ou Crossroad – Cruzamento</p><p>Jail ou Prison – Cadeia ou Prisão</p><p>Jewelry store – Joalheria</p><p>Kiosk – Quiosque</p><p>Lake – Lago</p><p>Laundromat ou Laundry – Lavanderia</p><p>Library – Biblioteca</p><p>Lottery retailer ou Lottery kiosk – Casa lotérica</p><p>Mall – Shopping center</p><p>Metropolis – metrópole</p><p>Monument – Monumento</p><p>Mosque – Mesquita</p><p>Movie theater – Cinema</p><p>Museum – Museu</p><p>Neighborhood – Bairro</p><p>Newsstand – Banca de jornal</p><p>Office – Escritório</p><p>One-way street – Rua de mão única ou sentido único</p><p>Outskirts ou Suburb – Periferia ou Subúrbio</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>36</p><p>Park – Parque</p><p>Parking lot – Estacionamento</p><p>Penitentiary – Presídio ou Penitenciária</p><p>Perfume shop – Perfumaria</p><p>Pet Shop – Pet Shop</p><p>Pizzeria – Pizzaria</p><p>Place – Lugar</p><p>Playground – Parque infantil</p><p>Police station – Delegacia de polícia</p><p>Port – Porto</p><p>Post office – Agência de correios</p><p>Pub – Bar</p><p>Real estate agency – Imobiliária</p><p>Reference point ou Landmark – Ponto de referência</p><p>Restaurant – Restaurante</p><p>River – Rio</p><p>Road – Estrada</p><p>Rotary ou Roundabout – Rotatória</p><p>School – Escola</p><p>Shoe store – Sapataria</p><p>Sidewalk – Calçada</p><p>Snack bar – Lanchonete</p><p>Square – Praça</p><p>Stadium – Estádio</p><p>Station – Estação</p><p>Stationery store – Papelaria</p><p>Steak House – Churrascaria</p><p>Store – Loja</p><p>Street – Rua</p><p>Subway station – Estação de metrô</p><p>Supermarket – Supermercado</p><p>Synagogue – Sinagoga</p><p>Temple – Templo</p><p>Town – Cidade pequena ou Município</p><p>Toy store ou Toy shop – Loja de brinquedos</p><p>Train station – Estação de trem</p><p>Travel agency – Agência de viagens</p><p>University – Universidade</p><p>Zoo – Zoológico</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>37</p><p>Relacionamento com outras pessoas</p><p>Parents – pais</p><p>Father – pai</p><p>Mother – mãe</p><p>Son – filho</p><p>Daughter – filha</p><p>Siblings – irmãos</p><p>Brother – irmão</p><p>Sister – irmã</p><p>Halfbrother – meio-irmão</p><p>Halfsister – meia-irmã</p><p>Only child – filho único</p><p>Wife – esposa</p><p>Husband – esposo</p><p>Fiancé – noivo</p><p>Bride – noiva</p><p>Uncle – tio</p><p>Aunt – tia</p><p>Cousin – primo e prima</p><p>Nephew – sobrinho</p><p>Niece – sobrinha</p><p>Grandparents – avós</p><p>Grandfather – avô</p><p>Grandmother – avó</p><p>Grandson – neto</p><p>Granddaughter – neta</p><p>Great grandfather – bisavô</p><p>Great grandmother – bisavó</p><p>Great grandson – bisneto</p><p>Great granddaughter – bisneta</p><p>Father-in-law – sogro</p><p>Mother-in-law – sogra</p><p>Brother-in-law – cunhado</p><p>Sister-in-law – cunhada</p><p>Stepfather – padrasto</p><p>Stepmother – madrasta</p><p>Stepson – enteado</p><p>Stepdaughter – enteada</p><p>Foster parents – pais adotivos</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>38</p><p>Foster father – pai adotivo</p><p>Foster mother – mãe adotiva</p><p>Transporte e serviços</p><p>Airliner: Avião comercial (Aviões maiores geralmente chamados de boeing)</p><p>Airplane ou apenas plane: Avião</p><p>Bike: Bicicleta</p><p>Boat: Barco ou bote</p><p>Bus: Ônibus</p><p>Canoe: Canoa</p><p>Car: Carro</p><p>Carriage: Carruagem</p><p>Cruiser: Cruzeiro</p><p>Ferry: Balsa</p><p>Glider: Planador</p><p>Helicopter ou chopper (informal): Helicóptero</p><p>Jet: Jato ou como falamos às vezes, jatinho</p><p>Moped ou scooter: Motocicleta ou mobilete (Patinete também pode ser chamado de scooter)</p><p>Motorbike: Motocicleta ou simplesmente moto</p><p>Motorboat: Lancha</p><p>Ocean liner: Transatlântico</p><p>On foot: A pé</p><p>Pickup truck: Caminhonete</p><p>Raft: Jangada</p><p>Roller skates: Patins</p><p>Sailboat: Veleiro ou barco à vela</p><p>School bus: Ônibus escolar</p><p>Ship: Navio</p><p>Skateboard: Skate</p><p>Streetcar ou trolley: Bonde</p><p>Subway ou metro (inglês americano) ou The underground ou informalmente the tube (inglês britânico): Metrô</p><p>Taxi ou cab: Táxi</p><p>Train: Trem</p><p>Truck: Caminhão</p><p>Van: Furgão ou van</p><p>Compras</p><p>Algumas placas com informações importantes:</p><p>Out to lunch – Horário de almoço</p><p>Buy one get one free – Pague um, leve dois. Outras formas de passar essa mesma ideia são: BOGOF (sigla</p><p>para a mesma expressão) e two for one (dois por um).</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>39</p><p>Clearance sale/Reduced to clear/Closing down sale – Liquidação</p><p>Conversando com atendentes</p><p>Excuse me, I’m looking for… – Licença, eu estou procurando por…</p><p>I’m just looking/browsing, thanks. – Estou só olhando, obrigado(a).</p><p>Do you have this in… – Você tem isso em…Complete com o que você precisa que mude na peça: A bigger</p><p>size (um tamanho maior)? / Yellow (amarelo)? / Pink (rosa)?</p><p>Could I return this? – Eu poderia devolver isso?</p><p>Could I try this on? – Posso provar?</p><p>What are the store’s opening hours? – Qual o horário em que a loja abre?</p><p>Esporte</p><p>Individual Sports - Esportes Individuais</p><p>Athletics - Atletismo</p><p>Automobilism - Automobilismo</p><p>Artistic Gymnastics - Ginástica Artística</p><p>Boxing - Boxe</p><p>Bowling - Boliche</p><p>Canoeing - Canoagem</p><p>Cycling - Ciclismo</p><p>Equestrianism - Hipismo</p><p>Fencing - Esgrima</p><p>Golf - Golfe</p><p>Jiujitsu - Jiu-Jítsu</p><p>Judo - Judô</p><p>Karate - Caratê</p><p>Motorcycling - Motociclismo</p><p>Mountaineering - Alpinismo</p><p>Olympic Diving - Salto Ornamental</p><p>Skiing - Esqui</p><p>Sumo - Sumô</p><p>Surfing - Surfe</p><p>Swimming - Natação</p><p>Table tennis - Tênis de mesa/Pingue-pongue</p><p>Taekwon-Do - Taekwon-Do</p><p>Tennis - Tênis</p><p>Triathlon - Triatlo</p><p>Weightlifting - Halterofilismo</p><p>Team Sports - Esportes Coletivos</p><p>Badminton – Badminton</p><p>Baseball - Beisebol</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>40</p><p>Basketball - Basquete</p><p>Beach Soccer - Futebol de Areia</p><p>Beach Volleyball - Vôlei de Praia</p><p>Football – Futebol Americano</p><p>Footvolley - Futevôlei</p><p>Futsal - Futsal</p><p>Handball</p><p>- Handebol</p><p>Hockey - Hóquei</p><p>Polo - Polo</p><p>Rhythmic Gymnastics - Ginástica Rítmica</p><p>Rugby - Rúgbi</p><p>Soccer - Futebol</p><p>Synchronized Swimming - Nado Sincronizado</p><p>Volleyball - Vôlei</p><p>Water Polo - Polo Aquático</p><p>Mundo natural</p><p>Animais em inglês: principais animais domésticos (pets)</p><p>Bird: Pássaro;</p><p>Bunny: Coelhinho;</p><p>Cat: Gato;</p><p>Dog: Cachorro;</p><p>GuineaPig: Porquinho da Índia;</p><p>Mouse: Rato/Camundongo;</p><p>Parrot: Papagaio;</p><p>Rabbit: Coelho;</p><p>Turtle: Tartaruga.</p><p>Animais em inglês: principais nomes de aves</p><p>Chicken: Galinha;</p><p>Rooster: Galo;</p><p>Pigeon: Pomba;</p><p>Peacock: Pavão;</p><p>Hawk: Falcão;</p><p>Swan: Cisne;</p><p>Sparrow: Pardal;</p><p>Duck: Pato.</p><p>Animais em inglês: principais animais selvagens</p><p>Alligator: Jacaré;</p><p>Bat: Morcego;</p><p>Bear: Urso;</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>41</p><p>Crocodile: Crocodilo;</p><p>Deer: Viado;</p><p>Elephant: Elefante;</p><p>Eagle: Águia;</p><p>Giraffe: Girafa;</p><p>Hippo: Hipopótamo;</p><p>Kangaroo: Canguru;</p><p>Lion: Leão;</p><p>Monkey: Macaco;</p><p>Owl: curuja;</p><p>Pig: Porco;</p><p>Snake: Cobra;</p><p>Squirrel: Esquilo;</p><p>Stag: Cervo;</p><p>Tiger: Tigre;</p><p>Zebra: Zebra;</p><p>Wolf: Lobo.</p><p>Animais em inglês: principais insetos</p><p>Ant: Formiga;</p><p>Mite: Ácaro;</p><p>Bee: Abelha;</p><p>Beetle: Besouro;</p><p>Butterfly: Borboleta;</p><p>Caterpillar: Lagarta;</p><p>Cockroach: Barata;</p><p>Cricket: Grilo;</p><p>Fly: Mosca;</p><p>Flea: Pulga;</p><p>Firefly: Vagalume;</p><p>Grasshoper: Grilo;</p><p>Ladybug: Joaninha;</p><p>Louseorlice: Piolho;</p><p>Mosquito: Pernilongo/Mosquito;</p><p>Snail: Caracol;</p><p>Spider: Aranha;</p><p>Tick: Carrapato;</p><p>Termite: Cupim.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>42</p><p>Animais em inglês: principais animais marítimos</p><p>Crab: Caranguejo;</p><p>Dolphin: Golfinho;</p><p>Fish: Peixe;</p><p>Octopus: Polvo;</p><p>Penguin: Pinguim;</p><p>Seal: Foca;</p><p>Shark: Tubarão;</p><p>Whale: Baleia.</p><p>Animais em inglês: principais tipos de peixes</p><p>Carp: Carpa;</p><p>Dogfish: Cação;</p><p>Dried Salted Cod: Bacalhau;</p><p>Flounder: Linguado;</p><p>Hake: Pescada;</p><p>Scabbardfish: PeixeEspada;</p><p>Tuna: Atum;</p><p>Tilapia: Tilápia;</p><p>Trout: Truta.</p><p>Animais brasileiros em inglês</p><p>Capivara: Capybara;</p><p>Boto Cor-de-rosa: Pink Dolphin;</p><p>Lobo guará: Maned Wolf;</p><p>Mico Leão Dourado: Golden Lion Tamarin;</p><p>Onça Pintada: Jaguar;</p><p>Tamanduá Bandira: Giantanteater;</p><p>Tatu: Armadilo;</p><p>Tucano: Toucan;</p><p>Quati: Coati.</p><p>Plantas em inglês</p><p>Português Inglês</p><p>árvore tree</p><p>alecrim rosemary</p><p>ameixieira plum tree</p><p>arbusto bush / shrub</p><p>azaleia azalea</p><p>azevinho holly</p><p>açafrão turmeric</p><p>bordo maple</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>43</p><p>bromélia bromeliads</p><p>bétula birch</p><p>canela cinnamon</p><p>carvalho oak</p><p>castanheiro horse chestnut tree</p><p>caule stem</p><p>cebola onion</p><p>cebolinha green onion</p><p>cedro cedar</p><p>cerejeira cherry tree</p><p>coentro cilantro</p><p>colorau red spice mix</p><p>cominho cumin</p><p>coqueiro coconut tree</p><p>cravo clove</p><p>erva herb</p><p>ervas finas fine herbs</p><p>figueira fig tree</p><p>folha de louro bay leaves</p><p>gengibre ginger</p><p>girassol sunflower</p><p>grama grass</p><p>lírio lily</p><p>macieira apple tree</p><p>manjericão basil</p><p>margarida daisy</p><p>melissa melissa</p><p>musgo moss</p><p>noz moscada nutmeg</p><p>oliveira olive tree</p><p>orquídea orchid</p><p>orégano oregano</p><p>papoula poppy</p><p>pereira pear tree</p><p>pinheiro pine tree</p><p>planta plant</p><p>páprica paprika</p><p>rosa rose</p><p>salgueiro willow</p><p>salsa parsley</p><p>samambaia fern</p><p>tulipa tulip</p><p>violeta violet</p><p>vitória-régia waterlily</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>44</p><p>Viagens e férias</p><p>Vocabulário</p><p>Time off. — Tempo fora do trabalho.</p><p>Day off. — Dia de folga.</p><p>Vacation. — Férias.</p><p>Go away. — Ir viajar.</p><p>Travel. — Viajar.</p><p>Take a trip. — Fazer uma viagem.</p><p>Take time off. — Tirar um tempo fora do trabalho.</p><p>Go to the beach. — Ir para a praia.</p><p>Go to the country. — Ir para o interior.</p><p>Como foram suas férias</p><p>How was your vacation? — Como foram as suas férias?</p><p>It was good. — Foram boas.</p><p>It was amazing. — Foram demais.</p><p>It was very relaxing. — Foi muito relaxante.</p><p>Para onde você foi</p><p>Where did you go? — Onde você foi?</p><p>We went to the beach. — Nós fomos para a praia.</p><p>I went to the country with my family. — Eu fui para o interior com minha família.</p><p>We took a trip to Hawaii. — Nós fizemos uma viagem para o Hawaii.</p><p>We went to visit our family in France. — Nós fomos visitar a nossa família na França.</p><p>Who did you go with? — Com quem você foi?</p><p>I went with my sister and brother. — Eu fui com a minha irmã e meu irmão.</p><p>I went with my husband and kids. — Eu fui com meu marido, esposo e crianças.</p><p>I went with my wife and kids. — Eu fui com a minha esposa e crianças.</p><p>I went with my classmates. — Eu fui com os meus colegas de aula.</p><p>Como você viajou</p><p>How did you go? — Como que você foi?</p><p>We went by plane. — Nós fomos de avião.</p><p>We went by car. — Nós fomos de carro.</p><p>Coisas para fazer nas férias</p><p>Read. — Ler.</p><p>Read. — Leu. (Só muda a pronúncia)</p><p>Go swimming. — Ir nadar ou nadar.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>45</p><p>Went swimming. — Fui ou foi nadar.</p><p>Play beach soccer. — Jogar futebol de areia ou de praia.</p><p>Played beach soccer. — Jogou futebol de areia.</p><p>Make a bonfire. — Fazer uma fogueira.</p><p>Made a bonfire. — Fez uma fogueira</p><p>Play the guitar. — Tocar violão.</p><p>Played the guitar. — Tocou violão.</p><p>Throw a bonfire party. — Dar uma festa com fogueira.</p><p>Threw a bonfire party. — Deu uma festa com fogueira.</p><p>Write messages in the sand. — Escrever mensagens na areia.</p><p>Wrote messages in the sand. — Escreveu mensagens na areia.</p><p>Walk on the boardwalk. — Caminhar no calçadão de madeira.</p><p>Walked on the boardwalk. — Caminhou no calçadão de madeira.</p><p>Watch free summer concerts. — Assistir shows de verão gratuito.</p><p>Watched free summer concerts. — Assistiu shows de verão gratuito.</p><p>Have a picnic. — Ter um piquenique.</p><p>Had a picnic. — Teve um piquenique.</p><p>Play frisbee. — Jogar frisbee.</p><p>Played frisbee. — Jogou frisbee.</p><p>Look for seashells. — Procurar por conchas do mar.</p><p>Looked for seashells. — Procurou por conchas do mar.</p><p>Watch the sunset. — Assistir o pôr-do-sol.</p><p>Watched the sunset. — Assistiu o pôr-do-sol.</p><p>Search for historic sites. — Procurar por lugares históricos.</p><p>Searched for historic sites. — Procurou por lugares históricos.</p><p>Get a tan. — Pegar um bronzeado.</p><p>Got a tan. — Pegou um bronzeado.</p><p>Go sunbathing ou go tanning. — Ir tomar banho de sol, se bronzear.</p><p>Went sunbathing. — Foi se bronzear.</p><p>Get a sunburn. — Pegar uma queimadura do sol.</p><p>Got a sunburn. — Pegou uma queimadura do sol.</p><p>Get sunburn. — Se queimar, ser queimado pelo sol.</p><p>Got sunburn. — Se queimou do sol.</p><p>Wear sunscreen ou wear sunblock. — Usar protetor solar.</p><p>Wore sunscreen. — Usou protetor solar.</p><p>Use tanning lotion. — Usar bronzeador.</p><p>Used tanning lotion. — Usou bronzeador.</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>46</p><p>Tempo</p><p>As horas em inglês podem vir acompanhadas de algumas expressões de tempo como:</p><p>Day: dia</p><p>Today: hoje</p><p>Yesterday: ontem</p><p>The day before yesterday: anteontem</p><p>Tomorrow: amanhã</p><p>The day after tomorrow: depois de amanhã</p><p>Morning: manhã</p><p>Afternoon: tarde</p><p>Evening: noite</p><p>Night: noite</p><p>Tonight: esta noite</p><p>Midday: meio-dia</p><p>At noon: ao meio-dia</p><p>Midnight: meia noite</p><p>At midnight: à meia-noite</p><p>Para informar as horas em inglês usa-se o “it is” ou “it’s” e os números correspondentes (da hora e dos mi-</p><p>nutos):</p><p>Exemplo: 4:35 – It is four thirty-five.</p><p>A expressão “o’clock” é utilizada para indicar as horas exatas:</p><p>Exemplo: 3:00 – It is three o’clock.</p><p>A expressão “past” é usada para indicar os minutos antes do 30:</p><p>Exemplo: 6:20 – It is six twenty ou It is twenty past six.</p><p>A expressão “a quarter” é usada para indicar um quarto de hora (15 minutos):</p><p>Exemplo: 3:15 – It is three fifteen ou It is a quarter past three.</p><p>A expressão “half past” é usada para indicar meia hora (30 minutos):</p><p>Exemplo: 8:30 – It is eight thirty ou It is half past eight.</p><p>Note que depois dos 30 minutos, em vez da expressão “past”, utilizamos o “to”:</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>47</p><p>Exemplo: 8.45 – It is eight forty-five ou It is a quarter to nine.</p><p>Utilizamos as expressões a.m. e p.m. para indicar quando o horário em inglês ocorre antes ou depois de</p><p>meio-dia.</p><p>a.m. – antes do meio-dia</p><p>p.m. –</p><p>depois do meio-dia</p><p>Trabalho e empregos</p><p>Accountant = contador</p><p>Actor = ator</p><p>Actress = atriz</p><p>Administrator = administrador</p><p>Agronomist = agrônomo</p><p>Anthropologist = antropólogo</p><p>Archaeologist / archeologist = arqueólogo</p><p>Architect = arquiteto</p><p>Astronaut = astronauta</p><p>Astronomer = astrônomo</p><p>Athlete = atleta</p><p>Babysitter, baby-sitter, sitter, nanny (ame) = babá</p><p>Baker = padeiro</p><p>Bank clerk = bancário</p><p>Banker = banqueiro; bancário</p><p>Bank teller = caixa de banco</p><p>Barber = barbeiro</p><p>Barista = barista (quem tira café em casas especializadas)</p><p>Bartender = barman</p><p>Bellhop, bellboy = mensageiro (em hotel)</p><p>Biologist = biólogo</p><p>Biomedical scientist = biomédico</p><p>Blacksmith = ferreiro</p><p>Bricklayer, mason = pedreiro</p><p>Broker = corretor (de seguros, de investimentos etc., menos de imóveis)</p><p>Butcher = açougueiro</p><p>Butler, major-domo = mordomo</p><p>Buyer = comprador</p><p>Cabdriver, cab driver, taxi driver, cabby, cabbie = taxista</p><p>Cabinet-maker = marceneiro</p><p>Carpenter = carpinteiro</p><p>Cartoonist = cartunista</p><p>Cattle breeder, cattle raiser, cattle farmer, cattle rancher = pecuarista</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>48</p><p>Cashier = caixa</p><p>Chef = chef</p><p>Chemist (bre) = farmacêutico</p><p>Chemist (ame) = químico</p><p>Civil Servant = servidor público, funcionário público</p><p>Clerk = auxiliar de escritório</p><p>Coach = treinador, técnico esportivo</p><p>Cobbler = sapateiro</p><p>Comedian = comediante</p><p>Commentator = comentarista (rádio e TV)</p><p>Composer = compositor</p><p>Computer programmer = programador</p><p>Conference interpreter = intérprete de conferência</p><p>Contractor = empreiteiro</p><p>Consultant = consultor</p><p>Cook = cozinheiro</p><p>Dancer = dançarino</p><p>Dentist = dentista</p><p>Designer = designer, projetista, desenhista</p><p>Diplomat = diplomata</p><p>Doctor, medical doctor, physician = médico</p><p>Doorman = porteiro</p><p>Driver = motorista, piloto de automóvel</p><p>Economist = economista</p><p>Editor = editor; revisor</p><p>Electrician = eletricista</p><p>Engineer = engenheiro, maquinista</p><p>Farmer = fazendeiro; produtor rural; agricultor</p><p>Filmmaker = cineasta, produtor de cinema, diretor de cinema</p><p>Firefighter, fireman = bombeiro</p><p>Fisherman = pescador</p><p>Flight attendant = comissário de bordo</p><p>Foreman = capataz; encarregado</p><p>Garbageman (ame); dustman (bre) = lixeiro</p><p>Gardener = jardineiro</p><p>Geographer = geógrafo</p><p>Geologist = geólogo Geographer Geógrafo(a)</p><p>Glazer = vidraceiro</p><p>Graphic designer = designer gráfico</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>49</p><p>Gravedigger = coveiro</p><p>Guide = guia</p><p>Hairdresser, hairstylist = cabeleireiro</p><p>Headmaster, principal (ame) = diretor (de escola)</p><p>Historian = historiador</p><p>Housewife = dona de casa</p><p>Illustrator = ilustrador</p><p>Interior designer = designer de interiores, decorador</p><p>Interpreter = intérprete</p><p>Jailer = carcereiro</p><p>Janitor, superintendent, custodian = zelador</p><p>Journalist = jornalista</p><p>Jeweller (bre), Jeweler (ame) = joalheiro</p><p>Judge = juiz (de direito)</p><p>Lawyer = advogado</p><p>Librarian = bibliotecário</p><p>Lifeguard = salva-vidas, guarda-vidas</p><p>Locksmith = serralheiro; chaveiro</p><p>Maid = empregada doméstica</p><p>Male nurse = enfermeiro</p><p>Manager = gerente</p><p>Mathematician = matemático</p><p>Mechanic = mecânico</p><p>Medic = militar do Serviço de Saúde; médico</p><p>Meteorologist = meteorologista</p><p>Midwife = parteira</p><p>Miner = mineiro</p><p>Milkman = leiteiro</p><p>model = modelo</p><p>Musician = músico</p><p>Nanny (ame) = babá</p><p>Nurse = enfermeiro, enfermeira</p><p>Occupational therapist = terapeuta ocupacional</p><p>Optician, optometrist = oculista</p><p>Painter = pintor</p><p>Paleontologist = paleontólogo</p><p>Paramedic = paramédico</p><p>Personal TRAINER = personal</p><p>Pharmacist = farmacêutico (ame) Cf. CHEMIST</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>50</p><p>Philosopher = filósofo</p><p>Photographer = fotógrafo</p><p>Physicist = físico</p><p>Physiotherapist = fisioterapeuta</p><p>Pilot = piloto (menos de automóvel), prático</p><p>Playwright = dramaturgo</p><p>Plumber = encanador, bombeiro (RJ)</p><p>Poet = poeta</p><p>Police officer, officer, constable = policial</p><p>Politician = político</p><p>Porter = porteiro</p><p>Postman, mailman = carteiro</p><p>Producer = produtor (em geral artístico)</p><p>Professor = professor (universitário)</p><p>Proofreader = revisor</p><p>Psychiatrist = psiquiatra</p><p>Psychologist = psicólogo</p><p>Publisher = editor</p><p>Real estate agent, realtor = corretor de imóveis</p><p>Receptionist = recepcionista</p><p>Referee = árbitro, juiz (esportes), perito (responsável por análise de artigos científicos)</p><p>Reporter = repórter</p><p>Researcher = pesquisador</p><p>Sailor, seaman = marinheiro</p><p>Salesman* = vendedor</p><p>Sales representative, sales rep = vendedor</p><p>Saleswoman* = vendedora</p><p>Scientist = cientista</p><p>Screenwriter = roteirista</p><p>Sculptor = escultor</p><p>Seamstress = costureira</p><p>Secretary = secretária</p><p>Shopkeeper (ame), storekeeper (bre), shop owner, merchant = lojista, comerciante</p><p>Singer, vocalist = cantor</p><p>Social worker = assistente social</p><p>Speech therapist = fonoaudiólogo</p><p>Statistician = estatístico</p><p>Systems analyst = analista de sistemas</p><p>Tailor = alfaiate</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>51</p><p>Teacher = professor</p><p>Operator = operador</p><p>Operator, telephone operator = telefonista</p><p>Teller = caixa (geralmente de banco)</p><p>Trader = trader, operador (em bolsa de valores)</p><p>Translator = tradutor</p><p>Travel agent = agente de viagens</p><p>Treasurer = tesoureiro</p><p>Valet = manobrista</p><p>Vet, veterinarian = veterinário</p><p>Waiter* = garçom</p><p>Waitress* = garçonete</p><p>Welder = soldador</p><p>Writer = escritor</p><p>Zoologist = zoólogo</p><p>A Marinha</p><p>Proa = Bow</p><p>Popa = Stern \ astern</p><p>Bombordo = port</p><p>Boreste = starboard</p><p>Convés = deck</p><p>Linha d aqua = water line</p><p>Castelo de Proa = forecastle</p><p>Boca = beans</p><p>Comprimento (LOA) = length overall</p><p>Obras Vivas = botton</p><p>Obras Mortas = topsides</p><p>Pontal = depth</p><p>Calado de Vante = Draught forward</p><p>Tombadilho = Fanny</p><p>Calado a ré = draught forward</p><p>Costado = ribcage</p><p>Plano diametral = diametral plane</p><p>Bochecha = tack</p><p>Alheta = wing \ quarter</p><p>Passadisso = gangway \ bridge</p><p>Casco = hull</p><p>Borda livre = free board</p><p>Displacement = tonelagem</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>52</p><p>Notice to marine = aviso aos navegantes</p><p>List of Lights = lista de faróis</p><p>Full Load = plena carga</p><p>Fuel = combustível</p><p>Cruising speed = velocidade de cruzeiro</p><p>Draft = projeto</p><p>Length = comprimento</p><p>Inland Waters = águas interiores</p><p>Bússula = compass</p><p>Ship = navio</p><p>Ocean liner = navio transatlântico</p><p>Tug = rebocador</p><p>Gross Tonnage = arqueação bruta</p><p>Tanker Ship = Navio Petroleiro</p><p>Plataform Ship = navio plataforma</p><p>Vessel = navio embarcação</p><p>Broken = quebrado</p><p>Rope = cabo</p><p>Boom = pau de carga</p><p>Starboard = boreste</p><p>Port = bombordo</p><p>Speed = velocidade</p><p>Ahead = a frente</p><p>Crew = tripulação</p><p>Stern = popa</p><p>Fire = fogo</p><p>Fireman = bombeiro</p><p>Hose = mangueira</p><p>Fire Hose = mangueira de incêndio</p><p>Tonnage Length = comprimento tonelagem</p><p>Scend = Caturro</p><p>Heel = adernar (mesmo que banda)</p><p>Bulkhead = Antepara</p><p>Flush Deck = convés corrido</p><p>Hold = porão</p><p>Bollard = cabeço no cais</p><p>Bitt = cabeço no navio</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>53</p><p>Profissões a bordo no navio</p><p>Captain of Long Haul = capitão de longo curso</p><p>Auxiliary Health = auxiliar de saúde</p><p>Steward = taifeiro</p><p>Cook = cozinheiro</p><p>Pumpman = bombeiro (trabalha com bombas)</p><p>Nurse = enfermeiro</p><p>Officer = oficial</p><p>Skipper = patrão</p><p>Helmsman = timoneiro</p><p>Bo’sun = mestre ou contra mestre</p><p>Seaman = homem do mar</p><p>Sailor = marinheiro</p><p>Engineer = chefe de máquinas</p><p>Mid Ship = meio navio</p><p>Ship’s Articles = rol de equipagem</p><p>Ship’s Log = diário de bordo</p><p>Insurance Certificate = certificado de seguro</p><p>Customs Clearance = aduaneiro</p><p>Charter Party = Fretamento</p><p>Bill of Health = certificado de saúde</p><p>Charts = cartas hidrográficas</p><p>International Convention for the Safety of Live at Sea = convenção internacional de salvaguarda da vida</p><p>humana no mar. (Solas)</p><p>STCW = Standards of training certification and watchkeeping = convenção internacional sobre normas de</p><p>formação certificação e service de quarto para marinheiro.</p><p>EPP = personal projective equipament = EPI equipamento de proteção individual.</p><p>Fire Extinguisher = extintor de</p><p>incêndio</p><p>Rudder = leme</p><p>Helm = timão</p><p>Bosun’s Locker = paiol do mestre</p><p>Oars = remos</p><p>Buoy = boia</p><p>Fire Alarm = alarme de incêndio</p><p>Rope Ladder = escada de quebra peito</p><p>Gangway = passadiço</p><p>Ports = portos</p><p>Port Captaincy = capitania dos portos</p><p>Yacht Harbours = docas de recreio</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>54</p><p>Coast Guard = guarda costeira</p><p>Watch Tower = posto de vigia</p><p>Life Boat Station = Estação de Salva Vidas</p><p>Dependências a bordo</p><p>Galley = cozinha</p><p>Crew Mess = refeitório da tripulação</p><p>Stateroom = cabine de dormir</p><p>Amarração de cabos</p><p>Rope = cabo \ corda</p><p>Dock line = cabo de amarração</p><p>Warp = lais de guia</p><p>Reef Knot = nó direito</p><p>Volta do Fiel = clove hitch</p><p>Fisherman’s Bend = volta do Anete</p><p>Kink = coca (nó na mangueira)</p><p>Yarn = fibra</p><p>Order = ordem</p><p>Anchor = ancora</p><p>Estivagem de carga</p><p>Rope Sling = linga de cabo</p><p>Bags Balles = bolsas de fardos</p><p>Steel plates = chapas de aço</p><p>Homem ao mar = man over board</p><p>Merchant Ship = Navio mercante</p><p>Chamadas e comunicações</p><p>Não especificado = unspecified</p><p>Explosion = explosão</p><p>Alagado = flooding</p><p>Collision = colisão</p><p>Grounding = encalhando</p><p>Adernado = listing</p><p>Capsizing = emborcando</p><p>Sin King = naufragando</p><p>Disabled = sem governo</p><p>Adrift = a deriva</p><p>Abandonar o navio = abandoning ship</p><p>Piracy = pirataria</p><p>Ataque armado = armed attack</p><p>Grande = big</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>55</p><p>Os Interrogativos (Question Words) são usados para se obter informações específicas. As perguntas elabo-</p><p>radas com eles são chamadas wh-questions, pois todos os interrogativos, com exceção apenas de how (como),</p><p>começam com as letras wh.</p><p>Há perguntas em inglês iniciadas por pronomes interrogativos para se obter informações do tipo: “quem, o</p><p>que, como, quando, onde”.</p><p>WHAT = (o) que, qual</p><p>Funciona como sujeito ou objeto da oração.</p><p>What makes you happy? (sujeito)</p><p>verbo objeto</p><p>principal</p><p>What did you say? (objeto)</p><p>auxiliar sujeito verbo</p><p>principal</p><p>WHO = quem</p><p>Funciona como sujeito ou objeto da oração.</p><p>Who arrived late yesterday? (sujeito)</p><p>verbo principal</p><p>Who does she love? (objeto)</p><p>auxiliar sujeito verbo</p><p>principal</p><p>WHOM = quem</p><p>Funciona só como objeto de oração ou é usado após preposições.</p><p>Whom did you talk to yesterday? (objeto)</p><p>verbo sujeito verbo</p><p>auxiliar principal</p><p>To whom did you talk?</p><p>WHICH = que, qual, quais - Indica escolha ou opção.</p><p>Which shirt do you prefer: the blue one or the red one?</p><p>Which of those ladies is your mother?</p><p>WHERE = onde</p><p>Where are you going tonight?</p><p>WHY = por que</p><p>Why don’t you come to the movies with us?</p><p>WHEN = quando</p><p>“When were you born?” “In 1970.”</p><p>HOW = como</p><p>“How is his sister?” “Fine.”</p><p>WHOSE = de quem</p><p>“Whose dictionary is this?” “John’s.”</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>56</p><p>Formas compostas de WHAT e HOW</p><p>- WHAT</p><p>WHAT + to be + like? = como é...?</p><p>“What is your boyfriend like?”</p><p>“He’s tall and slim.”</p><p>WHAT about...? = Que tal, o que você acha de...?</p><p>What about having lunch now?</p><p>WHAT do you call...? = como se chama...? qual é o nome...?</p><p>What do you call this device?</p><p>- WHAT ... FOR? = por que, para que?</p><p>What are you doing this for?</p><p>- HOW</p><p>HOW FAR = Qual é a distância?</p><p>HOW DEEP = Qual é a profundidade?</p><p>HOW LONG = Qual é o comprimento? Quanto tempo?</p><p>HOW WIDE = Qual é a largura?</p><p>HOW TALL = Qual é a altura? (pessoas)</p><p>HOW HIGH = Qual é a altura? (coisas)</p><p>HOW OLD = Qual é a idade?</p><p>HOW MUCH = Quanto(a)?</p><p>HOW MANY = Quantos(as)?</p><p>HOW OFTEN = Com que frequência?</p><p>HOW FAST = A que velocidade?</p><p>A estrutura básica das frases em inglês é semelhante à nossa, no português. Ela segue um esquema que</p><p>chamamos SVO, ou seja Sujeito-Verbo-Objeto. O mesmo vale para frases negativas, em que simplesmente se</p><p>adiciona ao verbo auxiliar a forma negativa not a essa estrutura afirmativa. Do mesmo jeito que, no português,</p><p>usamos um advérbio de negação, como “não”.</p><p>Formar uma frase interrogativa em inglês também não é complicado, embora os componentes da frase mu-</p><p>dem um pouco de posição em relação ao português. O mesmo vale para frases exclamativas.</p><p>Para formar frases afirmativas, o inglês usa o mesmo esquema Sujeito-Verbo-Objeto que usamos no por-</p><p>tuguês. Já para frases negativas devemos apenas adicionar o not a essa estrutura afirmativa — exatamente</p><p>como fazemos em nosso idioma — mas também inserir um verbo auxiliar em inglês.</p><p>Já para interrogações e exclamações, os componentes das frases em inglês mudam um pouco, em relação</p><p>aos do português.</p><p>Tradução literal não tem como funcionar porque cada língua é parte de uma cultura e as culturas são com-</p><p>pletamente diferentes.</p><p>Fica fácil não cometer mais este erro se você lembrar que as frases em Inglês sempre precisam ter um su-</p><p>jeito (considerando somente a frase central). As únicas que começam direto do verbo são as imperativas como</p><p>tell me, stand up e ask her.</p><p>Entender a estrutura de um idioma é muito mais importante do que tentar traduzir tudo ao pé-da-letra.</p><p>Sujeito</p><p>1766133 E-book gerado especialmente para PAULO CESAR SOARES DE LIMA</p><p>57</p><p>O sujeito, que sempre ocupa a primeira posição na frase, contrário ao que ocorre na língua portuguesa,</p><p>nunca é omitido. O sujeito pode ser representado por um ou vários substantivos ou por pronomes pessoais.</p><p>Verbo</p><p>Como se pode observar nos exemplos anteriores, o verbo ou a locução verbal (sublinhados) ocupa a segun-</p><p>da posição na estrutura frasal inglesa.</p><p>Na poesia, na música ou no inglês falado coloquial, pode-se encontrar exemplos em que esta regra não é</p><p>observada.</p><p>Entretanto, em linguagem técnico-científica, como no inglês computacional, o formato S+V+C é usado rigo-</p><p>rosamente.</p><p>Complementos</p><p>Os complementos são palavras ou frases inteiras que detalham ou completam as informações estabelecidas</p><p>pelo sujeito e o verbo, que são os únicos termos essenciais da oração.</p><p>Analisemos estas frases: “A secretária chegou”, “O ônibus saiu”, “O avião caiu”. Sintaticamente, já temos os</p><p>dois elementos indispensáveis: O sujeito que determina quem está envolvido na execução de uma determinada</p><p>ação e o verbo que responde pelo ato executado</p><p>Exercícios</p><p>1.CESGRANRIO - Escriturário (BB)/Agente Comercial/2021/”Prova A”</p><p>Robots, the next generation of soccer players</p><p>If you think a robot will steal your job, you are not alone. Soccer players should be worried too. The next Messi</p><p>probably won’t be of flesh and blood but plastic and metal.</p><p>The concept emerged during the conference “Workshop on grand challenges in artificial intelligence,” held</p><p>in Tokyo in 1992, and independently, in 1993, when Professor Alan Mackworth from the University of Bristol in</p><p>Canada described an experiment with small soccer players in a scientific article.</p><p>Over 40 teams already participated in the first RoboCup tournament in 1997, and the competition is held</p><p>every year. The RoboCup Federation wants to play and win a game against a real-world cup humans’ team by</p><p>2050.</p><p>The idea behind artificially intelligent players is to investigate how robots perceive motion and communicate</p><p>with each other. Physical abilities like walking, running, and kicking the ball while maintaining balance are crucial</p><p>to improving robots for other tasks like rescue, home, industry, and education.</p><p>Designing robots for sports requires much more than experts in state-of-the-art technology. Humans and</p><p>machines do not share the same skills. Engineers need to impose limitations on soccer robots to imitate soccer</p><p>players as much as possible and ensure following the game’s rules.</p><p>RoboCup Soccer Federation, the “FIFA” of robots, which supports five leagues, imposes restrictions on</p><p>players’ design and rules of the game. Each has its own robot design and game rules to give room for different</p><p>scientific goals. The number of players, their size, the ball type, and the field dimensions are different for each</p><p>league.</p><p>In the humanoid league the players are humanlike robots with human-like senses. However, they are rather</p><p>slow. Many of the skills needed to fully recreate actual soccer</p>
- Fruticultura und 2
- AB1 - CLIQUE AQUI PARA REALIZAR A ATIVIDADE DE ESTUDO 01 - PRAZO FINAL_ 27_10_2024_ Revisão da tentativa 6
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- Exercício avaliativo - Módulo 6_ Revisão da tentativa GP
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